Friday, 2015-09-04

rm_workerr did "key-manager" change00:22
rm_workmy testing is all failing, lulz00:22
rm_work    base_url = endpoint['key-manager'][0].get('url')00:22
rm_workKeyError: 'key-manager'00:22
rm_workah maybe nm00:24
rm_workmight be auth? hmm00:24
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aleehey - how does one specify mulitple options in oslo config?00:28
aleelike say I want multiple plugins enabled?00:28
aleeenabled_certificate_plugins = [ 'foo', 'bar'] ?00:30
aleeredrobot, ^^00:35
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/barbican: DO NOT MERGE: Data collection job only
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openstackgerritFernando Diaz proposed openstack/barbican: Use testr for running functional tests and documentation
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openstackgerritFernando Diaz proposed openstack/barbican: Use testr for running functional tests and documentation
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openstackgerritFernando Diaz proposed openstack/barbican: Use testr for running functional tests and documentation
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/barbican: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Fix new devstack gate-hook (WIP)
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rm_workFYI: Barbican gates broken because of a devstack change that landed today:
rm_workworking on a fix ASAP06:01
rm_work(unrelated to the stuff i was doing)06:01
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/barbican: Added functional tests for creating CAs
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Fix new devstack gate-hook (WIP)
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Fix devstack gate (and new
rm_workalee: be aware the gate is broken right now06:39
rm_workso don't worry about false-positive dsvm failures06:39
rm_workfix is hopefully what i just submitted a minute ago06:40
aleerm_work, thanks -- I'll worry about it in the morning06:40
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Fix devstack gate (and new
rm_workforgot a \07:20
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rm_workerg, so close07:59
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Fix devstack gate (and new
rm_workok i think this should work08:15
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rm_workspins up but i don't think tests are going to work because barbicanclient seems to use keystone v2 only? don't think that is right but it seems to be what i'm getting...08:30
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rm_workpython-barbicanclient: _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION = '3.0'08:41
rm_workdirectly incompatible with everything else -- supposed to be '3' not '3.0'08:41
rm_workwhatever, can fix it later08:43
jaosoriorrm_work: is it incompatible?08:44
rm_workif i export 3.0, the other clients all fail08:44
rm_workbut if i export 3, barbicanclient falls back to 2.0 and fails08:44
jaosoriorrm_work: Well... fuck08:44
rm_workalmost done fixing the gate tho08:45
rm_workthen it's beer-o-clock08:46
rm_workfound another good sour -- New Belgium's La Folie08:47
jaosoriorhaha not bad!08:48
jaosoriorwhat time is it there?08:49
rm_workhmm, 2am?08:56
rm_worki'm on the west coast presently08:56
jaosoriornice, where at?08:58
rm_worknear Seattle09:00
rm_workwoo, should fix the gate now09:03
rm_workjaosorior: could use a review :)09:04
jaosoriorniiiiice! You're even using openstack CLI09:05
jaosoriorI was meaning to do that at some point :D09:05
rm_workyeah, had to switch09:05
rm_workthey merged a change that made dsvm gates only keystone V309:05
rm_workwhich the old keystone client doesn't even support T_T09:05
rm_workand with this, BOTH gates are passing09:06
rm_workso we can soon switch over09:06
jaosoriorrm_work: +2 given09:06
rm_worksweet. now just need some other people on so we can get this resolved and start rechecking everything :P09:07
rm_workthe only downside of working weird hours for the US is the lack of people online to actually assist / review (which i guess you must be used to :P)09:07
rm_workwe need more globally spread out cores09:08
jaosoriorrm_work: yep... pretty used to it09:08
rm_workyou're the only non-US core, eh?09:08
jaosoriorand I don't see that changing any time soon :/09:08
jaosoriornot many contributors outside the US. I don't know why09:08
jaosoriorwell, for Barbican I mean09:08
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/barbican: Remove old gate code
rm_workthere, the depends-on chain is set up properly now I think09:17
rm_worklongest cross-project chain i've ever done09:17
rm_workthe gate is complicated <_<09:17
rm_workman, if we could tune the devstack ./stack a bit so it didn't take quite as long, it would save a TON of time given how many times a day it has to run09:20
rm_worklike, imagine if each instance was up for even 2-3 less minutes09:20
