Thursday, 2024-07-04

cnileshhi team, i am looking for the help on the bz -
gokhanigood morning folks, can we upgrade from antelope to caracal? Is there any known issues?  06:50
noonedeadpunkfor I guess we'd need to apply: tags: -always or smth like that07:27
noonedeadpunkgokhani: there are *some*07:27
noonedeadpunkI'd wait at least for the next ugfix release07:27
gokhanithanks noonedeadpunk, I have started to upgrade on a test environment, ı will share my findings. 07:31
noonedeadpunkcnilesh: hey! let me check07:34
cnileshnoonedeadpunk++ thank you 07:35
noonedeadpunkso, what's the cert are you using to cover public endpoint? Is it just smth that was issued by our PKI role? Or you've provided self-signed cert?07:36
noonedeadpunkas eventually if it's issued with PKI role, I'd expect cert to be trusted07:37
cnileshnoonedeadpunk, so as I wanted to setup SSL.TLS for public endpoints I had created self-signed certs for haproxy, and added override parameter at the time of deployment, During magnum service enablement I had not added or given any SSL options, 07:38
cnileshso like galera[encrption by pki internally] I am expecting the same for magnum as well, 07:38
noonedeadpunkwell, it's very different case here07:44
noonedeadpunkwhile all services reach keystone through internal endpoint, magnum has a usecase where this is performed through the public one07:45
noonedeadpunkSo magnum (and, eventualy, booted master) should trust the certificate 07:46
noonedeadpunkand there's no option in magnum to disable tls verification07:48
noonedeadpunkso in case if it would be just self-generated by role certificate for public haproxy endpoint - RootCA for it is made trusted to all services. Which I guess not what has happened with the one you supplied manually07:49
noonedeadpunkas by default it will just install the certificate on haproxy, but to make rootCA trusted - you'd need to have another variable defined...07:50
cnileshohhh this is horrible, any workaround for it07:52
noonedeadpunkso ideally - you'd need an FQDN for endpoints07:52
noonedeadpunkand a valid certificate or at least let's encrypt07:52
noonedeadpunkBut eventually, if you'd want to have connection encrypted between HAproxy and backends - you'd still have to use self-signed certs by internal root07:54
noonedeadpunkand this internal rootCA we're managing with PKI role is used anyway for configuration of libvirt live migrations07:54
cnileshcool, thank you for the quick help. 07:56
cnileshand I see same for barbican as well. 07:56
noonedeadpunkthere should be anything like that with barbican07:57
noonedeadpunk*should not07:57
cnileshsame SSL errors07:57
noonedeadpunkabout trusts?07:58
noonedeadpunkor connection to keystone insecure?07:58
noonedeadpunkfrom what I see - it should be using internal endpoints07:59
cnileshyes, but still showing the ssl errors on public endpoints07:59
cnileshhowever in the config its conection to internal endponits07:59
cnileshlet me quickly redeploy the env without ssl/tls, will manage encryption on f5LB at hardware layer08:00
cnileshwill see the functioning then 08:00
cnileshgive me some time 08:00
noonedeadpunkyou can just rely on internal pki certs....08:00
cnileshgood idea08:00
cnileshthank you.08:00
cnileshnoonedeadpunk++ thanks08:01
noonedeadpunklike no reason to issue external self-signed ones, except to test that their distribution actually works08:01
noonedeadpunkalso, if you want to cover *all* connections with TLS - you can define these:
noonedeadpunkyou can drop openstack_service_backend_ssl and openstack_service_accept_both_protocols to cover admin/internal with tls in addition to public ones.08:05
cnileshths sounds good08:08
cnileshnoonedeadpunk, and I added somthing like this in the overwrite variable haproxy_ssl_all_vips: False. 08:32
noonedeadpunkit's false by default fwiw08:35
cnileshnoonedeadpunk++ thanks08:37
*** gaudenz_ is now known as gaudenz08:54
jrossercnilesh: noonedeadpunk:
jrosserfwiw we have a deployment where the internal network is not routed to the public endpoint and that reveals all sorts of mess like this09:28
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
cnileshjrosser++ thank you so much for the info. 09:43
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Split large k8s_install playbook into more specific smaller playbooks
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Pass kubeconfig path directly to sonobuoy role
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add variables and hook for high-availability k8s control plane test
