Wednesday, 2024-07-24

* noonedeadpunk looking at status of
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 to docs
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts stable/2024.1: Fix incorrect copying of sources.list.d to container image
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder stable/2024.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder stable/2023.2: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder stable/2023.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2024.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.2: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Don't use local pip cache when re-building wheels
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible unmaintained/zed: Update .gitreview for unmaintained/zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Remove installation of libaio1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Add libpython entry for Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Install systemd-resolved into container base image for Ubuntu Noble
fricklerjrosser: noonedeadpunk: can we force-merge or do you plan to repair the jammy job soon? this is blocking further opendev cleanup10:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone unmaintained/zed: Remove X-Forwarded-Proto header in apache
noonedeadpunkfrickler: I was plannning to fix that on master...11:25
noonedeadpunklet me check this out now actually11:26
noonedeadpunkI was working on this some time ago, but obviously need to revise now
fricklernoonedeadpunk: thx, as long as it is moving forward, I'm fine for now. this is where you can see the config error appearing btw.
jrossernoonedeadpunk: we do not affect the fixing of the jammy job by force merging the centos-8-stream removal?11:33
noonedeadpunkwell, no, but then there's no motivation to fix it lol11:33
noonedeadpunkand always better to fix then force-merge...11:33
jrosseronce there is no centos-8-stream nodes we will run no CI on the affected branches11:33
jrosserwhich is kind of even worse11:33
noonedeadpunkyeah. true11:36
noonedeadpunkbut we can force merge these already I guess? / ?11:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Update to version 10.11.8
noonedeadpunkjrosser: so, why is abandoned? I guess we still wanna have 11.4 by the release date?12:10
noonedeadpunkgiven that 11.4.3 will fix the issue?12:10
jrosserargh my mistage12:11
jrosseri decided the same thing and didnt cancel the abandon dialog properly12:11
noonedeadpunkwe can leave it this way for now ofc12:11
noonedeadpunkand restore when new release is out12:11
jrosserso i think we have a circular dependancy between
jrosseri was going to say
jrosserbut that doesnt seem to be the case12:21
noonedeadpunkyeah, seems these 2 work together?12:22
jrosseronce 924340 merges probably 924661 will pass12:22
jrosseryes it's almost two different sides to the same change12:22
noonedeadpunkhuh, so just passed in a sandbox12:27
noonedeadpunknow I start recalling why I stopped previously with that patch :D12:37
jrosserwell there is one possible thing12:40
jrossersee how these tasks run straight one into the next
jrosserbut we make a very specific step here to make sure the container is ready
noonedeadpunkwell, it's very confusing error then, as it shouldn't fail with `ssh: root@localhost: Permission denied (publickey)` then12:43
noonedeadpunkand ssh keys are created/distributed:
noonedeadpunkthere can be smth connection related ofc....12:44
jrosserhmm yes the error message is odd12:44
jrosserbut we do definatley miss the step to wait for the container there12:44
jrosserwhich does a couple of things, does some sanity check, but also has retries to allow it to take some time / iterations12:45
noonedeadpunkI never catched any issues at this step... and haven't seen anything in aios either?12:45
jrosserno me neither12:45
noonedeadpunkwhile it would be good to have some wait indeed12:46
jrosserunless something in the CI jobs is super slow to boot them 12:46
jrosserstorage or whatever12:46
jrosserthough wierdly, those "wait for ready" tasks had to be inserted because the container came up very quickly for ssh12:47
noonedeadpunkI'd kinda more suspicious about that:
jrosserbut systemd had not completed starting all the things, so there were some super wierd errors12:47
jrosserewwww i wonder what that is12:48
noonedeadpunkI have same locally though12:50
noonedeadpunkthis all somehow smells like sessions persistance or smth like that. where connection doesn't know about new keypair it needs to use12:51
noonedeadpunkbut how to reproduce that....12:52
noonedeadpunkand then it seems our plugin disregards local connection to the host as well12:56
noonedeadpunkwhich is probably doesn't matter much...12:58
noonedeadpunkI guess I'm gonna ask for hold....13:09
noonedeadpunkI wonder if that has smth to do with permit root login in sshd or smth like that13:11
noonedeadpunkor key length....13:12
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Bump Ansible version for tests repo
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Bump Ansible version for tests repo
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Use generated apparmor profile by default in lxc base config
noonedeadpunkseems like without unconfined debian is not happy?
