Tuesday, 2015-11-24

yfujiokadave-mccowan: thank you for your response.  Must the admin role be assigned to an admin-user on each project?00:00
yfujioka when the admin-user want to read a secret that is in foo project, the admin-user must get token on foo project?00:00
dave-mccowanyfujioka when a user wants to read a secret of project X, then that user must have the role of (admin, creator, or observer) in project X.  The role and project is as designated in the token.  Or, that user can be a member of the ACL read access list for that secret.00:03
yfujiokadave-mccowan: thank kyou.00:05
yfujiokatypo. kyou -> you00:05
dave-mccowanyfujioka the X-project-id: header would only be used in a test environment without authentication, and never in production.00:06
yfujiokadave-mccowan: oh, I knewit for the first time. thank you. is this documented?00:09
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dave-mccowanyfujioka probably it is not documented well enough.  i'll open a bug to improve the documentation in that regard.00:10
yfujiokadave-mccowan: thank you. Neutron LBaaS v2 with TLS creates a consumer to a container. in this case, should neutron authenticate in Project X?00:12
yfujiokadave-mccowan: If it is true, I feel it's hard.00:13
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dave-mccowanyfujioka yes, that is why we created the ACL (access control list) for secrets and containers00:18
dave-mccowanyfujioka an admin (a user with role admin in project X) will add the LBaaS user (who has no role in project X) to the ACL for secrets and containers that the LBaaS user needs.00:20
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yfujiokadave-mccowan: I feel the LBaaS user cannot creates consumer even if an admin sets ACL. https://github.com/openstack/barbican/blob/master/barbican/api/controllers/consumers.py#L14000:23
yfujiokadave-mccowan: external_project_id is loaded from an auth token. if container is in Project X, LBaaS user should authenticate on Project X. is this right? does ACL solve this problem?00:25
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dave-mccowanyfujiooka LBaaS user does not need to authenticate on Project X.  the Admin for Project X will add the userid of the LBaaS user to the ACL.  No project info for the LBaaS user will be used.00:50
dave-mccowanyfujioka ^^00:51
dave-mccowanyfujioka Barbican supports two access methods: RBAC (role based access control, which depends on project and role) and ACL (access control list, which depends only on the userid)00:52
dave-mccowanyfujioka ACL fits better for the LBaaS use case00:52
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yfujiokadave-mccowan: I wonder it. userid is not passed to self.container_repo.get(). in case of using ACL, is external_project_id id of Project X? I feel external_project_id is Service Project ID(LBaaS user's project ID).01:02
yfujiokadave-mccowan: actually, I got 404 error.01:02
dave-mccowanyfujioka userid will come out of the token01:05
yfujiokadave-mccowan: I feel userid is not passed to self.container_repo.get. https://github.com/openstack/barbican/blob/master/barbican/api/controllers/consumers.py#L9601:06
yfujiokadave-mccowan: sorry, I must attend our team meeting. I will back on after 2 hours. thank you.01:07
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dave-mccowanyfujioka that looks like a bug in Barbican.  in line 100, the container id retrieved without using the project_id.  i don't know why line 96 uses the project id.01:24
dave-mccowanaruncant do you know? ^^  when using ACL to get get a container with consumer.py, yfujioka is getting 404.01:25
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dave-mccowanyfujioka... oh... that API is to get a list of consumers.  only the admin of Project X can get the list of consumers.  but, that is not needed for an LBaaS user.  the LBaaS user will only want to get the container or get the secret.01:43
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yfujioka_mobiledave-mccowan: sorry, l missed. self.container_repo.get is called on on_post. and LBaaS user creates a consumer.02:18
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yfujiokadave-mccowan: https://github.com/openstack/barbican/blob/master/barbican/api/controllers/consumers.py#L14002:22
yfujiokadave-mccowan: the neutron-lbaas registers a container in here. https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas/blob/master/neutron_lbaas/common/cert_manager/barbican_cert_manager.py#L19702:25
dave-mccowanyfujioka that does look like a problem with the barbican design for lbaas.  i'll talk to some other barbican engineers about it tomorrow.02:26
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dave-mccowanyfujioka i opened this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/barbican/+bug/151917002:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1519170 in Barbican "LBaaS user needs permissions to POST consumers" [Undecided,New]02:37
yfujiokadave-mccowan: thank you so much!02:38