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Split large k8s_install playbook into more specific smaller playbooks
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Pass kubeconfig path directly to sonobuoy role
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add variables and hook for high-availability k8s control plane test
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Split large k8s_install playbook into more specific smaller playbooks
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Pass kubeconfig path directly to sonobuoy role
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add variables and hook for high-availability k8s control plane test
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Pass kubeconfig path directly to sonobuoy role
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add variables and hook for high-availability k8s control plane test
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use openstack.osa.install_defaults role instead of vars_files
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove remove_container_journal common task file
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove dynamic-grouping common task file
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use haproxy_endpoint_manage role from osa collection rather than common-tasks
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add haproxy_endpoint_manage role
cnileshhi anyone familier with this issue17:21
cnileshReferer checking failed - Referer is insecure while host is secure. Cookies may be turned off. Make sure cookies are enabled and try again.17:21
jrossercnilesh: is that some error from your browser?17:26
cnileshjrosser, yes sir17:26
jrosserany you've switched from ssl to non ssl?17:27
jrosserand you've switched from ssl to non ssl for the backends?17:27
cnilesh 17:27
cnileshyes, thats true, switched from ssl to nonssl17:28
jrosserthis is becasue for some reason HTTP_REFERER is not https17:31
cnileshjrosser, humnnnnn, any workaround, I can not redeploy nw,Its already 2/3 times17:32
jrosserwell you need to get it all completely correct17:32
jrosserif i understand properly you have done a "no ssl" deployment then put an f5 in front which does do ssl?17:33
cnileshtrue, but I am yet to put f5 LB 17:33
jrosserwithout going through everything i cannot say what is happening17:35
jrosserbut that error comes from django, which is the horizon17:36
jrosserso there is some error there17:36
cnileshok, let me see17:37
jrosseri always recommend protyping your setup in an all-in-one, as you can build one in just a couple of hours17:37
jrosserin this case i expect there is an error in the config for horizon, or the apache config, or the django setttings17:38
cnileshwe have 1 testbad AIO where everything is working without issue non-ssl 17:40
cnileshbut in prod deployment is erorring out 17:40
jrosserthen you have some difference in config between the two17:42
jrosseror in switching prod from ssl to non ssl, have not done this completely17:43
cnileshI did it, reformated the ndoes17:43
jrosserand also the error is not from your browser17:47
jrosserit is from horizon/django rather than your browser client17:48
jrosserbecasue the error is rendered in the page, not the browser console17:48
jrosserso the place to look is in the horizon / apache logs17:51
jrosserand the config for those17:51
jrosserbut i am concerned that the behaviour is going to change when you put the f5 on the front17:52
cnileshJul 04 17:52:41 ctrl002.ct.lan apache2[5246]: [wsgi:error] [pid 5246:tid 140210059286080] [remote] Forbidden (Referer checking failed - Referer is insecure while host is secure.): /auth/login/17:53
jrosserit sounds like this is because you are attempting to use http on somthing that will eventually be https17:58
jrosserand there is a mismatch between the referrer (original http request) and what the horizon server thinks it is talking to (something https)17:59
cnileshthis should be an haproxy issue, 17:59
cnileshI am just comapiring the data and I do see the difference in the haproxy 17:59
cnileshfrom working env [non-ssl] I am seeing this line everywhere, which is true - ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy_controller1- 18:01
cnileshand not in new environemnt18:01
jrossercnilesh: what do you set haproxy_ssl to?18:14
jrosserthen it is clear why you have no certificates generated for haproxy
jrossersorry it is late here, i have to go18:20
cnileshjrosser, no worries, thank you sir18:21
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Combine vars files for all debian derivatives

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