Thursday, 2025-03-20

MattCrees[m]#startmeeting blazar15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Mar 20 15:00:36 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is MattCrees[m]. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'blazar'15:00
MattCrees[m]#topic Roll call15:00
MattCrees[m]Hi both, thanks for joining15:01
*** priteau2 is now known as priteau15:01
MattCrees[m]#topic Epoxy release15:01
MattCrees[m]The release process is ongoing now, most of the generated patches have been fine. 15:02
priteauThere is an issue with the blazar-nova patches15:02
MattCrees[m]I do see however that we're still having issues with blazar-nova not finsing the stable/2025.1 branch15:02
priteauMaybe something is not yet complete on the opendev side15:03
priteauOr we are cloning nova the wrong way15:03
priteauI have just done another recheck15:05
MattCrees[m]Perhaps, we did change how we were cloning recently. 15:05
priteauIt's weird that it worked for py312 but not py3915:05
priteauI was wondering if we are missing a required-projects config15:06
MattCrees[m]Do you mean in the Zuul config?15:08
MattCrees[m]It would be good to try if the CI fails again :) 15:09
MattCrees[m]Other than that, I think we've been on top of all the release tasks. 15:10
MattCrees[m]#topic PTG15:11
MattCrees[m]I am going to reserve us a slot for the PTG, I was thinking our usual of two hours from 4pm UTC on Thursday 10th. Would this work for you markpowers?15:13
markpowersThat works for me15:14
MattCrees[m]Great stuff. Please invite anyone else from your side who may be interested, I'll do the same on ours 15:15
priteauAs mentioned I probably won't be available15:15
MattCrees[m]I plan to keep the default etherpad name also, so we should use I'll populate this with the items to review from last time, feel free to also add any new topics.15:17
MattCrees[m]That's all from me around the PTG, I'm looking forward to hosting our session :) 15:19
MattCrees[m]#topic Open discussion15:20
wncsllncan I get a discussion?15:20
wncsllnsorry for not be in the meeting on the first minutes15:20
MattCrees[m]Sure, go for it 15:21
wncsllnI'm a newcomer contributor15:21
MattCrees[m]Welcome :) 15:21
wncsllnpierre told me that Blazar currently does not support resource overcommit 15:22
wncsllnand I need this feature in my environment (only for virtual machines)15:22
wncsllnI was thinking that I can contribute with that if you guys are ok with it15:22
wncsllnMattCrees[m]: thanks!15:23
MattCrees[m]I'd be ok with that, it sounds like a useful feature to have. Are you familiar with contributing to other OpenStack projects?15:24
wncsllnI've already made some contributions to other projects15:25
wncsllnso yes :)15:25
wncsllnbut I'm not all familiar with blazar source code15:25
MattCrees[m]Cool, no need for me to explain the contribution process then :) 15:26
markpowersI may not be fully aware of what is needed for resource overcommiting, but I thought there is accounting for this in the flavor plugin via `allocation_ratio`. 15:26
priteauWe track the allocation_ratio in the DB, but I don't think we do anything with it15:27
markpowersIt is used to calculate free slots:
priteauyeah I see that now15:28
wncsllnmaybe here also
priteauMaybe it works. I don't think it has been tested though15:28
markpowersI think it works for flavor reservations, but I am unsure of the instance reservation status15:29
wncsllnwhat it is the main difference about flavor and instance reservation? or I use the flavor reservation to create instances?15:31
MattCrees[m]With instance reservations, you reserve specific resource amounts. vcpus, disk_gb, etc. It is the older/long-running way of a reservation. Flavor reservations are a newer feature which allow you to reserve instead based on an existing flavor on your system. 15:34
wncsllnoh I see15:36
wncsllnI'm using blazar in zed release, so the only types that I have is physical host and virtual instances15:36
wncsllnmaybe for instances may I implement this same logic but for VMs?15:37
MattCrees[m]I'd need to look closer at how it's handled in the flavor plugin. But the flavor plugin was based on the instance one I believe, so the logic may be transferable. 15:41
wncsllncool. for the next weeks I may be able to take a look on this, so I can take some updates in next weekly. what do you think?15:43
MattCrees[m]That would be great. If you get far enough to get a patch up, I'd be happy to review it. 15:44
MattCrees[m]We have fortnightly meetings, so the next one is April 3rd15:44
wncsllnI'll put it on my agenda. Thanks15:45
wncsllnthat's all for me15:45
wncsllnif I a have some questions during the process, I'll ping here15:45
MattCrees[m]Sounds good, I'll be available here :) 15:45
MattCrees[m]priteau, markpowers anything else from you today? 15:46
markpowersnothing from me15:47
MattCrees[m]I know Pierre is in another meeting now, so let's end here. Thanks for joining everyone! :) 15:49
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Mar 20 15:49:30 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:49
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
markpowersthanks all!15:49
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/blazar-nova master: [WIP] CI: Ensure nova is available when running tox jobs

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