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/barbican: Refactor Base64 use and other changes for Python3  https://review.openstack.org/23363303:43
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rm_workthe LBaaS user *must* basically be an admin on everything05:00
rm_workyfujioka / dave-mccowan05:00
rm_workthat is by design05:00
rm_workor wait05:01
rm_workno, consumers resource is supposed to be open to all05:01
rm_workI believe05:01
rm_workwhich is just dependent on how you set up the RBAC access in the config05:01
dave-mccowanrm_work i thought the LBaaS user could work with ACL access to a container and secrets?05:02
rm_workwith configurable RBAC it's also possible to make a role specifically for doing consumers operations, and give that to the LBaaS user too05:02
rm_workit can05:02
rm_workbut I don't think ACLs affect the consumer stuff?05:03
rm_workor does it05:03
rm_workcrap, it has been too long05:03
rm_workah, yes -- ACL I think is assumed to work on the same permission as a GET which should be ACL based05:03
dave-mccowanyfujioka was getting 404 when posting a consumer because the consumer controller was using project_id as part of the query looking for the container.05:03
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rm_worksorry, it is also hard because our internal design does not actually use ACLs right now <_<05:04
rm_workhmm then yeah that needs to be fixed to properly accept ACLs05:04
rm_work*validate against (?) ACLs05:04
rm_worknot sure what the best term is05:04
rm_work*honor ACLs05:04
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dave-mccowandoes it make sense to give consumer:post permission to a user with read access via ACL?05:05
rm_workyes because consumer:post is equivalent to a container:get05:06
rm_workin all ways that matter05:06
dave-mccowando you agree that an LBaaS user needs consumer:post permission?05:06
rm_workyes, which it would get via the container:get ACL05:07
rm_work(it should be reading the same perm)05:07
dave-mccowancool.  we have a design then... just a few lines of code to consumers.py and an update to policy.json.05:07
rm_workkk cool05:07
rm_workdo you need someone to do that? i can probably pick it up and do it tomorrow05:07
dave-mccowanthat'd be great!  i don't think i'll get a chance anytime soon.05:08
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rm_workok i'll take a look in the morning05:08
rm_workyeah your bug report is accurate ;P should have just read that first05:09
rm_workinternally we actually stopped using ACLs so I haven't actually been validating this workflow recently05:10
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dave-mccowanjaosorior ping13:15
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jaosoriordave-mccowan: pong13:31
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dave-mccowanjaosorior i noticed that you did a code review on devstack with tls-proxy.  have you tried that out?13:48
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jaosoriordave-mccowan: I had tried that way back, not sure if it still works :/15:57
jaosorioralee you around?15:57
aleejaosorior, sup?16:00
jaosorioralee: HAve you noticed the dogtag gate failing?16:00
aleejaosorior, um no -- which CR?16:01
jaosoriorall of them16:01
jaosoriorthe latest ones16:01
jaosorioralee: Fails after running for about 5 min16:02
jaosorioralee: for isntance http://logs.openstack.org/18/248918/1/check/gate-barbican-dogtag-devstack-dsvm-f21/cce0767/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-11-23_21_39_30_04316:03
aleejaosorior, yeah I saw that.16:04
aleejaosorior, so whats missing?16:04
jaosoriorthat's a pretty good question16:04
jaosoriorI dunno16:05
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aleejaosorior, dave-mccowan maybe rerun it?16:08
aleejaosorior, dave-mccowan looks like the next two CRs had successful runs.16:08
jaosorioralee: That has been happening with all the latest CRs I've seen lately16:08
jaosoriordo they?16:08
aleehttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/247810/ is ok16:10
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aleejaosorior, seems to be something after Nov 23 ish16:12
aleejaosorior, well -- fedora 21 is nearing EOL in any case.  Perhaps we should switch to F22 in any case?16:13
aleeor F23 ..16:13
jaosoriorF23 would be the best option, yeah16:14
aleejaosorior, can you try changing the gate to do that, and see if it passes?16:14
aleejaosorior, its where we want to be in any case16:14
aleejaosorior, changing the gate setup scripts to use f2316:15
jaosoriorah that16:15
aleeinstead of f2116:15
jaosoriorwell, I can try to get some cycles to start migrating to that sometime in the week16:15
jaosoriorbut I guess that should be done in project-config? I'm not entirely sure16:15
aleejaosorior, yeah I'm not entirely sure either .. redrobot helped set that up ..16:16
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jaosoriorand he's not around, so we gotta figure it out16:18
