Thursday, 2024-07-18

noonedeadpunkYeah, I was thinking about static ips, but kinda don't like overriding all container networks... And there's no hardware firewall involved in this case...06:34
noonedeadpunkAnd software firewall.... Is a topic on it's own....06:34
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Add documentation on spawning HAProxy inside LXC
noonedeadpunkit would be really neat though to supply "static" ip in the dynamic_inventory though06:40
noonedeadpunkeventually.... if to have /32 cidr and an explicitly different static route...06:41
noonedeadpunkbut nah, I think it won't work06:41
noonedeadpunkyeah. suggest edit is quite neat06:43
noonedeadpunkI can add your example to the doc though unless you wanna push your writing as a whole07:05
jrosserthat was from very long ago and there might be a better way now, i would want to look at it again07:40
jrosserbtw there is a huge number of jobs failing on some keystone/database interaction07:41
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Fix healthcheck-infrastructure for distro install
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Remove installation of libaio1
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Update to version 10.11.8
noonedeadpunkyeah, spotted that as well08:09
noonedeadpunkthough didn't check the maria logs yet08:10
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Add support for Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Test on Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Ensure python3-setuptools is present on debian/ubuntu systems.
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Test on Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Install architecture specific efi firmware for qemu
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Test on Ubuntu Noble
jrosserthe metal noble jobs gets as far as nova now, hopefully further with ^11:22
jrossersomething is still wrong with the apparmor setup (almost certainly that we use a custom lxc-openstack profile) and that needs fixing11:23
jrosserand even without any noble stuff there is something really wrong with the _infra_ jobs11:23
noonedeadpunklxc is still unhappy with apparmor I assume?13:17
jrosseryeah i did not get chance to look at that again, need a fresh AIO13:17
jrosseralso just tried SCENARIO=aio_lxc_infra here to reproduce those broken jobs..... but just worked :(13:18
jrosserit is possible that this is relevant to the apparmor issue
jrosserand our custom profile may need similar changes13:19
jrosserbut this is kind of guessing13:19
noonedeadpunkinfra_lxc looks jsut borked everywhere13:20
jrosserit does, and i really am not sure why13:22
noonedeadpunk2024-07-17 21:40:53.598556+00:00 mariadb.service 2024-07-17 21:40:53 182 [Warning] Access denied for user 'keystone'@'aio1-keystone-container-5d6310a7.openstack.local' (using password: YES)13:23
jrosseroh - right13:27
noonedeadpunkwhy it's skipped....13:29
noonedeadpunkit has the only condition - _keystone_is_first_play_host13:30
jrosseroh wait - i think i didnt run setup-openstack here13:30
jrosserjust doing that now to get keystone13:30
noonedeadpunkI think it could be related to ansible version bump somehow13:31
noonedeadpunkand smth like - `"_keystone_is_first_play_host"` being not treated as a var now13:31
noonedeadpunkdue to quotes or smth....13:32
noonedeadpunkbut then everything would fail likeyl....13:32
noonedeadpunkor now order in groups is random, so there's a 1/3 chance it will pass13:35
jrosseroh well, it's not that it always fails13:42
jrossersometimes it passes, sometimes not13:42
noonedeadpunk1/3 chance?:)13:44
noonedeadpunkthen all our _is_first_host evaluations are broken13:44
jrosserand of course in AIO there normally is one of everything13:47
jrosserso coverage of that is pretty much == 013:47
nixbuilderQuick question... I have cinder setup to use our SAN via fiber channel.  If I want to add an additional backend such as iSCSI do I run 'openstack-ansible os-cinder-install.yml -t cinder-config'?14:06
noonedeadpunkif it would be same cinder-volume instances handling another backend - yes14:18
noonedeadpunkthough you might also prefer to create another set of cinder-volume containers/hosts to handle this another backend14:19
nixbuildernoonedeadpunk: Thank you!14:20
jrossernoonedeadpunk: the `intersect` in the first/last play hosts vars seems to change the order14:30
* jrosser double checks14:32
jrosseromg it's not deterministic14:35
jrosseri've put some debug: in and a fail: to stop it and is_first_play_host is switching true/false between runs14:36
jrosserwell intersect docs say `Items in the resulting list are returned in arbitrary order.` so yes thats not good14:38
noonedeadpunkyeah, so as  Isaid, ansible-core 2.17 has changed smth...14:41
noonedeadpunkand we were relying that it's not arbitrary....14:41
noonedeadpunk(and it wasn't)14:42
noonedeadpunkgood that we've included keystone to infra,,,,14:42
noonedeadpunkand good that we moved logic to a variable back then :D14:44
noonedeadpunkbad that last commenter havent' reported intersect14:48
noonedeadpunkcrap, we kind of need to look through all these filters in our code and check if we expect somewhere it to be determenistic except this usecase14:51
jrosseri wonder if we should write an is_first_host and is_last_host filter in the plugins repo14:51
jrosserit would be simple and not have any surprises14:51
jrosserthe expressions we have in the vars currently are not the simplest14:51
noonedeadpunkmight be, depending on how much we'd need to pass into the filter14:52
noonedeadpunkas passing there nova_services would be weird14:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update ssh service name for modern debian based systems.
spatelI want to move one of VM from openstack_A to openstack_B  (Yes I can snapshot it and download image and import to other openstack) but can i just copy /var/lib/nova/instances/7e5e93a7-9838-4cf5-805f-3da30b88dc3d/disk file and import to other openstack as a image?16:01
noonedeadpunkno, you can do that only with volumes.16:28
noonedeadpunknot with ephemeral drives16:28
mgariepyand maybe you need to flatten the files.16:29
spatelOk got it..16:30
mgariepybut otherwise probably can create an image from the vm. but it won't save epehemral data.16:30
spatelI have snapshot the image and its showing QCOW2 format. But when I check doc its saying run this command to download  - openstack image save --file snapshot.raw <snapshot_image>16:31
noonedeadpunkin cinder you can do volume manage and unmanage to move file physically between storages16:31
spateldo I need to use .raw format? 16:31
spatelor openstack use only raw format to download/save image ?16:32
noonedeadpunkI think it would be in a same format as image is stored16:32
noonedeadpunkso should depend, imo16:32
spatelImage showing QCOW2 :) 16:32
spatellet me try and check 16:32
noonedeadpunkwell, it's easy to check what format is once you download :D16:33
spatelhehe! file <foobar>16:36
spatelwill do once its ready16:36
noonedeadpunkqemu-img info ?17:08
spatelQEMU QCOW2 Image (v3), 21474836480 bytes20:48
spatelits in same format 20:48

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