rm_workthat is a lot of compute time09:20
jaosoriorthat would be brilliant09:24
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: API documentation for CAs interface
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Support for creation of subordinate CAs
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add subca functionality to snakeoil plugin
rm_worksuch rebase09:25
jaosoriorrm_work: So how's Seattle? What are you doing over there?09:26
rm_workwas up here for a gaming convention thing, then kinda been puttering around visiting people09:26
rm_workcrashing on various couches09:26
rm_workyeah, working 90% remotely is really sweet09:27
jaosoriorI've got some friends that live there. They say it's a pretty cool city09:27
rm_workyeah, i love it09:27
rm_workwish i was here all the time09:27
rm_worki wish i was in Barcelona all the time :P09:27
rm_workbut here would work too09:27
jaosoriorhahaha Barcelona is brilliant too09:27
jaosoriorBut I've heard rent in Seattle sucks09:28
jaosoriorprobably Barcelona would be cheaper ;)09:28
rm_workactually yeah T_T09:28
rm_worknot as bad here as like, California bay area09:29
rm_workbut still not great09:29
jaosoriorNo idea how rent is in the Bay Area09:29
jaosoriorthen again... rent is also stupid expensive here in Helsinki09:29
rm_workif you don't want roommates, studio apartment close-by bay area can run like $250009:32
rm_workof course it gets a LITTLE cheaper as you go out09:32
rm_workOne of my friends in Seattle has an apartment that is only like $1000 I think, but it is literally the size of a small walk-in closet, if he folds down the murphy bed there is zero floor space, and people routinely get beaten up outside his window09:34
rm_workso there's that09:34
jaosoriorthat sounds quite crappy09:34
jaosoriormy apt. in Helsinki is pretty small (a studio) and I live in the bar area (Kallio). But the worst that can happen here is drunk people doing drunk things (which is usually pretty harlmess around here)09:35
rm_workheh yeah09:35
rm_workthe general quality of the drunken natives is much higher outside the US I think09:36
jaosoriorhahaha remember I'm from México. I know the other side of the coin09:36
jaosoriorDrunken natives where I come from... can get pretty....entertaining?09:37
rm_workheh, i bet09:44
rm_workit feels a bit weird i haven't been down to mexico really, since i have been living in TX for like 10 years almost now <_<09:45
jaosoriorwell, I do recommend visiting middle/south of Mexico09:47
jaosoriorrm_work: Are you there?09:58
rm_workyeah jaosorior10:02
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: API documentation for CAs interface
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Support for creation of subordinate CAs
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add subca functionality to snakeoil plugin
jaosoriorrm_work: I think I figured it out10:07
rm_workfigured what out? :P10:07
jaosoriorhad some issues with alembic10:07
jaosoriordave-mccowan: ping10:38
dave-mccowanjaosorior pong10:38
jaosoriorAny luck with the kilo/stable gate?10:38
dave-mccowanjaosorior i've got a few leads, but no success yet.  others have had the same problem, but none of their fixes have worked yet.  i'm trying save the "pip freeze" and "env" data from master and kilo/stable to compare.10:40
jaosoriordave-mccowan: Yeah... not a trivial issue :/10:40
dave-mccowanjaosorior the path in the gate is: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin10:40
jaosoriorgames? O_o10:41
jaosorior/usr/games ... funky10:41
dave-mccowanjaosorior but i expect subunit-trace to in in .pyenv/ somewhere.  would you expect .pyenv to be in the path?10:41
jaosoriorpyenv? Not necessarily10:42
jaosoriorpyenv shouldn't bee needed in the gate10:42
dave-mccowanjaosorior ok.. that makes sense.  pyenv is my local machine.10:43
dave-mccowanjaosorior any idea why i can't add the "env" command to in master?10:44
jaosoriorno idea10:44
jaosoriorrm_work: Sooo... this commit is needed for the gate to pass again, right?10:45
jaosoriorI'm guessing it's too early for other cores to be awake yet...10:45
jaosoriordave-mccowan: Damn, now that I think about it. What time is it where you're at?10:45
rm_worki should prolly head to bed soon, last night i stayed up till noon (does that count as night?)10:46
rm_workbut i need to not do that again10:46
dave-mccowanjaosorior 6:46am.  my son started back to school last week.  his bus comes at 5:50am, so i've had to turn into an early bird.10:46
jaosoriorrm_work: Do you think people will get pissed if I just merge that commit? haha Would REALLY use that to keep working today10:46
rm_workjaosorior: dunno... it's just changes to the gate code, not to app code, so...10:47
rm_work"gate is broken" might be a good excuse10:47
rm_workthough, without other cores on, is anything else going to merge anyway?10:47
jaosoriordave-mccowan: Can you give a quick review to this CR?
