Saturday, 2025-02-01

noonedeadpunkalvinstarr: so you're thinking about some kind of bgp?10:40
noonedeadpunkwe've just now working on deployment with ovn-bgp-agent:
noonedeadpunkSo far we got pretty much working SB DB driver (but don't use that - it's kind of abandoned atm) and NB DB driver both with underlay and vrf expose methods10:42
noonedeadpunkthough, ovn-bgp-agent itself has quite some bugs at the moment as far as I'm concerned10:42
noonedeadpunkso how much it is production ready - is arguable10:43
noonedeadpunkand we also have support for old neutron bgp dragent for ages - were using it for IPv6 routing since... Train or smth10:43
hamidlotfi_birbilakos: Hi friend,10:48
hamidlotfi_See this link:10:48
hamidlotfi_Maybe it will help you.10:48
hamidlotfi_Search the "blacklist " and read this section.10:48
noonedeadpunkalvinstarr: ovn-bgp-agent with ovn exposure method is currently not supported - it implies having a central ovn cluster (which we do deploy), but also an ovn cluster per gateway node (which we currently don't do)10:50
noonedeadpunkif you're talking about L3 for control plane networks - I think biggest issue right now is VRRP. So if you do anycast for internal_vip_address and external_ip_address to disable keepalived (vrrp) - I don't see what can stop you from doing L3 for management/tunnel/storage nets10:52
hamidlotfi_noonedeadpunk: Sorry it's late11:17
hamidlotfi_No, for the Magnum CAPI driver11:17
jrosseryou can also do a hybrid thing with routed provider networks16:11
jrosserhave the control plane all in one l2 domain and then provider networks for external connectivity can be l3 segmented without much difficulty16:14

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