Monday, 2015-02-16

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j^2Its a holiday today should we have our hangout?15:02
libsysguyI have some stuff I Am dealing with today so I wouldn't be able to make it15:02
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j^2Ok cool, yeah I think I'll cancel it unless someone is extremely vocal about having it15:04
j^2markvan: i figured you’d have today off15:26
markvannot this one15:27
j^2yeah my wife and i have today off i figured it’s a national holiday15:28
markvansure, I've posted to the ML the status as of Friday, I think we have all patches in the queue now, just need to work on the repo at some point, then I think we have rc1 in the bag15:30
j^2let’s discuss it :)15:31
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Change the default for password_autocomplete to off
markvanj^2:  you can abandon this one now, that repo is gone.
j^2yeah i’ve been trying to i don’t have the abandon button15:53
j^2it’s not there15:53
markvanah, it's an orphan now, probably need some gerrit god to kill it15:54
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markvanlibsysguy: I see we are using Ceph 0.2.1, but that has not been released in the supermarket yet, do you know their plans for that?16:07
libsysguymarkvan I didn't know they were releasing to the supermarket16:08
libsysguyI set up the berksfile to pull from GH16:08
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libsysguyI can submit an issue to see if they'll do a release16:09
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markvanyeah, I'm not sure about "official" releases from GH, but I think to be more formal about this, we should be using a supermarket release.16:09
libsysguyokay, I'll see what I can swing16:10
markvanj^2: so we do that before we have any actual stable branches?16:10
markvanj^2: and when do we consider removing the stable icehouse in there?16:13
j^2yeah it looks like we need it to have anything “stable"16:21
j^2i think we should keep the icehouse branch around till kilo honestly16:22
j^2n-1 ya know?16:22
markvanj^2: sure, we ca nput that on list for kilo when we're in infra for the new gate changes.16:33
markvanj^2: for mysql ver 6,
markvanlibsysguy: I guess the correct term is a "tagged"  release.16:34
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j^2markvan: kk, taking a look after daddy duties16:37
j^2what’s the password?16:37
j^2we shuld add that to the REDAME16:39
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markvanah, yeah, just used admin.16:39
markvanI should say, same as the existing admin one.16:40
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j^2cool, yeah i know at some point someone’s gonna want to know what that password is ;)16:47
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j^2and obvious question, you used that encrypted key from the repo?16:47
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j^2core: —> starting swift cluster17:20
j^2core —> starting swift cluster17:20
j^2@core —> starting swift cluster17:20
j^2oh our bot isn’t here17:21
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j^2os-chef-bot: ping17:22
j^2there we go17:22
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markvanj^2: for the basic two swift nodes, first should have roles: account, container, object,   second should have management and proxy.17:25
markvanI'm still playing around with it, but I'll work toward using your example17:25
j^2ah i was thinking one “controller” like nova and the rest be storage nodes17:30
j^2also it seems we’re broken:17:30
j^2with all the merges:17:30
j^2openstack-common is not happy17:31
j^2Demand that cannot be met: (openstack-block-storage = 10.1.0)17:31
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j^2this is a little easyer to read17:38
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Fix default filter list to match base openstack
j^2this shit is broken17:44
j^2ah damn i think i got it17:47
j^2sooo yeah we have a problem17:51
j^2the ceph cookbook that we don’t control now17:52
j^2has a dependancy issue with
* libsysguy perks up17:52
j^2what a sec17:52
j^2man i hate this17:52
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libsysguydependency hell17:52
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j^2it is ceph releaned now17:53
j^2because we removed it, but blockstorage needs it17:53
j^2so i added it back but now it’s failing again17:53
j^2or at least i’m pretty sure of this17:54
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Fix default filter list to match base openstack