rm_workyou can always rebase on it10:47
jaosoriorrm_work: Good idea dude!10:48
dave-mccowansure.  is the master gate broken?  i thought it was my patch.10:48
rm_worklol yeah, barbican gate is hosed10:48
rm_worknot just you10:48
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: API documentation for CAs interface
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Support for creation of subordinate CAs
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add subca functionality to snakeoil plugin
dave-mccowanah, they finally killed the deprecated clis10:50
rm_workfortunately i was working on the gate already anyway10:50
rm_workdave-mccowan: you can rebase on top of that CR and get real results for the time being10:51
dave-mccowanin lib/barbican line 347 there's a block of code in there twice that only needs to be once10:52
rm_workno, had to split the creates10:52
rm_workone for public and one for internal10:52
rm_workthey used to be one line10:52
rm_worknew client doesn't support that apparently10:53
jaosoriorthat is correct10:53
jaosoriorit's the way the CLI works now10:53
jaosoriora bit more verbose, but I don't really mind10:53
rm_workyeah, it's fine10:53
dave-mccowanjaosorior doesn't barbican have only one endpoint now?  no internal admin i/f?  or is that why they point to the same URL?10:54
rm_workwell, i really just converted what was already there -- to maintain 1:1 with existing, we need to add both10:54
rm_worknot sure if they are used10:54
rm_workI think it's an IP thing10:54
rm_worklike, different networks10:55
rm_worknot necessarily what they do10:55
dave-mccowanrm_work yea, i agree.  functional equivalence is most important for this patch.10:55
jaosoriordave-mccowan: Only one endpoint is really needed. You could configure several... but wouldn't find a use-case10:55
jaosoriorAt least for our testing set-up. Only one is needed10:55
rm_workBTW, barbican dsvm builds breaking also breaks other projects' gates now <_< just FYI10:56
rm_workor ... hmm, maybe magnum hasn't merged their thing yet.10:56
rm_workoctavia has a new gate WIP that relies on barbican, hopefully to merge soon10:56
dave-mccowan+1 from me.  if this was not urgent gate fixing patch, i'd say to update too.  but ship it.  i can work on the other script.10:57
jaosoriorwell, if dave-mccowan gives a review and one more core wakes up, then I could merge it10:57
rm_workwhat is
rm_workhave not even seen that10:57
rm_workapparently not that important, because everything is green...10:57
rm_workah i see it. yeah10:58
jaosoriorrm_work: Just a script to set up different projects and such, for setting up a test environment10:58
jaosoriornot really used by us10:58
rm_workpretty much the same thing10:58
jaosoriorI mean10:58
jaosoriornot really used by the gate10:58
rm_workall the changes should port over10:58
jaosorioralee: You awake?10:58
rm_workit was "tedious" making those changes <_<10:58
rm_workso have fun :P10:59
jaosoriorrm_work: I'm actually happy you did it haha. I was planning on doing that at some point :P10:59
dave-mccowanjaosorior rm_work the other script is for local user's test environments.  maybe i'm the only one who uses it. :-)  seems like everyone has their own way of setting up local keystone.10:59
rm_workby the end i finally figured out how to effectively find/replace the changes...10:59
rm_workonce i was done, that is11:00
jaosoriordave-mccowan: I had my own scripts for that... but I forgot to version control it and now my scripts are lost11:00
rm_workyeah my scripts live in gists11:00
dave-mccowanjaosorior i try to keep mine in 'git stash', but keep losing them.  i need to find a better place.11:01
rm_workthis one is still broken though, in part due to the 3 / 3.0 issue11:01
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rm_workand i can't figure out what else i need to set to get it to work...11:01
rm_workit = `barbican secret list`11:02
rm_workstack@devstack:~$ barbican --os-project-name admin --os-project-domain-id default secret list11:02
rm_workExpecting to find domain in user - the server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-b39c564d-7b86-4ef8-a0d7-ba5b813678b4)11:02
