Monday, 2024-07-15

opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove remove_container_journal common task file
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove dynamic-grouping common task file
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use haproxy_endpoint_manage role from osa collection rather than common-tasks
jrossernoonedeadpunk: so i did wonder if the need for apache in the horizon role was needed, as everywhere else we do tls in uwsgi for backends10:44
jrosserand the other thing you might want to use a real web server for, caching of static assets could also be done in haproxy10:45
noonedeadpunkso you mean we could use just uwsgi for horizon?10:46
jrosserthere certainly seems to be support for that in the role10:46
noonedeadpunkcloudnull added it quite lately - I never tested it frankly speaking10:47
noonedeadpunkas haproxy can serve static content only on "localhost" only?10:47
noonedeadpunkIt can't serve it on remote backend obviously10:47
noonedeadpunkand then - we need to sync static content generated by horizon to haproxy hosts, which is really weird flow...10:48
noonedeadpunkyeah, but you still need web server on backend serving static content?10:48
noonedeadpunkso it could be cached?10:48
noonedeadpunkI thought it's not supported...10:49
jrosserso it is possible (from some years ago blog post.....)10:50
noonedeadpunkyeah. fair10:50
jrosseranyway - it is a choice we could make to have horizon role be more similar to the other service roles10:51
jrosserbut also we can probably figure out if the current handing of headers in the apache setup is correct/wrong10:51
noonedeadpunkwe have apache in skyline now as well.....10:52
noonedeadpunkbut there're bunch of rewrites we need10:53
noonedeadpunkmaybe we can do them on haproxy though....10:53
noonedeadpunkbut failed to make them working there10:54
noonedeadpunkyeah, I guess right now I'd rather drop unneeded parts from the role, and dropped nginx from repo_server, to have only apache...10:55
jrosseryes - simplification is good10:57
noonedeadpunkbtw skyline is missing tls part - just noticed that...10:58
noonedeadpunkhaproxy<>skyline part10:58
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible unmaintained/zed: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/zed
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/zed
gaudenzJust noticed that introduces a new " releasenotes" directory (with space as first character). This is probably not intended. Is this already known or should I submit a fix?11:34
noonedeadpunkoh, yes, that should be fixed11:41
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove incorrect ' releasenotes' directory
jrossergaudenz: ^ there we go, that should fix it11:44
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Combine Ubuntu/Debian vars together
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use openstack.osa.install_defaults role instead of vars_files
jrossermnaser: seems crazy we all have different websso keystoneauth plugins :(12:59
mnaserjrosser: I agree.  I feel like this needs to live natively inside keystone, but I dont know if we can ever get that to merge lol13:05
jrossermnaser: at the point we understood what we were doing with the plugin from IFCA i did try to do that, without success13:06
mnaserbe nice to get started with
noonedeadpunkoh yes...13:07
jrosseroh /o\ yes13:07
andrewbonney^ looks like that's being downvoted in favour of at the moment13:07
noonedeadpunkbut this is safer alternative I guess
noonedeadpunkjsut a release note is missing13:08
noonedeadpunkI can write that...13:08
jrossernoonedeadpunk: for moving playbooks into openstack-ansible-plugins, do you have any good ideas for the zuul config?13:17
jrossertaking the example of haproxy-install.yml, which i was looking at first, seems there is not an easy way to use the zuul project-templates we already have13:18
jrosserbecause you'd want `files: playbooks/haproxy_install` to be the thing triggering the job, and as far as i can see we can only apply files: to a job defnition13:20
noonedeadpunkjrosser: do we have such jobs anywhere? that will trigger specific playbook by it's change?13:21
jrosseroh no, like when you make a review changing playbooks/haproxy-install.yml in the ops repo, we need to run suitable jobs for that13:22
noonedeadpunkbut we don't have such jobs now?13:22
noonedeadpunkdo we?13:22
noonedeadpunkso we should be able to define them in ops repo I guess...13:23
jrosserno we don't, but you kind of get "free" testing through the regular jobs on openstack-ansible repo13:23
noonedeadpunkyeah, gotcha13:23
jrosserand some like the validate and infra jobs are triggered on specific playbooks being edited13:23
jrosserwe could totally do it, but right now it looks somewhat like duplicating a lot of jobs out of the integrated repo13:24
noonedeadpunkok, yeah, you mean that
noonedeadpunkbut we likely can just move that to ops repo. other way could be ofc to define such jobs in the zuul trusted repo, where you can trigger jobs in project X by changes in project Y...13:26
jrosserpretty much - my first thing i was looking at was the things in setup-infrastructure13:26
noonedeadpunkbut not sure about that approach13:26
jrosserfor example we need to be able to test a change to playbooks/designate-install.yml if we move it to the plugins repo13:27
jrosseranyway - i'm just wanting to avoid a big mess of job definitions in too many places13:28
noonedeadpunkas of today, I don't think we in fact testing much, rather then just linters for playbooks. 13:33
noonedeadpunkbut then, we kinda need to define a job per playbook with scenario, or smth like that13:33
noonedeadpunkor, finally do molecule testing13:33
noonedeadpunkwhich is slightly different topic...13:34
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, I get the concern13:34
