Friday, 2021-04-23

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*** JohnnyRainbow has joined #openstack-barbican14:05
JohnnyRainbowHi, just a question regarding retype root volume from unencrypted type to encrypted type, I didn't face any issues with non-root volumes, it works fine, however my scenario is:14:05
JohnnyRainbow1. Create an instance with unencrypted root volume(do not delete volume on termination), 2. Delete instance, 3. Retype root volume from my deleted instance to encrypted one, 4. Launch an instance from this encrypted volume.14:05
JohnnyRainbowunfortunately instance build fails with error message like here:
JohnnyRainbowAAny idea what could be wrong, is it possible to transform?14:08
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted to pick up some updates, and should be available again momentarily19:01
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