Friday, 2023-06-02

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:29
LinuZZ1Hi there, is there anyone using barbican with a YubiHSM and if yes, is there documentation on how to get it working?08:57
dmendiza[m]Hi LinuZZ1 !  Currently Barbican does not support teh YubiHSM11:26
dmendiza[m]last time I looked at it, YubiHSM needed to be accessed using a custom python library, which would need a new implementation of the SecretStore interface to work11:27
dmendiza[m]unless YubiHSM started supporting PKCS#11 since then?  ... But I think I would have heard about that.11:28
dmendiza[m]In any case, Barbican only supports HSMs with PKCS#11 or KMIP support.11:28
jrosserdmendiza[m]: I spent a quite a bunch of time hacking on yubihsm with Barbican11:53
jrosserit does support pkcs#11 but not quite the same subset that Barbican wants11:54
jrosserspecifically I think it could not generate  an AES key - I believe that some of this has been made more complete in newer versions of the firmware11:56

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