Wednesday, 2015-01-14

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openstackgerritMa Wen Cheng proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-bare-metal: Initial basic cookbook files
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openstackgerritMa Wen Cheng proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-bare-metal: Initial basic cookbook files
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openstackgerritXu Han Peng proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Not restart neutron-server on compute node
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openstackgerritXu Han Peng proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Not restart neutron-server on compute node
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openstackgerritAlice proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Add setting for compatible with older rpc API
openstackgerritAlice proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Add setting for compatible with older rpc API
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openstackgerritJin Hui proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-block-storage: Configure iscsi target service for RHEL7
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Handle nil and empty string for cafile
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Make network dbsync command timeout to be an optional parameter
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openstackgerritMa Wen Cheng proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-bare-metal: Initial basic cookbook files
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-ceph: Add rake support
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j^2Damn got some reviews to go through it seems.16:23
markvanj^2: yup, been some great activity out there16:23
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libsysguymarkvan: I thought we were going to delete that cookbook-ceph repo16:45
markvanlibsysguy: in favor of upstream?  we don't need a wrapper like this?   Look like I may have missed a conversation somewhere.    I was doing this as a result of the infra changes and noticed it came up that some of "our" cookbooks, lke ceph, don't have rake files.16:47
markvanand since we are trying to get rake jobs in place, need a consistent rake files across our repos.16:47
libsysguyyeah in favor of upstream.  Our ceph cookbook was woefully out of date16:48
libsysguythe upstream is being actively maintained. j^2 talked to the maintainers also16:49
libsysguyin fact, I thought j^2 submitted a patch for the realm to say not to use this cookbook anymore.  but I could be wrong16:49
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markvanok, then we probably need a patch to infra to remove it from our job scope16:55
markvanI don't see anything obvious in the readme.16:56
markvanah, see it now, anouther patch:
markvanok, so I'll abandone my patch for this.    And I can spin up a patch for infra to remove it from our gates.16:57
libsysguythanks markvan, I know nothing about infra :p16:58
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jmcmeekWhat is expected deploy flow for openstack-ops-messaging when defining a cluster?!topic/opscode-chef-openstack/g6-Sx_pjhFY17:06
libsysguyjmcmeek: I haven't run into the issue you are describing.  On every install I've done, rabbit is the first service up17:08
libsysguyunless I am misunderstanding you17:08
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jmcmeeklibsysguy: When I tried adding clustering with our existing process, rabbitmq.conf had an empty node list in the cluster_nodes line.  If a I reran the chef client, cluster_nodes then included the node I just deployed.17:11
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markvanlibsysguy: new infra patch for removing ceph:
j^2markvan: and libsysguy yeah, my patch to remove it failed it seems it’s more complex than just say GTFO17:13
j^2RE: ceph cookbook ^^17:13
libsysguyohh jmcmeek you're using rabbit clustering17:13
markvanj^2: yup, after the infra patch goes in, that patch should go thru since there will be no gates getting in way.17:13
jmcmeeklibsysguy: So it seems to require a step process to deploy a cluster:  First define all the rabbitmq cluster nodes in chef, then I can do chef client runs.17:13
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jmcmeeklibsysguy - yes, rabbitqm clustering17:14
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j^2In about an hour I'll be posting a on air hangout for the Juno cut. I'd love it if people would join and put their thoughts in.19:13
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markvanimkarrer: read your fight with the lwrp name mess, have you tried a matcher approach like in the image cookbook.  I recall having issues when making changes to the identity cookbook, but it was a while ago so don't recall much20:09
markvanone issue was trying to run that spec by itself, failed, but when run as last one or all, it worked.  some type of name space issue going on.20:10
j^2Juno Bug issue hangout:
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j^2os-chef-bot: !start-meeting20:26
os-chef-bot************************************************ Meeting is starting ************************************************20:26
j^2We are starting the discussion of the stable/juno cut, if you have qusetions please post or join!20:27
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libsysguymeeting link?20:29
libsysguyI should really set up an irc bot20:29
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j^2 —> we can close this with the review20:36
j^2 —> we need to close this also20:37
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j^2 —> we need to close this20:38
markvan   - MRV will look into spec for this20:41
j^2 —> must get done for stable/juno20:47
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j^2 —> we should investigate this21:00
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j^2os-chef-bot: !end-meeting21:21
os-chef-bot************************************************ Meeting has ended **************************************************21:21
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-network: Centos 6.5 and up has and old version of dnsmasq
markvanj^2: fyi added that missing spec to ^^  should ready to go now.21:45
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j^2i’ll have to take a look here21:49
j^2      expect(chef_run.rpm_package('dnsmasq')).to notify('service[neutron-dhcp-agent]').to(:restart).21:53
j^2wow, i was going a completely wrong way with my test(s)21:53
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libsysguyj^2 I can't core review infra patches, dunno if I am supposed to be able to23:09
j^2yeah we just +1 them and ping the irc channel, sparingly.23:11
libsysguyI didn't realize those were out of our wheelhouse23:11
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