rm_worki think i am just putting the wrong thing11:03
dave-mccowanrm_work you need to get a scoped token11:03
dave-mccowanrm_work add project to your keystone command11:03
rm_workdoes keystone v3 not support password auth? >_>11:03
dave-mccowanrm_work... oh.. does barbican client do the keystone thing for us?  i've never used it.11:04
rm_workit is supposed to, I thought11:04
rm_worki never gave it any token before11:04
rm_workjust set environment variables11:04
rm_workand OS_TENANT_NAME11:05
rm_worknow it wants more with v3 :(11:05
rm_workwith just those set:11:05
rm_workERROR: please specify the following --os-project-id or (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-name) or  (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-id)11:05
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dave-mccowando you need OS_PROJECT_NAME instead of OS_TENANT_NAME ?11:06
rm_workit wants project-id or project-name+domain-name11:07
rm_workwhich is fine, i gave it those11:07
rm_workand it breaks still11:07
rm_worki also got the project ID directly from keystone with the openstack client11:07
rm_workpass that in as os-project-id, and it breaks the same way11:08
rm_workstack@devstack:~$ barbican --os-project-id 89286e1919784857af4b781f1ce38b8c secret list11:08
rm_workExpecting to find domain in user - the server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-5fa5f10c-695d-47b6-9f09-22e644607962)11:08
jaosoriorI think you even need the user-domain11:08
rm_work^^ that project-id is directly from `openstack project list`11:08
jaosoriorthere is the project-domain-name and the user-domain-name11:08
jaosoriorprobably the user is in the default domain11:08
jaosoriorthe id of the default domain is default11:09
jaosoriorthe name is Default11:09
rm_workso i tried those11:09
rm_workthey all give this same result11:09
rm_workwhich i am beginning to believe means maybe something is broken in our client11:09
rm_workbecause if i give BAD data for those, they give a different error11:09
rm_workthis is the error i get when I use correct data <_<11:09
rm_workfirstly we need to fix the 3.0 -> 3 thing11:10
openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/barbican: DO NOT MERGE: Data collection job only
rm_workbecause i am getting tired of switching the value of OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION back and forth between every command I run11:10
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/python-barbicanclient: Keystone Version is '3' not '3.0'
jaosoriorrm_work: Are you sure that's the issue?11:14
rm_workit's *an* issue11:14
rm_worknot *the* issue11:14
rm_workjust an annoyance, really11:14
rm_workthe real issue is something else I haven't figured out yet11:14
jaosoriorI remember introducing that (the 3.0) Since keystone needed it at the time. And there was talks about introducing microversions there11:14
jaosoriorso 3.0 was the expected, and there was gonna be even a 3.111:15
rm_workthey must have changed their minds i guess11:15
jaosoriorgotta check the keystoneclient code again11:15
rm_workstack@devstack:~$ export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION="3.0"11:15
rm_workstack@devstack:~$ openstack11:15
rm_workWARNING: The identity version <3.0> is not in supported versions <2, 3, 2.0>11:15
jaosoriorI see11:16
rm_workmaybe it is just an OSC thing?11:16
rm_workbut since everything is switching to OSC...11:16
jaosoriorlets use your proposal11:17
jaosorior+2 given11:17
rm_workI wonder how much stuff that will break?11:18
rm_workI was considering having it just accept both11:18
rm_workwhat do you guys thing?11:18
jaosorioruh... I don't think it will break much11:19
jaosoriorbut probably accepting both would be the better idea11:19
rm_workif anyone actually uses it with v3 they are probably already annoyed about the current breakage11:19
dave-mccowanpeter-hamilton ping11:20
peter-hamiltondave-mccowan: pong11:20
dave-mccowanpeter-hamilton nm.  i was going to ask if kaitlin or nate were around (if you were in the office), but then looked at the clock.  and i already know the answer.  :-) rm_work needs a +2 to fix the gate.11:21
