opendevreview | Elod Illes proposed openstack/blazar-nova master: Adjust lower constraints | 10:48 |
opendevreview | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar-nova master: Adjust lower constraints | 12:28 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/blazar-nova master: Adjust lower constraints | 14:13 |
opendevreview | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar-nova master: Add Python3 yoga unit tests | 14:52 |
priteau | #startmeeting blazar | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Thu Sep 23 16:00:13 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' | 16:00 |
priteau | #topic Roll call | 16:00 |
mppowers | hello | 16:01 |
priteau | Hello mppowers | 16:01 |
mppowers | Jason says he will join shortly | 16:02 |
priteau | OK | 16:03 |
priteau | Things we should discuss today | 16:05 |
priteau | * Xena release | 16:05 |
priteau | * Yoga PTG | 16:06 |
priteau | Should we start? | 16:11 |
mppowers | Perhaps? I don't have any update | 16:11 |
priteau | #topic Xena release | 16:12 |
priteau | Blazar RC1 has been tagged | 16:13 |
priteau | In case you notice any critical issue we can issue another release candidate | 16:13 |
priteau | Not much as changed during this cycle so I am not expecting breakage | 16:14 |
priteau | Thanks mppowers for the main improvement which is support for osc | 16:15 |
priteau | Unfortunately I have been too busy towards the end of the cycle to review more patches, we can target them for Yoga | 16:16 |
diurnalist | hey all, sorry for being late, just got out of a meeting | 16:18 |
diurnalist | just caught up on eavesdrop | 16:19 |
priteau | Let's talk about Yoga | 16:19 |
priteau | #topic Yoga PTG | 16:20 |
priteau | The PTG is in 4 weeks time so we need to finalise the agenda | 16:20 |
priteau | I've added Third-party resource type plugins to the list | 16:20 |
priteau | We need to make a first review of spec before the PTG to have a more informed discussion | 16:21 |
priteau | I am adding Blazar calendar as well | 16:21 |
priteau | Anything else that you would like to see discussed? | 16:22 |
diurnalist | i don't think it warrants a spec exactly, but i wanted to propose ripping out a lot of the RPC layer when it comes to DB interaction. mppowers is doing some research on performance related to this | 16:22 |
diurnalist | it would be a general "blazar performance" effort | 16:23 |
diurnalist | but perhaps mark could present findings (presumably he'll also have a patch by then, i'm thinking, if it turns out to be worthwhile) | 16:23 |
mppowers | I am expecting to get into it later today, so I plan to have something done by then. | 16:24 |
priteau | Good reminder, I think it will be useful for code clarity, even if it doesn't improve performance | 16:26 |
priteau | I am adding triaging of bugs and pending patches | 16:28 |
diurnalist | yeah, i was going to mention this -- we're kind of rolling on full steam here (well, mark is) and should try to keep on top of contributions | 16:29 |
diurnalist | my impression is it is only you and i who are active core members atm priteau | 16:29 |
priteau | That's right. And I've been busy during the past few weeks | 16:31 |
priteau | But will try to make a dent in the backlog before the PTG so we can discuss blocking points | 16:34 |
priteau | I don't have anything else for today, do you? | 16:34 |
diurnalist | not from me | 16:35 |
mppowers | nothing from me either | 16:36 |
priteau | Thanks both for joining! Talk to you soon. | 16:37 |
priteau | #endmeeting | 16:37 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Thu Sep 23 16:37:23 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 16:37 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 16:37 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 16:37 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 16:37 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/blazar master: Set earliest-version for Xena release notes | 16:43 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/blazar-nova master: Add Python3 yoga unit tests | 16:47 |
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