Wednesday, 2022-04-06

rajivHi, while i was re-testing barbican with Thales HSM on FIPs mode11:21
rajivi get the below error :11:21
rajivCould not find an enabled crypto plugin backend that supports the requested operation: retrieve a secret from plugin: barbican.plugin.crypto.simple_crypto.SimpleCryptoPlugin11:22
rajivin the barbican.conf i did set enabled_crypto_plugins = p11_crypto11:22
rajivmy test worked in Openstack Wallaby but fails in Ussuri, were there any recent changes for these tests to fail ?11:22
rajivalso, should this table show hsm ?11:23
rajiv select * from secret_stores; 11:23
rajivEmpty set (0.000 sec)11:23
dmendiza[m]Hi rajiv !12:48
rajivThales confirms Barbican-HSM integration works well on FIPS mode :12:51
rajivbut while i am testing these scenarieos maybe due to multiple deployments, the barbican DB is messed up, could i know how to clear up old keys ?12:52
dmendiza[m]#barbican now PKCS12 type16:00
dmendiza[m]#barbican now Review Yoga PTG topics 16:15
dmendiza[m]#barbican now UUIDs vs REFs16:26
dmendiza[m]#barbican Done for today, see y'all Friday16:46

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