libsysguyI don't see anything from that cep cookbook that would conflict17:56
libsysguyour apache dependency should supersede theirs17:56
libsysguydo we have something asking for < v3 of yum17:57
j^2i’m lost17:57
j^2do you have the testing-stack pulled down?17:57
libsysguyI don't17:57
libsysguyat least not on this laptop17:57
libsysguymy other one is at home17:57
markvanI using the testing suite, and don't have issue like that.  Using the latest with the mysql PR.17:59
markvanhumm, I see I'm using ceph 0.2.018:00
libsysguyheh, I just did a pull and I got a deep problem on block storage18:01
j^2yeah that’s exactly what i have18:01
j^2let me try cep 0.2.018:01
markvanah, but latest block storage want 0.2.1, which is not tagged yet.18:02
libsysguydoes berks look for tags or in the metadata?18:02
j^2blockstorage requires 0.2.1+18:02
j^2thats a problem18:02
j^2we could put ceph as a none supermarket pull18:03
libsysguyohh is it looking in the supermarket first?18:04
markvanyeah, first line in Berksfile is source ""18:04
j^2yeah don’t do the ceph mater18:04
markvanif you want if direct, you need to specify, like is done with statsd.18:05
j^2they don’t have 0.2.1 released :(18:06
j^2nor is it on supermarket18:06
j^2and master has 0.2.1 but that’s even worse18:06
j^2wow this blows18:06
j^2we could remove ceph from blockstorage….18:06
j^2at least don’t make it dependant on it18:07
libsysguyso…wait…it's bad that it's pulling from GH?18:07
libsysguyI'm confused18:07
libsysguytheir upstream master is set to version 0.2.118:08
j^2well it’s bad in the sense that there is even crazier dependacy tree18:08
j^2yeah, look at the link i posted above18:08
libsysguyyeah, is the same deps problem I am seeing in my production environment18:08
j^2we’d have to downgrade blockstorage to 0.2.0 to get this to work i think18:08
libsysguywhich wasn't happening yesterday18:08
libsysguyif you downgrade it to 0.2.0 you'll just pull the one from supermarket?18:09
markvanah, you also pulled in the new Common patch with mysql ver 6, but the ops-database one is not there yet18:09
j^2so what do we need to push through to make this work?18:10
markvanI think so, I'm rechecking, but I belive that's what I tested with, both patches in.18:12
j^2ah, so i’m blocked by the ops-database patch?18:12
j^2libsysguy: ^^18:14
j^2ok, yeah this makes more sense now18:14
markvanI think so, I'm resetting my env to bring in the latest master except for ops-database, will patch that one18:15
j^2yeah and that patch looked fine, if we can get it merged i think we’re back on track18:15
j^2*cough*if we had jenkins doing this for us he’d would have caught it*cough*18:16
markvanyeah, this is one of those cases where the cross-repo case would apply, unfortunately, without more infra work, I don't think we can take advantage of that new support18:20
j^2ok, but at least we have a plan18:20
j^2so *cough*libsysguy*cough* would WF that patch we can get moving again18:20
markvanyup, I given some time, I think I can figure out how to do the cross repo with berks18:20
j^2neat, it think it might be benifitual in the long run, but not atm18:21
markvank, just tried my env, and it a berks failure...trying to figure it out18:23
markvanwhen I see this in the log: Fetching cookbook index from   I believe that means it's looking for ceph from supermarket, right?18:24
j^2yep, that is correct18:25
j^2but…ceph isnt in the testing-stack Berksfile18:25
j^2it’s in the depancy tree for block-storage18:25
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markvanand in several others, I see the image/glance one is on two lines, which needs to change, but I odn't htink that is causing our issue.18:27
markvanand compute needs that tweak as well, I spin those to up18:29
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Put ceph version constraints on one line
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-image: Put ceph version constraints on one line
markvanj^2: libsysguy  ^^18:32
markvanI checking to see if that resolves the issue (along with the ops-database mysql ver 6 patch)18:32
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markvanI verified that having ceph 0.2.0 in block, image, compute will work.  So, I guess we need to get that tagged at 0.2.1, or we need to back down.  Reason it was kinda working was the 2 depends lines, only the second one was taking effect  < 3.0.018:45
markvanNow going to try pulling it from github master, that should also work (and be a temp workaround for testing suite)18:46
