Monday, 2024-08-19

rajivis there no meeting today ?15:03
dmendiza[m]Grzegorz Grasza: around?15:08
rajivdmendiza[m]: i wanted to follow up on last weeks topic, wrt pkek15:10
rajivso the encryption takes place here :
rajivwhich gets referred to here right ?
rajivdoes this mean this Class is called only when a new project is created ? the key doesnt exists in DB ?15:13
dmendiza[m]rajiv: Right, so for the PKCS#11 backend, the MKEK and HMAC exist in the HSM.  Then the first time a project uses Barbican (not when they are created in Keystone) - that's when the PKEK is created for that project.  The PKEK is encrypted using the MKEK and the resulting cyphertext for the PKEK is stored in the DB.15:17
rajivthanks for confirming15:19
rajivis there a way to create the pkek manually ?15:20
dmendiza[m]Hmm... I don't think so.15:20
rajivokay, could you share the file link as to where the pkek is actually created ?15:21
rajivi wanted to know if there is a way to control the creation15:23
rajivshould i raise an issue or mail thread to discuss this further ?15:38
dmendiza[m]rajiv: I don't remember off the top of my head, so I'm looking through the plugin code right now ... hang on ...15:52
rajivsure, thank you15:53
dmendiza[m]rajiv: This is where PKEK gets generated: 16:06
dmendiza[m]Currently we are out of stock on the DEVELOPER/DESIGNER - Lenovo laptop model.16:06
dmendiza[m]rajiv: this is where the PKEK gets generated:
dmendiza[m]rajiv: it happens when `store_secret` is called on the StoreCrypto plugin:
rajivi see, `CKM_AES_KEY_GEN` is initiated via the HSM device i think ?16:09

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