Friday, 2024-06-28

opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins stable/2024.1: Enable use of alternative host for keypair generation and storage
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove use of deprecated ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS
andrewbonneyOne 2024.1 thing to consider (assuming I've understood correctly). Ironic now enforces token scopes, and requires system scope for various things. This means the openrc file we create in the utility containers is unsuitable, but as other projects like nova won't accept a system scoped token we may need to support two variants11:06
andrewbonneyThat works. Just need to clear env vars between using the two files or you can't authenticate12:54
ayushhi Team, i am facing few issues while testing bobcat 2023.213:08
ayushi dnot see sshd packages not installed on container, is it a known issue13:08
mgariepyayush, it's in the release note13:37
ayushgot you13:44
ayushhi Team14:18
ayushi am facing one issue while attaching volume with NFS as a backend14:19
ayushis there something i missing14:19
NeilHanlonayush: i don't see any errors in there. what issue are you seeing?14:42
ayushi see it keeps on in attaching state, but dont see it actually attached to the instance14:46
jrosserayush: we run automated tests with cinder nfs with results like this
jrosserif you have a specific error then we can maybe help with that16:44
ayushi will come with specific errors17:04

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