noonedeadpunkand it's very valid13:34
noonedeadpunkand yeah - would be nice to keep jobs in the same place....13:35
noonedeadpunkand not create another "tests" repo...13:36
noonedeadpunkbut other way would be to isntall integrated repo as a collection then....13:36
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Improve regex matching for infra_lxc_validate job
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add haproxy-install playbook
jrosser^ slightly unsure if the depends-on and cross repo `files: ....` will work13:57
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Improve regex matching for infra_lxc_validate job
noonedeadpunkso.. I was thinking if we should actually drop `install` part from playbook names14:06
noonedeadpunkas in fact - that is slightly confusing, since playbooks are designed also for day2 kinda, not only installation14:06
jrosseryes we could do that, and if my experiment with the haproxy one works we could have the same files: declaration work for both openstack-ansible and plugins repo14:07
noonedeadpunklike - wouldn't it be nicer to have just `openstack-ansible openstack.osa.haproxy`?14:07
noonedeadpunkyeah, and we can even define a new template then I guess14:07
noonedeadpunkthat would be sweet14:08
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update repo server service user
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Replace Nginx with Apache2
jrossernoonedeadpunk: maybe an apache role would be nice too at some point15:21
jrossercode is probably mostly the same currently in horizon / keystone / repo / skyline15:21
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add haproxy-install playbook
jrosserah cool ^ thats queued up all the *_infra_* jobs for the plugins repo change15:43
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove remove_container_journal common task file
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add variables and hook for high-availability k8s control plane test
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on rocky linux
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add support for deploying mcapi control plane k8s on debian-12
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use haproxy_install playbook from openstack-ansible-plugins repo
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add haproxy-install playbook
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add infrastructure playbooks to openstack-ansible-plugins collection
noonedeadpunkjrosser: it's very different right now... but yes, rpobably it's a good idea18:49
noonedeadpunkeven different in terms of mpm config - like horizon tries to use worker, while keystone does configure event....18:58
noonedeadpunkSo on metal right now it's gonna be huuuuge mess...18:59
noonedeadpunkand role should help indeed....18:59
noonedeadpunkThough I wonder how to pass vhost template to such role basically18:59
noonedeadpunkso yeah, a role should help indeed19:03
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Replace Nginx with Apache2
noonedeadpunkdo you think I should come up with a role right away?19:21
noonedeadpunkand transition repo just to usage of the role?19:21
jrosserperhaps - like you say the vhost is a little bit interesting to template19:24
noonedeadpunkofc it can be passed as a text.... but very meh19:25
noonedeadpunkor be quite creative and make a really nice apache role19:25
noonedeadpunkwith complexity of haproxy level...19:25
jrosseri wonder if it is structured enough to make a yaml of19:26
noonedeadpunkbut that would help to solve mpm mess at very least...19:26
jrosserbecause lots of it is <foo> stuff </foo>19:27
noonedeadpunkwell, how to yaml that...
noonedeadpunkmove generator to yaml?19:27
noonedeadpunkand then iter over locations in template....19:27
noonedeadpunkand then keystone and sso - is just /o\19:27
noonedeadpunklike - all is possible, just needs quite some effort/time.19:29
noonedeadpunkbut that would make total sense...19:29
noonedeadpunkand, I guess, it's worth having own repo as well19:29
noonedeadpunkas such role gonna be quite generic I assume...19:29
noonedeadpunkor maybe just use default one...
jrosserso i guess the other alternative is to somehow let the role caller supply a template19:30
jrossernoonedeadpunk: i did also recently make an action plugin that called the python template/templar thing to generate something that was impossible with filters19:39
jrosserso there are lots of options19:40
jrosserthis is odd
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use haproxy_install playbook from openstack-ansible-plugins repo
noonedeadpunkwhat is weird, is that such failures now are falling under retry_limit...19:55
noonedeadpunkI wouldn't expect regular failures to be retried frankly speaking19:56
noonedeadpunkunless we somehow started executing main part in pre_run19:56
NeilHanlonfyi folks, i'll be out for the next couple weeks on holiday, beginning tomorrow. if you need anything rocky/infra related feel free to nag Sokel in :) 19:57
noonedeadpunkthanks for heads up - now we know who else to annoy :D20:14
noonedeadpunkhave a good one!20:14
jrosseri have seen a whole buncy of retry failure this evening which i don't really understand20:15
noonedeadpunkso validate didn't pick up the required action:
noonedeadpunkor it does...20:28
noonedeadpunkone thing I've spotted is this:
noonedeadpunkand integrated added here:
noonedeadpunkbut wtf does validate do at all, lol20:31
noonedeadpunkthough it seems to work otherwise :D20:32
jrosserwell, “validate” was just a word for running sufficiently complex tests when we touched certain playbooks, which might not run galera/rabbit cluster but could totally break those20:43

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