Wednesday, 2019-06-26

*** ricolin has joined #openstack-auto-scaling03:01
*** witek has joined #openstack-auto-scaling07:26
ricolinwitek, how's going08:55
witekhi, I'm fine, just got back from vacation on Sunday08:55
ricolinjust done with engagement party last week08:56
ricolinChinese style of engagement08:57
witekright, I recall, congratulations! :)08:57
ricolinwitek, thx08:57
ricolinI wondering if we should try to propose a topic for auto-scaling08:58
ricolinI mean for next openinfra summit08:59
witekmakes sense, do you have anything specific in mind?08:59
ricolinnot yet09:00
ricolindo you?09:00
witekwe could reiterate on Monasca-Heat workshop09:00
witekor extend with Senlin09:00
ricolinthat will be useful09:01
ricolinGreat idea, we can do a auto-scaling workshop and have a scope for Monasca, Heat, Senlin together09:02
witekshould work09:03
ricolinwitek, we can do Monasca + Heat again, and extend with Senlin if that part is also ready for workshop09:03
ricolinI mean you already done with most the works09:04
ricolinto redo it again definitely helps users in China to learn09:05
witekwe planned to try out integrating Senlin anyway, so it's good motivation to have this work done09:06
witekI'll ping sum12 and joadavis about it09:07
witekricolin: would you like to join as well?09:08
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ricolinwitek, sure, not sure how many speaker there can be but if you got a space for me, I'm in09:08
witekI guess we can find a way09:09
ricolinwitek, are your workshop material (or the link) on yet?:)09:12
witekthe link is somewhat hidden09:14
ricolinformat issue I guess09:17
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