Thursday, 2025-03-20

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:37
mharley[m]Hi, Freeman Boss!11:00
freemanboss[m]mharley: please I am lost with how to get started11:01
freemanboss[m]I will appreciate any guidance from you11:01
mharley[m]Sure. What are your doubts at this stage?11:03
freemanboss[m]I noticed what to do is bulky and I can't figure out how to start?11:06
freemanboss[m]Am I to set up Barbican for a start? Or do research on Pkcs#12? Or look for issues in the repo?11:06
freemanboss[m]mharley: like I'm confused on what my start should be like11:06
mharley[m]Have you ever contributed to OpenStack?  Have you already checked the DevStack documentation at
mharley[m]This is an OpenStack distribution meant for newcomers to play with the software and contribute to it.11:20
freemanboss[m]Yeah I've read more and navigate myself through learning about openstack and devstack11:22
freemanboss[m]mharley[m]: > <> Have you ever contributed to OpenStack?  Have you already checked the DevStack documentation at (full message at <>)11:23
mharley[m]For the sake of the Outreachy project, you need to install Keystone and Barbican only.  You don't have to install everything.11:27
freemanboss[m]Alright thank you I'll go through the installation guide for both11:32
freemanboss[m]And I hope I can install them on archlinux? Or I should just get another distro?11:32
mharley[m]I'd advise you to follow the guide as much as possible.  Observe the tested distributions.  I'm not sure if Archlinux is one of them.12:07
mharley[m]Using something else may lead you to unexpected errors.12:07
freemanboss[m]Ohh alright I'll try and follow through 12:08
opendevreviewDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/barbican master: Add simple_crypto new_pkek subcommand

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