peter-hamiltondave-mccowan: yeah, i get in earlier than most. i don't think either's in yet.11:23
peter-hamiltondave-mccowan: i'm reading through the backlog now. what happened to the gate?11:24
dave-mccowanpeter-hamilton i'm still getting used to being an early bird.  i just started last week with my son's new school schedule.11:24
dave-mccowanpeter-hamilton  they finally killed the keystone CLI command.  (the one that's been spewing "warning" "deprecated command" for about a year now)11:25
peter-hamiltondave-mccowan: o.o was this expected?11:25
dave-mccowannot by us. :-)  i'm sure there is a thread on the os-dev mailer, though.11:26
rm_workthey "thought all the code was migrated"11:27
rm_workguess they didn't realize we weren't in whatever they were looking at11:27
dave-mccowanthe move for all projects to use the "openstack <project> " command instead of every project for themselves has been in the works for a while.11:27
dave-mccowanhockeynut was asking about it recently.  i wonder if he saw something.11:28
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/python-barbicanclient: Fix keystone version selection
peter-hamiltoni wonder what else broke from this?11:30
rm_workok dave-mccowan, jaosorior: what do you think of that approach? ^^11:30
rm_workah one last change11:31
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/python-barbicanclient: Fix keystone version selection
jaosoriorrm_work: I think it would be better to use stuff from python-keystonelibrary
rm_worknow you want me to really make a CHANGE and not just a patch <_<11:32
rm_workI *knew* this was going to get more complicated the second I mentioned backwards compatibility11:33
rm_workI will look at this later T_T11:33
rm_workshould go to bed, it's closing on 5am11:33
jaosoriorhahaha alright11:34
rm_workand I have to help my brother move to a new house early Saturday so I need to get my sleep schedule in order11:34
jaosoriorHave a good one Mr.11:34
rm_workyeah, hopefully the gatefix will merge at least, if anyone needs to make additional fixes on that CR they can go for it, but it should be fine11:35
dave-mccowanrm_work thanks.  see ya adam.  have a good weekend.11:36
rm_workyou too (though I may be on later ... today, as well)11:37
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Added functional tests for creating CAs
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jaosoriorpeter-hamilton: Responded t your comments in this CR
peter-hamiltonjaosorior: thanks, i'll take a look12:24
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jaosoriorrellerreller: Hey man, sorry to bother you so early. But this needs urgent checking got some minutes for it?12:26
jaosoriorThe barbican gate isn't working and it's already affecting other projects. So we need to get that merged12:26
rellerrellerjaosorior I'm looking at it now.12:27
jaosorioryay :D12:27
rellerrellerI'm not as familiar with this stuff, so I might be a little slow and have to ping you.12:27
jaosoriorrellerreller: Though mostly the change is that keystone cli is deprecated and we are now using the openstack cli12:28
peter-hamiltonjaosorior: comments commented :)12:32
jaosoriorpeter-hamilton: Actually giving a second thought to your comments. I'm actually not entirely sure about the creator_id thing12:32
jaosoriorit could be None in some case (unauthenticated pipeline)12:32
peter-hamiltonjaosorior: hmmm12:32
jaosoriorproject_id shouldn't be None though, at any point12:33
jaosoriorsince that's needed in both the authenticated and the unauthenticated pipelines12:33
peter-hamiltonjaosorior: makes sense, it's got to be mapped to something12:33
jaosorioralthgouh, the creator_id was explicitly set up as nullable12:34
jaosorior*although. Most likely it's not really an issue. Since it will be used for quotas, policy and such12:34
rellerrellerjaosorior I finished my review.12:34
rellerrellerjaosorior I did not workflow because I am not as comfortable with this stuff, but I gave +2 because looked good to me and all tests passed.12:35
rellerrellerjaosorior feel free to workflow if you are comfortable with it.12:35
