Monday, 2014-12-15

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openstackgerritYi Ming Yin proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Update deprecated neutron_*, glance_* options in nova.conf
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openstackgerritYi Ming Yin proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Update deprecated neutron_*, glance_* options in nova.conf
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openstackgerritMa Wen Cheng proposed stackforge/openstack-chef-specs: Specification for enable OpenStack Bare Metal Service
openstackgerritMa Wen Cheng proposed stackforge/openstack-chef-specs: Specification for enable OpenStack Bare Metal Service
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libsysguyos-chef-bot: !meeting14:07
os-chef-botOur hangout (live) status meeting are at 15:30 GMT 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Mondays and we post the links to the Google Group:!forum/opscode-chef-openstack and our IRC status meeting/office hours are at 15:30 GMT 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Thursdays we try to have as many core members here so we can discuss topics or issues users are having14:07
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j^2I only have a couple things I'd like to talk about, I'll send out the invite in a couple mins15:14
openstackgerritElliott Davis proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Refactor Neutron Cookbook to Remove common.rb
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libsysguyI notice in some cookbooks default.rb is avoided.  Is there a reason for that?16:17
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libsysguyj^2: does our neutron happy path include any OS that would need to compile openvswitch?16:46
libsysguythere is quite a bit of logic in this cookbook to handle that16:46
j^2libsysguy: that’s a great question16:52
libsysguyI don't know what RHEL ships with16:54
libsysguyI don't think it's an issue16:56
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libsysguythis is what dropped in Juno that we have 0 support for:
libsysguyand at this point, I am too afraid to add it :p17:24
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Update iproute because Centos 6.5 hates us
libsysguythanks j^2 for that test17:30
j^2yeah i think that’s the best way…it’s not very exciting though17:30
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libsysguymarkvan: did you say RHEL was still using openvswitch directly as a core plugin?17:47
libsysguybecause the docs say it should be using ml217:48
j^2libsysguy: i think markvan is out…you’ll have to ambush him17:56
libsysguyaww, I saw his chat bubble go active17:57
libsysguyI figured he was lurking17:57
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j^2yeah i think i’m gonna get some neutron/ovs pow-wowing tomorrow18:02
j^2i think i can stream it to you libsysguy if you want :)18:02
libsysguywhere are you headed to powwow18:02
j^2oh no, carlp is coming to my office :)18:03
libsysguyoh nice18:04
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j^2libsysguy: what the hell is that file?18:20
j^2why whould you do that?18:20
j^2and automate that for that matter18:20
libsysguydon't ask me18:20
libsysguyask att18:20
j^2alanmeadows: ping18:20
libsysguythere are 3 of them in there18:21
libsysguyone is a straight up rip from somewhere else18:21
libsysguyit's not even apache218:21
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Update iproute because Centos 6.5 hates us
j^2now we need to pull that into stable/icehouse18:44
libsysguyhow does one do that?18:45
j^2i just cherry pick and fix any merge issue and open up another one18:46
j^2it’s painful18:46
libsysguyit doesn't sound pleasant18:48
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Centos 6.5 and up has and old version of dnsmasq
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openstackgerritElliott Davis proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Refactor Neutron Cookbook to Remove common.rb
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libsysguyj^2 4000+ line change so far19:57
j^2that’s a refactor19:57
libsysguyyeah it is19:57
libsysguyI'm going to be in some serious pain if that ml2_conf.ini gets through19:59
libsysguymerge conflict from hell19:59
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Centos 6.5 and up has and old version of dnsmasq
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-object-storage: It seems git requires a name and email
cavengerI’m testing out the openstack-chef stuff on ubuntu 14.04, I’m trying to figure out the networking portion, when it comes up I have no networks at all22:57
cavengeris this expected?22:57
cavengerI used the multi-neutron parts to create the roles22:57
j^2neutron or nova networking?22:57
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j^2yeah there are no networks created, that’s what the client-cookbook is expected to do22:57
j^2but that’s still WIP22:58
cavengerok cool22:58
libsysguygrr neutron22:58
j^2it sets everything up fro you though22:58
cavengerso when I create the networks what type should I use?22:58
cavengerflat? vlan? etc22:58
libsysguyfor tenant networks?22:58
libsysguyor provider?22:58
j^2this is how i’ve been building the inital network at least:
j^2it’s only a basic start though22:58
cavengerI have a block of public ip’s that I’d like to share among projects, I assume these would be called provider?22:59
cavengerand then I want to assign private subnets within the projects, I think these are tenant22:59
cavengerbut maybe I have my openstack terminology messed up23:00
j^2that is correct23:00
cavengerso it looks like I can use that gist and just modify for the subnets I want23:00
cavengerso far the controller came up and *seems fine and the compute node is there23:01
cavengerbut I suppose networking is always the hard part23:01
j^2do you have your ovs switches?23:01
