Monday, 2015-07-06

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openstackgerritwuhao proposed openstack/api-wg: Add description of pagination parameters
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openstackgerritEverett Toews proposed openstack/api-wg: Use Code-Review to Freeze instead of Workflow
etoewselmiko: ^ after trying to put together a api-wg dashboard, i changed my mind on how to freeze guidelines. let's go with what you were doing before.15:33
elmikoetoews: hehe, cool. works for me =)15:34
ryansbSeems legit15:37
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etoewselmiko: can i get a review/merge here?
elmikoetoews: sure thing15:43
ryansbwould if I could ;)15:44
sigmavirus24etoews: so, stupid question15:48
sigmavirus24We have some process. I wonder if we want something like the TC-Rollcall lalbel15:48
sigmavirus24CPLs are in a separate group that can +1 the TC-Rollcall label and then we know that they've seen it15:49
sigmavirus24Gives us an easier way than checking if the CPLs +1'd it normally15:49
sigmavirus24Idk if we want that extra process, but that might be better? idk15:49
etoewsi haven't used labels like that in gerrit before. is it common?15:50
elmikointeresting idea15:50
etoewsconsidering lazy consensus is part of the process, a +1 at all isn't required of the CPLs so such a label wouldn't be definitive.15:51
etoewsbut i bet in practice it could be useful15:51
sigmavirus24etoews: looks to be kind of common with  our openstack-specs and tc stuff15:52
sigmavirus24I don't know if we want that much process/ceremony15:52
sigmavirus24But it seems like we're introducing process anyway so I thought I'd point it out as a possibility15:52
etoewssigmavirus24: can you link me to a review that's using it right now?15:54
sigmavirus24sure one sec15:54
sigmavirus24etoews: also
etoewsi take the TC-Rollcall is a gerrit group?15:56
etoewsdo you need gerrit admin rights to create a group and add/remove members?15:58
etoewswe talked about creating a CPL gerrit group instead of doing this at the last meeting but felt gerrit admin of the group would be too much of a barrier.15:59
etoewsif you know differently, a gerrit group could simplify things.16:00
ryansbetoews: I'm pretty sure you need admin powers16:02
etoewsi'd really rather not have to pester admins every time we change a CPL, which could be a relatively common thing to do.16:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/api-wg: Change template to match our historic usage
openstackgerritMerged openstack/api-wg: Minor fixes to the process
sigmavirus24I'm not certain16:07
sigmavirus24I know for one that as a core I can add other cores to gropus16:07
sigmavirus24*to the core group16:07
sigmavirus24If the API-WG cores can be CPL members16:07
sigmavirus24then they can also add/remove other CPLs16:07
etoewsthat doesn't feel quite right to me. seems like an abuse of the cores group. i'd prefer a separate group or not at all.16:10
etoewselmiko: can i get a merge here?
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elmikoetoews: done16:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/api-wg: Use Code-Review to Freeze instead of Workflow
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etoewsryansb: what do you think about recommending prefixing all OpenStack APIs that use a custom header with "OpenStack-"?
etoews(when you have a minute)16:57
elmikoetoews: +1, good idea16:58
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openstackgerritEverett Toews proposed openstack/api-wg: Add reviewers to an API WG review
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ryansbetoews: that wouldn't be bad17:23
ryansbanother option might be "OS-<project>"17:23
ryansbe.g. OS-Compute-FooBar, OS-BareMetal-Baz17:23
ryansb(I'll put that in the review.17:23
elmikothe real question is, if we advise to use OS-Compute-*, are we opening the can of worms that is project name vs service name?17:24
ryansb...yeah, we would be17:25
etoewsimo, it's not a can of worms. it should be service name. i think there's a guideline for that out there already.17:28
elmikooh, did it finally get settled then? (i might have missed that)17:28
etoewsgetting closer17:29
elmikook, thanks17:29
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ryansboh, lol. Just realized I was the one who proposed that spec. Almost +1'd myself17:30
* ryansb needs sleep, apparently17:30
ryansbor hasn't fully re-engaged from July 4th weekend17:31
elmikoryansb: i hear that...17:31
ryansbetoews: you mean service as in "compute" right?17:31
ryansbah, I see the last comment now.17:31
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etoewslet me know what you think of this dashboard. fixes/improvements/whatever
etoews    git clone
etoews    git review -d 19882617:50
etoews    ./gerrit-dash-creator dashboards/api-wg.dash17:50
etoewsthere's a "cd gerrit-dash-creator/" in there somewhere too17:50
ryansbURL is too short, under 1KB17:51
elmikothat is an impressive url though17:52
elmikoetoews: looks nice +117:53
ryansbyou should probably change the "You are a reviewer" section to exclude changes you own17:53
ryansbjust add "NOT owner:self" to the very last line17:54
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ryansbalso add "NOT label:Code-Review=-2" to the "all open reviews" query17:56
ryansbsince those are frozen guidelines, so I don't think they're really "open"17:56
ryansbper se17:56
ryansbk, that's all the feedback I have17:57
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etoewsryansb: thx. i implemented your first suggestion. i actually already considered doing your second suggestion. i held off because that would also sweep up "Frozen but needs feedback" and it seems like we'd have to take care not to include all of the above sections. it's more complexity than i want to deal with. i'd prefer to just cast a really wide net for18:06
etoews"All open reviews"18:06
ryansbok, fair enough18:08
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/api-wg: Add generic name of each project for terms
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