jrosseri think that was never tested with a depends-on of
jrosserwhich i missed14:18
jrosserbut with the whole stack of patches in place on this it is passing
jrosserthis is where my concern about circular dependencies was14:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Use distribution specific name for ssh service in ssh_keypairs role
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-uwsgi master: Ensure uWSGI is built with pcre support
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2024.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Allow to nicely control list of L3 agent extensions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.2: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.1: Disable heartbeat_in_pthread by default
noonedeadpunkbtw, seems it might be time to update a logic a bit regarding python2:
jrosserwe can maybe remove that entirely15:59
jrosseris there ever a case python is not installed these days?15:59
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Bump Ansible version for tests repo
noonedeadpunkfrankly - not sure16:06
noonedeadpunkbut worth at least to fail early if there's none...16:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Don't use local pip cache when re-building wheels
jrosseroh dear ML post someone deleted/recreated their keystone containers due to upgrade trouble16:19
jrosserthere is something pretty unhelpful with keystone-manage failing that it just fails but there is no useful information printed16:21
jrosseri wonder if that is irc user ygk_12345, as there is basically the same question asked in the keystone channel earlier16:25
noonedeadpunkyeah, no idea wtf is that...16:25
jrossercould make it fail very very early and run the whole tox command manually16:27
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2024.1: Allow to supply multiline overrides to vendor_data
jrosserso see if it is "first time" issue, or perhaps due to the way the zuul exector runs the test compared to a user ssh in (as root) and run the test16:27
jrosserlike root vs. zuul user16:28
noonedeadpunkwell, then I likely can to run as ubuntu user on a vm?16:37
noonedeadpunkto mimic behavior more closely16:37
jrosseri would think so16:41
jrosseri'm seeing a few ceph jobs fail related to python 'packaging' module which was discussed elsewhere yesterday w.r.t setuptools update16:55
jrosserbut thats surprising if it only affects the ceph job16:55
noonedeadpunkwell, we're pinning setuptools for our venv:
noonedeadpunkso, what's interesting, is that `ansible_user_id` is `root`, but $USER playbook is launched is `ubuntu`. 17:14
noonedeadpunkso logic of copying ssh key for ubuntu just does not get triggered17:17
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Bump Ansible version for tests repo
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Bump Ansible version for tests repo
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-uwsgi stable/2024.1: Ensure uWSGI is built with pcre support
noonedeadpunkcrap, seems this is not enough:
noonedeadpunkI got it working in sandbox /o\18:14
noonedeadpunkthat's really quite dissapointing18:16
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/2023.1: Use UCA mirror in CI for ubuntu
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Remove legacy centos-8-stream job definition
noonedeadpunk finally passed18:33
noonedeadpunkfwiw, seems to be ignored on ceph-ansible 7.018:57
noonedeadpunkas I don't see a variable there 18:58
mgariepynoonedeadpunk, seems like uwsgi wasn't configured correctly : see line 72912 of python_venv_build.log.txt18:58
mgariepyvia the browser it doesn't quite work for me since the file is kinda .. big.19:00
noonedeadpunkor maybe I'm wrong...19:01
noonedeadpunkI've already spotted that...19:01
mgariepyhehe ok.19:01
noonedeadpunkor well19:01
noonedeadpunknot that specifically...19:01
mgariepy uWSGI configuration seems kinda off from what i see.19:02
noonedeadpunkbut kinda venv build is on desitanation?19:02
noonedeadpunkand what I saw is that wheels were built wrongly somehow before19:03
noonedeadpunkcrap, file is already 50M lol19:04
noonedeadpunkhow big is it?19:04
mgariepyyou need a better internet ! :P haha19:05
noonedeadpunk`pcre = False`19:07
noonedeadpunkbut frankly - this looks like wheels build is disabled? or well - it does build wheels on package installation?19:09
noonedeadpunknah, python bdist_wheel19:09
noonedeadpunkbut inside keystone venv?19:09
mgariepymaster log same config on uwsgi.19:11
noonedeadpunkyeah, wheels are not built there:
noonedeadpunkso it's kinda just package installation....19:12
noonedeadpunkand then - there should be another variable I think to install pcre...19:13
mgariepyhmm yeah19:13
noonedeadpunkbut that's good find, thanks!19:15
noonedeadpunkThis one I haven't figured out :D19:15
noonedeadpunk(also disregard message about  - I had weird override)19:15

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