markvanYes, that also works, in Berksfile:   cookbook 'ceph', github: 'ceph/ceph-cookbook'18:48
markvanlike the statsd one.18:48
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markvanwow, and now hitting the Connection Timeouts in the gates again....was hitting that on Friday, seems like infra is having issues again.18:51
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j^2yeah i’m seeing them too19:04
cmlucianothat referring to rubygems?19:05
cmlucianobtw just looking through the chat, is there still interest in having a hosted infra with our own jenkins for this?19:06
j^2very much so, but i don’t think thats gonna hit priority till after the stable/juno cuct19:15
j^2i got approval to spin up a machine in AWS for this too, so we can have automatic bulidng :)19:15
j^2markvan: updated
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markvanj^2: yeah, that looks closer.  A couple thoughts, I'm only doing 1 worker node with acct, cont, obj, and 1 node controller.     Also, I'm creating and attaching a disk to the worker with vbox custom actions19:24
j^2hmm, ok, can you update that PR with what you’d prefe?19:26
markvansure, when I get back to that...19:27
j^2heh, cool, it’s out there when you get back to it19:27
j^2i recheck no bug’d those patches again too19:28
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cmlucianoj^2: Cool, I’d love to help when you’re ready for jenkins19:37
j^2yep, it should be in a couple weeks, but i’m excited to make this happen19:37
j^2i like it when the bots do the work for me :)19:38
cmlucianofor sure19:38
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j^2core: this is good to go, need a WF
j^2@core: this is good to go, need a WF
j^2@core this is good to go, need a WF
cmlucianoj^2: What does WF mean?21:32
j^2work flow21:32
cmlucianoah ok is that a particular type of check in this context?21:33
j^2yeah there has to be a +2 from a core and a +1 for workflow from a core21:33
j^2then it can get merged21:33
cmlucianoah ok cool, thanks21:38
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cmlucianoaside from code review, are there anymore tasks that I could work on?21:41
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j^2if you want to hack on the swift testing-stack pr you’re more than welcome to21:44
j^2os-chef-bot1: ping21:44
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markvanfyi, I have a bunch of updates for that swift PR  ^^^  will try to gather them up and post what I have (not working yet) tomorrow21:49
cmlucianoj^2: I tried testing what you have, running into the dependancy problems atm though21:51
j^2ah nice21:51
j^2ok, yeah we’re all stuck there then21:51
j^2that’s the problem child21:52
markvanAnd the related ceph push:
j^2i’m +2 and +1 the metadata.rb updates21:53
j^2no need to have them gated for something so simple21:53
markvanyeah, not sure what's going on with the timeouts with ruby gems21:53
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j^2yeah i think their gone now21:55
j^2can yall +1: ?21:55
j^2so infra sees that it’s cool :)21:55
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/cookbook-openstack-image: Put ceph version constraints on one line
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Put ceph version constraints on one line
j^2i’m thinking we should change our “rules"22:18
j^2and allow someone to +1 their own patch when they think it’s ready to be reviewed by core22:19
j^2it’s the +1 I’m done with this, please check my work thing22:19
j^2ya know?22:19
j^2change this around: Rule #1: Never +1/+2R or +1A your own patch.22:19
j^2i’ll post something to the mailing list22:19
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j^2markvan: started this just now: as i build stable/juno i’ll add the steps here22:28
j^2got it linked off the Contributing page too22:28
j^2cmluciano: i got something that would be awesome if you could help me out with22:32
j^2i just haven’t spent the time to wrap me head around, i’d like to configure Floating-Ips in the testing stack, and i’m not sure where to start22:33
j^2if you have suggestions or ideas where to look i’m all ears22:33
j^2there has to be a way we can autocreate it22:34
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j^2oh oh oh!22:51
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Fix to enable floating ips with nova
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cmlucianoj^2: lol was just sitting down to take a look23:46

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