Thursday, 2024-06-27

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priteau#startmeeting blazar15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun 27 15:01:26 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'blazar'15:01
priteau#topic Roll call15:01
priteauHi Mark15:02
priteauI spot seunghunlee15:03
priteauMatt Crees may be unavailable15:03
seunghunleeHi all15:04
priteau#topic Dalmatian release15:04
priteauWe are close to the Dalmatian-2 milestone15:05
priteauIt is next week15:06
priteauWe are working on reviewing the flavor reservation plugin15:08
priteauAnything on your side mppowers?15:08
mppowersNothing on my side yet, but we are prioritizing adding some identifier to the external enforcement filter as soon as we get time.15:09
priteauSounds good15:09
priteauseunghunlee: I noticed that has merge conflict, could you please fix it?15:10
seunghunleeI'm having a look15:11
priteauHello mattcrees_15:12
mattcrees_Hello, sorry I'm late15:12
priteauNo problem15:13
priteauAny update from you?15:13
mattcrees_I've started on testing John's flavor reservation patches, not seen any big issues so far but I haven't tested the largest ones just yet 15:14
mattcrees_This patch in particular I think is good to merge:
mattcrees_Other than that, there's no updates from me. I don't have any new patches in the works just yet15:17
opendevreviewSeunghun Lee proposed openstack/blazar master: Fix python linting issue caused by bumping hacking
seunghunleepriteau: Merge conflict is fixed15:18
priteauThanks both15:18
priteauI don't have anything else for today15:22
priteau#topic AOB15:23
priteauAnything else to raise?15:23
mattcrees_nothing from me15:24
mppowersnothing from me15:24
seunghunlee nothing from me as well15:24
priteauLet's close here then15:24
priteauTalk to you in 2 weeks!15:24
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun 27 15:24:44 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:24
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mattcrees_Cheers :) 15:24
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