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gerrive_in the quick barbican install i cannot fin this file "70-barbican.sh"17:26
gerrive_has this been deleted?17:27
rm_workah that may have changed due to the new devstack plugin17:27
rm_workit may just have moved17:27
dave-mccowangerrive_ yes, that's been removed.  it's even quicker to install barbican with devstack now (one line).  what directions are you following?17:30
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gerrive_i am using the get started link in the openstack barbican wiki17:32
gerrive_it give three options of install17:32
rm_workcan you link the specific page?17:33
rm_workso if you look at the script https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BarbicanDevStack17:33
rm_workat the bottom of that17:33
rm_workthat is what I wrote and use17:34
rm_workoh god no it isn't17:34
rm_workcrap that is way out of date, nevermind17:34
rm_worklet me update17:34
gerrive_thank you.17:34
rm_workin the meantime look at this: https://gist.github.com/rm-you/f7585ca4932b3ee1eed917:35
rm_workthat is what I actually use, though it also includes octavia and neutron-lbaas17:35
rm_workbasically if you run that but remove the two "enable_plugin" lines for those, it would be good17:36
rm_workah and a couple more17:37
rm_worktry that17:37
rm_workbasically commented out/removed every other service17:38
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gerrive_let me give it a go.17:40
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arunkantHi..What is the right sequence of creating new barbican database tables/schema when auto generate is turned off in barbican.conf i.e. db_auto_create = False in barbican.conf ?18:06
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jaosoriorarunkant: In theory, running the db-manage should work. But honestly I've never seen in succeed18:07
jaosoriorthe first migration scripts were completely unusable, but that might have changec18:08
jaosorior* changed18:08
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arunkantjaosorior: yes..seeing error when running "barbican-db-manage upgrade" with auto generate off  for fresh database. Though it works when autogenerae flag is ON (or not set).18:10
arunkantgetting this error "stderr: ERROR: (_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError) (1146, "Table 'barbican.tenant_secret' doesn't exist") [SQL: u'ALTER TABLE tenant_secret DROP FOREIGN KEY tenant_secret_ibfk_1']18:10
jaosoriorwhy are yo using auto generate off?18:10
jaosoriorarunkant: Well, like I said, I've never seen it work18:11
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jaosoriorin my previous company I tried to get a dude to make it work, but eventually that didn't fly. And now I don't really have time to dig into that :/18:11
jaosoriorBut yeah, would be nice to get those scripts actually working18:11
jaosoriorthe main issue is with the first ones IIRC18:11
arunkantI recall discussing with _woodster that auto generate can be turned off with this flag. But not sure..is it need to be done once database is created or it can off and new databse will be created with upgrade18:12
jaosoriorarunkant: AFAIK it can be turned off once the database has been created already18:13
jaosoriorand then you need to rely on the migration scripts18:14
arunkantjaosorior: The need is to control database upgrade in deployments .18:14
arunkantjaosorior: Yes..that seems to be the behavior..first create the database with auto-generate and then disable auto generate and use db-manage for upgrade.18:15
jaosoriorarunkant: and you're using MySQL I assume18:16
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jaosoriorarunkant: Yeah, most of it was tested with Postgres18:19
jaosoriorso that will be an issue too18:19
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arunkantjaosorior: okay..will probably need to create issue on this.18:21
jaosoriorarunkant: There are a bunch of issues already in the tracker, but add more if needed. Certainly would appreciate patches for this18:22
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arunkantjaosorior: Another question, does you encountered this issue? ...https://bugs.launchpad.net/barbican/+bug/151915918:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1519159 in Barbican "Barbican number of workers configuration does not work" [Undecided,New]18:23
arunkantjaosorior: Yes, will provide the patch if happen to create the db bug.18:23
jaosoriorarunkant: I've never had to modify the number of workers18:24
jaosorioron the other hand, haven't done much barbican stuff latley :/ mostly dealing with tripleo nowadays. Hopefully I can get some time during the week, thinking of migrating the dogtag gate to Fedora 2318:24
arunkantjaosorior: Okay. Our QA was testing this and reported this issue. trying to support multiple worker (process) in case it dies or to have HA around order processing.18:26
jaosoriorarunkant: Hey dude, I gotta go, it's getting late over here :/ I'll read that report tomorrow.18:28