j^2i’ve been having truouble with br-ex personally23:01
j^2int/tun are created but my br-ex isnt for some reason23:02
cavengerah, I only see a br-int23:02
j^2on the controller you need all three23:02
cavengerI know on centos7 I had trouble with packstack and br-ex23:03
j^2int fro the vms, tun between the controller and compute and compute to compute, and br-ex on the controller to the outside world23:03
cavengerI had to setup a config file for br-ex statically23:03
cavengerand then configure the ovs bits23:03
j^2yeah that’s why the this testing framework is SO important for us, so we have a sane default that works, then we can start customizing as needed23:03
j^2right libsysguy ;)?23:03
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libsysguyI wish there was an easier way to use the testing framework23:05
cavenger_d’oh, just got disconnected23:05
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j^2yeah it’s tough, but it’ll give us that sane default23:05
libsysguyactually I've been toying with the idea of using kitchen to test the individual cookbooks23:05
libsysguythen use the testing framework for end to end testing23:05
j^2i need to spend some time writing up the kitchen ref arch, maybe i’ll do that over the xmas break23:06
libsysguyI may go ahead and do the one for neutron23:06
libsysguyright now, my refactor is insane and I have no path back to sanity23:06
j^2god speed sir god speed23:06
libsysguy BAM23:06
libsysguylet thine eyes bleed23:07
j^2that is crazy23:07
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libsysguyit's one of the biggest patches I've worked on in a long time23:08
cavengerthe network configuration section was helpful on this article:
cavengerany idea how to do this on ubuntu 14.04?23:08
j^2cavenger: not off the top of my head23:09
cavengerthe neutron parts will probably be the same23:10
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cavengerbut not sure on the network config23:10
cavengermaybe this doc:
cavengernow I have to figure out how to customize the chef parts to set it up23:11
libsysguycavenger: deploy openstack by hand a few times and you'll be happy to get the privilege to configure chef :p23:12
cavengerI’ve looked through the docs, definitely why I’m trying to do it with chef ;)23:16
cavengerit does make it hard though when you have that extra chef layer and not sure how some of the underlying components work23:17
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libsysguyindeed.  Chef is my third try at openstack23:20
libsysguyfourth if you count the backspace cookbooks23:21
libsysguyalthough backspace is pretty funny, thanks autocorrect23:22
cavengermaybe more fitting23:22
libsysguynah, they're a good lot23:22
cavengerso I guess the cookbooks aren’t expected to setup br-ex23:22
cavengeris that right?23:22
libsysguythey are actually23:22
libsysguyif you have that interface turned up when the cookbook is run23:23
libsysguyyou said you were running ubuntu cavenger23:23
libsysguyyou'll probably have to override the interfaces and change them from eth0/1 to em0/123:23
cavengerwell I have eth0/1 currently23:24
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libsysguyo rly?23:24
libsysguydid it do that by default in the install?23:24
libsysguyI guess maybe it's just dell hardware that drops into em23:24
* libsysguy shrugs23:24
cavengerthese are dell23:24
cavengerbut it probably depends on the network drivers23:24
cavengerI know on some r series servers I’ve worked on they come up differently23:25
cavengerthese are c series23:25
libsysguyI try and stay out of the build room23:25
cavengerI wonder if this would be easier on centos 723:29
libsysguyI don't think so23:30
libsysguyalmost none of the cookbooks have been tested on centos723:30
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libsysguyI've had pretty good luck with ubuntu 14.0423:32
libsysguyand what I've had bad luck with I've patched23:32
libsysguyless the OVS issue23:32
libsysguybut there is a patch in for that23:32
cavengerwhat’s the OVS issue?23:32
cavengerthe missing br-ex?23:32
cavengerI’m not sure where to go next with it, how do I get br-ex configured?23:33
j^2i think there’s more than it’s not configured23:33
libsysguyno, br-ex comes up, but the bridge mapping fails because the ovs agent isn't  aware of them23:33
libsysguyj^2 is playing with cents (eeewwww)23:34
j^2ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex && ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth123:34
j^2cavenger: ^23:34
j^2but that _doesnt_ fix at least my systems23:34
cavengerdo I need to have br-ex up first?23:34
j^2that’s what tomorrow is for and me working with carlp23:34
libsysguythat command will bring up br-ex23:35
libsysguyand attach it to eth123:35
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j^2which in theory is what we need23:35
cavengershould eth1 be the public ip?23:35
j^2but the router doesn’ct connect to it after the fact23:35
j^2which is the rub23:35
cavengerwhy eth1 over eth023:35
j^2because that’s how i have my networks set up ;)23:36
libsysguyit is the step that is supposed to happen here
libsysguythe physical network setup should look like this
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cavengerDo I run the ovs-vsctl command on only the controller?23:40
cavengeror the compute node as well?23:40
j^2br-ex should only be on the controller23:40
cavengerhow do I know if it worked?23:40
cavengerI didn’t get any errors23:40
cavengerand the interface is up23:40
j^2let me link you a primer on ovs23:41
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j^2all of those guys23:42
j^2all of his videos23:42
cavengererr, thanks!23:42
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libsysguymmm flow tables23:45
libsysguywhen you find yourself dumping the flow table to debug routes, come talk to me :p23:46
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cavengerwell dhcp isn’t working, bummer23:51

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