jaosoriorrellerreler: I think I'll be merging that. It's not really application code (it's only used to set up devstack)12:35
rellerrellerjaosorior sounds good to me.12:36
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jaosoriorrellerreller: Thanks for the review, btc12:46
jaosoriorHow's stuff there?12:46
rellerrellerThings are going well. We almost have everything done for our KMIP work.12:46
rellerrellerJust waiting on pykmip 0.4.0 to get through and then we are good.12:46
peter-hamiltonrellerreller jaosorior hopefully it'll get through today :)12:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/barbican: Fix devstack gate (and new
jaosorioryay! :D13:16
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: PyKMIP 0.4.0 test requirement
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Use testr for running functional tests and documentation
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/barbican: PyKMIP 0.4.0 test requirement
openstackgerritMerged openstack/barbican: Integrated with PyKMIP Pie API
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aleewoodster_, chellygel -- hey guys -- going to start reviewing subca patches?15:29
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: API documentation for CAs interface
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Support for creation of subordinate CAs
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Added functional tests for creating CAs
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add subca functionality to snakeoil plugin
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add validators for new CA creations
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diazjfHey kfarr, I am going to be working on the using Castellan for swift encryption. Any docs on how to install and use it with barbican and keystone.15:54
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rellerrellerdiazjf woohoo!16:10
diazjfrellerreller, gonna work on it a bit this weekend. Lets see if I can get it working :)16:33
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/barbican: Add validators for new CA creations
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kfarrdiazjf sorry, just saw this, I was at lunch!17:05
kfarrdiazjf, elmiko worked on some helpful documentation that should get you started
* elmiko waves17:08
diazjfkfarr, elmiko, thanks!!  Much appreciated! 8-)17:11
elmikodiazjf: if you are curious, or run into issues, i can share the patch for sahara that i am working on. it basically integrates sahara with barbican through castellan17:12
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diazjfelmiko, sure that would be great.17:19
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/barbican: API documentation for CAs interface
dave-mccowanhockeynut ping18:02
hockeynutdave-mccowan good timing, just got back from lunch18:02
dave-mccowanhockeynut i hope i don't give you indigestion. :-)  i have a question about tox and virtual environments.18:02
hockeynutafter Indian food?  no chance :-)18:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/castellan: Updated from global requirements
dave-mccowani'm looking at the kilo/stable gate failure and i've found the root cause.18:03
dave-mccowanit looks like the tempest tools we needs are in a venv and the script is running in the not-v environment18:04
dave-mccowanso.. i need to move the tests into the venv, of add to the tools to the real env.18:04
dave-mccowando i make sense so far?18:04
hockeynutyou do18:05
dave-mccowanwhich one should i do?18:06
hockeynutI would think they would need to go into the venv18:06
hockeynutmeaning everything should run in the venv18:06
hockeynutotherwise why have a venv?18:07
dave-mccowanit looks like is trying to install tempest stuff in the real env18:07
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dave-mccowanhockeynut to run the functional tests in a vm, i'd need to do "tox -e something" and then would i make a new tox.ini file in the /functionaltests/ directory?18:09
hockeynutyou mean venv not vm, right?18:09