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elmikodiazjf: we still meeting at 2?18:54
diazjfelmiko, yessir.18:54
diazjfI'll post up the link in a few min18:54
diazjfelmiko, kfarr, rellerreller and anyone else who wants to join in: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/fiu.edu/castellan-context19:00
diazjfkfarr, can't hear you :(19:03
kfarrdiazjf I know :(19:03
kfarrI don't know how to fix it yet19:03
diazjfTry rejoining maybe a browser issue19:04
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elmikokfarr: we're getting something from your mic19:12
kfarrelmiko, yeah! I think i fixed it, but didn't want to interrupt19:12
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openstackgerritArun Kant proposed openstack/barbican: Fixing oslo config CONF handle to be same as barbican config CONF  https://review.openstack.org/24832419:40
diazjfalee, we lost you :(19:47
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kfarrdiazjf did everyone get kicked off?19:49
aleetryingg to rejoin ..19:50
elmikoi'm still here19:50
kfarror is it just my internet19:50
diazjfkfarr, just you and alee19:50
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openstackgerritChristopher Solis proposed openstack/python-barbicanclient: Add acl filter to secrets  https://review.openstack.org/24033920:03
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aleediazjf, elmiko , kfarr - what we essentially discussed is creating a PKI keystone token.20:52
aleediazjf, elmiko kfarr -- so if we reuse the code that keystone uses to create a PKI keystone token, then we don't even need to write new middleware potentially20:53
elmikoalee: that would be cool20:54
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diazjfalee, thanks for the info. I'll look more into it.20:58
openstackgerritArun Kant proposed openstack/barbican: Fixing oslo config CONF handle to be same as barbican config CONF  https://review.openstack.org/24832421:01
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openstackgerritChristopher Solis proposed openstack/python-barbicanclient: Add acl filter to secrets  https://review.openstack.org/24033921:06
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spotzHey anyone know if the wiki git repository needs a bug and gerrit to fix something?21:45
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aleediazjf, elmiko , kfarr another way to think about this is like a federation problem  -- how are the swift users currently authenticating ? and can we use saml/oauth or whaterver to federate identity?21:49
aleeultimately thats the most secure and standard way of doing things ..21:49
aleeand then we would not have to worry about special setups21:50
aleewith swift -- and -- we make barbican accessible outside of openstack21:50
aleewhich is perhaps much more useful from a barbican point of view.21:51
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diazjfalee, so pretty much a middleware which maps a saml assertion to user/role/tenant in the Barbican pipeline. In swift config will then just need to send the information via SAML assertion etc.21:53
diazjfelmiko, kfarr ^21:53
elmikomakes sense21:54
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diazjfalee, I like this idea the most! :)21:54
elmikoand probably wise to use something like SAML as the generic auth methodology21:54
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aleediazjf, elmiko kfarr - right -- the idea is to forget that this is swift.  instead consider how anyone should authenticate to barbican21:55
aleeand then have swift/barbican client do the right thing ..21:55
kfarrDoes that mean Barbican will accept SAML as an option, and still accept oslo RequestContext objects?21:58
aleeright -- two different auth middleware ..21:58
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kfarrOk, I don't know very much about this, but it seems do-able so far +121:59
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elmikoalee: the question i have about SAML/oauth, does it require an outside authentication or is it just a signed token that is delivered?22:00
diazjfelmiko, alee, correct me if I'm wrong but I think Barbican will act as the Identity and Service provider.22:02
diazjfIt will check agains specific SAML assertions in its mapping22:02
diazjfSAML assertions are created in barbican client22:03
elmikodiazjf: good question, i need to study up on SAML a little more before answering that22:03
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diazjfelmiko, alee, I'll study up on all that before I create the spec ;)22:04
elmikosounds good22:05
aleeelmiko, diazjf yeah --- I need to think through how it would all work ..22:05
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diazjfalee, maybe we can look at SAML assertions in K2K Federation for starters, since KS itself can act as an IDP22:08
aleediazjf, yup - I'll spend a bit of time tomorrow mapping it out ..22:08
diazjfalee, elmiko, kfarr, awesome thanks for all your help on this22:09
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