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openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support lease creation https://review.openstack.org/489079 | 04:54 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Show reservations in more detail https://review.openstack.org/489846 | 04:57 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support creation of instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/489861 | 05:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Skip on_end action if reservation has already ended https://review.openstack.org/481716 | 06:54 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add user guide for the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488304 | 06:59 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 06:59 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable deployers to specify virtual.instance.plugin in blazar.conf https://review.openstack.org/485065 | 06:59 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable DevStack to set up the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488302 | 06:59 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add a release note of the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488303 | 06:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Support before_end parameter in the REST API https://review.openstack.org/489549 | 07:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Add spec for instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/459533 | 08:51 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support lease creation https://review.openstack.org/489079 | 08:52 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Show reservations in more detail https://review.openstack.org/489846 | 08:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support creation of instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/489861 | 08:54 |
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masahito_ | priteau: bertys: hiro-kobayashi: hi, you there? | 09:04 |
priteau | Hello | 09:05 |
bertys | hi | 09:05 |
hiro-kobayashi | hi | 09:05 |
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masahito_ | let's start the review meeting :-) | 09:05 |
masahito_ | the categories we need to review are 1. instance reservation 2. on-end-option 3. update reserved capacity | 09:06 |
masahito_ | anything else? | 09:06 |
hiro-kobayashi | 4. dashboard | 09:07 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support creation of instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/489861 | 09:07 |
masahito_ | priteau: before starting, thanks for the update to the patch for race condition. | 09:08 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Show reservations in more detail https://review.openstack.org/489846 | 09:09 |
masahito_ | ok, let's move on #1 instance reservation. | 09:09 |
masahito_ | we have 9 patches for the new instance reservation. | 09:09 |
priteau | I have fixed a couple of typos in the spec and +2 W+1 | 09:09 |
masahito_ | priteau: thanks! | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/485064/1 | 09:10 |
priteau | It is being verified by Jenkins | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/476789/10 | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 3. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/478450/8 | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 4. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/480929/9 | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 5. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481632/8 | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 6. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/485065/4 | 09:10 |
masahito_ | 7. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488302/5 | 09:11 |
masahito_ | 8. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488304/5 | 09:11 |
masahito_ | 9. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488303/6 | 09:11 |
masahito_ | I'd like to start discuss from the patch 1 | 09:11 |
masahito_ | if we need specific discussion for the all patch. | 09:12 |
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hiro-kobayashi | I've +2ed the patch 1 | 09:13 |
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masahito | sorry, disconnected... | 09:14 |
masahito | I didn't read messages after my post: 'if we need specific discussion for the all patch.' | 09:15 |
priteau | I am not sure about the naming of the variable "elevated_keys" | 09:15 |
masahito | the keys passed from instance_reservation tables to reservation table. | 09:17 |
priteau | I would have named them instance_reservation_keys, or ir_keys if it's too long | 09:18 |
priteau | just that elevated sounds a bit strange | 09:18 |
masahito | got it. | 09:19 |
masahito | I replace the name to ir_keys. | 09:19 |
priteau | Also the to_dict method should document what the include parameter does | 09:21 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Pass only the instance reservation specific columns to reservation table https://review.openstack.org/485064 | 09:21 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroki Ito proposed openstack/python-blazarclient master: Accept multiple properties https://review.openstack.org/486508 | 09:21 |
priteau | masahito: What do you think of using an exclude rather than include appraoch? It may be easier to maintain the list | 09:23 |
masahito | right for the doc. I think it's also same for host_reservation table. so it could be in different patch. | 09:24 |
hiro-kobayashi | +1 | 09:24 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Add instance reservation plugin https://review.openstack.org/476789 | 09:25 |
priteau | What do you think of include vs exclude? | 09:25 |
masahito | priteau: I thought same approach. The good point of the include approach is changes in a child table don't affect 'reservation table' code. | 09:25 |
priteau | I see what you mean | 09:26 |
priteau | It's more maintenance, but safer | 09:26 |
masahito | any comment for patch #1 to improve the code? if nothing, it's ready to go. | 09:28 |