hockeynutso when is kicked off, is the "current" python a virtual or real?18:10
dave-mccowanlooks real to me.   _=/usr/bin/env   does that mean it's real?18:11
dave-mccowani have the dump of the "env" command.  anything there to know for sure?18:11
dave-mccowanmore interesting:  i can find: /opt/stack/new/tempest/.tox/full/bin/subunit-trace18:12
dave-mccowanbut, ./ line 49: subunit-trace: command not found18:12
hockeynutso that's a venv named full, I believe18:12
hockeynutand run_tests isn't running in that env so it won't find subunit-trace18:13
dave-mccowanyep.  so, can install tempest stuff in /usr/bin.  or put in that venv.18:13
hockeynuthmm... devstack in general is throw-away so I wonder why we don't just always use a real one rather than worry about venvs18:14
hockeynutif you are running something locally of course then you want venv18:14
dave-mccowandoesn't pip install -e "$TEMPEST_DIR" make it look like is trying to use the real one?18:14
hockeynutuses the current one - which is likely a REAL18:14
dave-mccowanbut, i don't see a package in that command.  where is the package list coming from?18:15
hockeynutI think it just installs from a directory (rather than a package).  need to doublecheck on the -e option18:16
hockeynut-e just points to the directory from which you want to install18:16
hockeynutso I wonder where that "full" venv came from18:17
dave-mccowanit's devstack, so who knows. :-)18:17
hockeynut&diety only knows.18:18
dave-mccowanah... if -e is "from", then maybe tempest has been moved.  maybe the right fix is to change TEMPEST_DIR to a directory with all-the-things we need.18:19
hockeynutI would think we did a git clone into TEMPEST_DIR at some point18:20
hockeynutstill wondering where that "full" venv came from18:22
dave-mccowanthere's a /opt/stack/new/tempest/.tox/venv/bin/subunit-trace too18:22
dave-mccowanand a /usr/os-testr-env/bin/subunit-trace18:22
dave-mccowanmaybe I should just add /usr/os-testr-env/bin/ to the $PATH18:23
hockeynutinteresting to see if that works18:23
dave-mccowanevery guess takes about an hour turn around with the gate. :-(18:23
dave-mccowani like that idea.  not sure why to install something that's already in /usr/18:24
hockeynutso I think its tempest that sets up the venv, not us (since .tox is under the tempest directory)18:24
aleehockeynut, woodster_, redrobot , rellerreller , chellygel, kfarr if we could get some eyes on the subca stuff, that would be super18:24
hockeynutdave-mccowan yes, I see in tempest's tox.ini that there is a testenv:full18:25
aleethere are so many patches stacked on each other that its hard to make changes without rebases18:25
dave-mccowanhockeynut, so i could "tox -e full".  then how would tox know what tests to run?  would i add a tox.ini file to functionaltests/?18:26
hockeynutdave-mccowan "full" looks like a tempest-y thing, not sure it has anything to do with us.  Is the problem just missing things like subunit-trace?18:26
dave-mccowanhockeynut that's the current blocking symptom.  i'm going to give it a run with the PATH pointing to /usr/os-testr-env/bin18:28
hockeynutI could be wrong, but I think our test-requirements.txt needs to include python-subunit>=0.0.1818:29
hockeynutthen we know it gets installed wherever we are running - virtual or real18:29
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rm_workgate jobs all looking good?19:05
rm_workincluding the new ones?19:05
rm_workhoping to swing over to the new jobs shortly :)19:05
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rm_worklooking for thoughts on as well -- i think i agree it'd be nice to use the keystone lib's autodiscovery stuff, but i don't have time to work on that, and this is at least somewhat better in the interim -- but it'd be cool if someone did have the time to take that over20:41
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dave-mccowan[stable/kilo] Verified+121:04
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Add subca functionality to snakeoil plugin
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/barbican: Added functional tests for creating CAs
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