hiro-kobayashi | no from miside | 09:28 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Pass only instance reservation specific columns to the reservation table https://review.openstack.org/485064 | 09:29 |
priteau | just tweak commit message a bit | 09:29 |
priteau | LGTM | 09:29 |
priteau | s/tweak/tweaked/ | 09:29 |
masahito | then once Jenkins has added +1, please add W+1 | 09:30 |
priteau | W+1 | 09:30 |
priteau | oh, I've already done so | 09:30 |
priteau | Anyway, it won't merge if Jenkins fails | 09:30 |
bertys | I agree with masahito here. | 09:31 |
masahito | ;-) | 09:31 |
masahito | move on to next | 09:31 |
masahito | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/476789/11 | 09:31 |
masahito | priteau: thanks for updating the commit message! | 09:31 |
masahito | any comment for the patch to improve codes? | 09:32 |
hiro-kobayashi | no more comments from my side | 09:33 |
masahito | if nothing, ready to go | 09:33 |
priteau | I am not sure I understand https://review.openstack.org/#/c/476789/11/blazar/db/sqlalchemy/utils.py | 09:34 |
priteau | why do you check both lease.start_date and lease.end_date < start_date? | 09:34 |
masahito | boder1 matches leases that already finish. | 09:36 |
priteau | You want to get only reservations that are active between start_date and end_date? | 09:38 |
masahito | yes | 09:38 |
priteau | border0 = sa.and_(models.Lease.start_date < start_date, models.Lease.end_date < start_date) | 09:39 |
priteau | lease.start_date is always before lease.end_date | 09:39 |
priteau | so can we shortcut to border0 = (models.Lease.end_date < start_date) | 09:39 |
priteau | oh I see, it is copy/paste from functions aboe | 09:40 |
priteau | above | 09:40 |
priteau | Then we can fix the problem for all functions later | 09:41 |
masahito | so....it's ready to go? | 09:43 |
priteau | I am looking through the code | 09:43 |
priteau | Little comment added in Gerrit | 09:44 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support lease creation https://review.openstack.org/489079 | 09:44 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Show reservations in more detail https://review.openstack.org/489846 | 09:45 |
masahito | only the fix? | 09:46 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar-dashboard master: Support creation of instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/489861 | 09:46 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add instance reservation plugin https://review.openstack.org/476789 | 09:47 |
masahito | done | 09:47 |
hiro-kobayashi | +2ed | 09:48 |
masahito | if no comment, ready to merge | 09:50 |
masahito | looks no comment. I'll add W+1 later. | 09:51 |
masahito | oops, already two +2s. | 09:51 |
masahito | next one is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/478450/8 | 09:52 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Check max usages of hosts in particular time window https://review.openstack.org/478450 | 09:52 |
masahito | I just rebased the patch | 09:53 |
masahito | any comments? | 09:53 |
hiro-kobayashi | Thanks for addressing all of my comments! No more comments from my side | 09:53 |
priteau | The code looks good, I will make small changes to the commit message if that's OK | 09:54 |
masahito | priteau: np | 09:55 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Check maximum usages of hosts in a particular time window https://review.openstack.org/478450 | 09:57 |
priteau | hiro-kobayashi: Can you +2 again? | 09:57 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Create Nova resources for instance reservations https://review.openstack.org/480929 | 09:58 |
hiro-kobayashi | done | 09:58 |
masahito | next, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/480929/9 | 09:59 |
hiro-kobayashi | LGTM | 10:00 |
priteau | I'll have some comments | 10:02 |
masahito | what's about? | 10:04 |
masahito | If it's about coding style problems, we can fix it later. like adding #TODO as comment. | 10:06 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Add spec for instance reservation https://review.openstack.org/459533 | 10:06 |
priteau | I have posted my comment, it's about the error message | 10:07 |
priteau | But we can continue with the review and merge after you've fixed it | 10:08 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Create Nova resources for instance reservations https://review.openstack.org/480929 | 10:09 |
masahito | Done | 10:09 |
masahito | then next :-> | 10:09 |
masahito | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481632/8 | 10:09 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 10:10 |
hiro-kobayashi | No more comments for it. thanks! | 10:11 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 10:14 |
priteau | Fixed the commit message | 10:14 |
priteau | masahito: Is it OK if I changed Fails -> Failed to match other error messages? | 10:14 |
priteau | s/error/log/ | 10:14 |
masahito | for which patch? | 10:15 |
priteau | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481632/10/blazar/plugins/instances/instance_plugin.py | 10:15 |
masahito | sure | 10:16 |
priteau | Actually I have another comment | 10:16 |
priteau | Posted on gerrit | 10:17 |
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masahito | ah, this codes is a workaround for the bug you fixed today. | 10:19 |
priteau | I see, because on_end could be executed twice | 10:19 |
priteau | Well, you can remove it now :-) | 10:20 |
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masahito_ | sorry... for lots of disconnected. | 10:23 |
masahito_ | IMO, we don't need warning message here b/c the code is in on_end method. | 10:23 |
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priteau | As you want | 10:25 |
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masahito | so it's not matter that the flavor really exits or not in the method. | 10:25 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Add a user guide for the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488304 | 10:26 |
priteau | masahito: As you want | 10:27 |
priteau | Can you fix the log message fails vs failed? | 10:27 |
priteau | I am looking at other patches in the meantime | 10:27 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Add a user guide for the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488304 | 10:28 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 10:28 |
masahito | done | 10:28 |
masahito | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/485065/4 is already have two +2. skip it. | 10:29 |
masahito | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488302/5 is in same situation now. | 10:30 |
masahito | And user guide patch, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488304/5, and release note patch, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488303/6, had tweaked by priteau. | 10:32 |
masahito | priteau: thanks for tweaking the message! | 10:33 |
masahito | so, we reviewed all patches for instance-reservation? | 10:33 |
priteau | I think so | 10:34 |
priteau | hiro-kobayashi: I have a question for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/489549/ | 10:34 |
priteau | Last comment on Gerrit | 10:34 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Pass only instance reservation specific columns to the reservation table https://review.openstack.org/485064 | 10:35 |
hiro-kobayashi | I replied it, thanks | 10:36 |
openstackgerrit | Hiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add instance reservation plugin https://review.openstack.org/476789 | 10:37 |
priteau | Replied and added another comment | 10:37 |
masahito | I added one comment. | 10:40 |
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masahito | to merge the patch, what we need to do is 1. tweak the doc and 2. define the list as module method. | 10:43 |
hiro-kobayashi | I'll update it | 10:43 |
masahito | we spent 1h and half. | 10:43 |
hiro-kobayashi | Should we continue the meeting? | 10:45 |
masahito | the rest of today's list are 3. update reserved capacity, 4. dashboard | 10:46 |
priteau | I have to focus on work tasks now. Can we continue asynchronously via Gerrit and synchronize tomorrow? | 10:46 |
masahito | yes. | 10:47 |
masahito | 3. only have one patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/482811/ | 10:47 |
masahito | and for dashboard we decided we | 10:47 |
masahito | we'll merge it if there is no real bug with concrete scenario that someone hit. | 10:49 |
masahito | oh, for the instance reservation, I forgot the patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/486476/ | 10:49 |
masahito | but have -1 now. So I'll update it later. | 10:50 |
masahito | so thanks all! | 10:50 |
masahito | we have a great progress today. | 10:51 |
priteau | Thanks everyone | 10:51 |
hiro-kobayashi | yes, thanks all! | 10:51 |
hiro-kobayashi | masahito: You will not be able to join the meeting tomorrow, right? | 10:51 |
masahito | hiro-kobayashi: yes | 10:51 |
hiro-kobayashi | okay | 10:52 |
masahito | priteau: hiro-kobayashi: could you chair the meeting tomorrow? | 10:52 |
priteau | Sure | 10:52 |
hiro-kobayashi | sure | 10:52 |
hiro-kobayashi | masahito: Hope your safe trip to Mexico! | 10:53 |
masahito | hiro-kobayashi: thank. | 10:53 |
masahito | bye! | 10:53 |
hiro-kobayashi | bye | 10:53 |
masahito | I need to go in few mins. | 10:53 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Check maximum usages of hosts in a particular time window https://review.openstack.org/478450 | 10:53 |
priteau | masahito: Do you have an agenda ready? | 10:53 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Create Nova resources for instance reservations https://review.openstack.org/480929 | 10:54 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 10:54 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable deployers to specify virtual.instance.plugin in blazar.conf https://review.openstack.org/485065 | 10:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Enable DevStack to set up the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488302 | 10:55 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add a user guide for the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488304 | 10:55 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/blazar master: Add a release note of the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488303 | 10:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Add instance reservation plugin https://review.openstack.org/476789 | 12:54 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Check maximum usages of hosts in a particular time window https://review.openstack.org/478450 | 13:30 |
openstackgerrit | Masahito Muroi proposed openstack/python-blazarclient master: Fix an index error in --physical-reservation option https://review.openstack.org/491496 | 13:38 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/python-blazarclient master: Fix failure to create physical reservations https://review.openstack.org/491496 | 13:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Create Nova resources for instance reservations https://review.openstack.org/480929 | 14:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Enable instance_plugin to handle on_start and on_end events https://review.openstack.org/481632 | 15:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Enable deployers to specify virtual.instance.plugin in blazar.conf https://review.openstack.org/485065 | 15:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Enable DevStack to set up the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488302 | 15:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Add a user guide for the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488304 | 15:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/blazar master: Add a release note of the new instance reservation feature https://review.openstack.org/488303 | 17:59 |
openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Pass hostnames rather than IDs to remove_computehost() https://review.openstack.org/491562 | 18:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar master: Allow update host API to add new extra capabilities https://review.openstack.org/491583 | 19:29 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on review.openstack.org will be offline momentarily at 00:00 utc for a quick reconfiguration-related restart | 23:32 |
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