Monday, 2015-05-04

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openstackgerritZhiwei Chen proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: Unify database attributes
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openstackgerritMasaki Matsushita proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-block-storage: use LVMVolumeDriver as default. LVMISCSIDriver is deprecated.
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: refactor libraries/network.rb
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: refactor libraries/network.rb
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aspiersthe meeting is now, right?13:32
aspiersj^2: ^^^13:32
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j^2Nope about an hour13:36
j^2Did I fuck up the time zones?13:37
j^2It's always been 930 cst13:37
os-chef-botIRC status meeting are at 14:30 GMT 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Mondays and we post the links to the mailing list and our IRC office hours are at 14:30 GMT 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Thursdays we try to have as many core members here so we can discuss topics or issues users are having13:37
aspiersit's 14:38 GMT now13:37
aspiersoh, BST13:38
aspierswell that's good, I'm in another meeting right now anyway13:41
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j^2i’m at devops days austin, i have a hard stop at 50 past the hour14:22
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jklareany hour?14:24
j^2i screw up timezones i didnt want to make an ass of myself14:25
j^2jklare: do you want to chair the meeting?14:25
jklarei have no idea how to do this but i can give it a try if you give me cheatsheet for the bot14:25
j^2setn you a couple pms14:26
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: refactor libraries/network.rb
openstackj^2: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee'14:30
j^2#startmeeting Openstack-Chef14:30
openstackMeeting started Mon May  4 14:30:32 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is j^2. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:30
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_chef'14:30
j^2#addchair jklare14:30
jklaremmhhh.. just wanted to do the same thing14:30
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openstackMeeting ended Mon May  4 14:31:12 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:31
j^2go ahead14:31
openstackMinutes (text):
jklarehi everybody14:31
j^2i thought you could have multiple chairs14:31
j^2my bad14:31
sc`i think you can14:31
jklarethere is only one chair in this meeting14:31
jklarethats sad14:31
j^2i ended it ;)14:32
j^2you can take it jklare  :)14:32
jklare#startmeeting openstack_chef14:32
openstackMeeting started Mon May  4 14:32:16 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jklare. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:32
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_chef'14:32
jklarehello again14:32
jklareso we are 3 right now i guess14:33
jklare@core would be great if you all could join our meeting right now14:33
os-chef-bot@j^2 @markvan @mattray @wenchma @jklare @cmluciano @zhiwei would be great if you all could join our meeting right now14:33
jklareso i guess we can start with the topic on the board14:33
jklare#topic previous business14:34
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jklareso j^2 i guess you wrote that?14:34
j^2i was trying to think of a template14:34
j^2we’ll always have previous business right ;)14:35
sc`c7 still requires some modifications to common to start to converge. still working on getting a converge14:35
jklareok, so we could probably discuss the progress of things from the previous meeting here, or add these things as topic by themselfes14:36
sc`that's my 'old business' :)14:36
j^2works for me14:36
jklarethe chefdk patches were all merged (except for chef-repo)14:37
jklareuntil now i did not see any issues with the new gates14:37
sc`which version of chefdk?14:37
jklarethe openstack-chef-repo patch is pushed and will hopefully be merged soon14:37
markvan__for ubuntu, still have the outstanding libvirt issue:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1439280 in nova (Ubuntu) "Libvirt CPU affinity error" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:38
jklaresc` 0.4.014:38
jklareanything else for this topic?14:39
sc`ok. was just curious since 0.5.0 was just released, followed up immediately by 0.5.1 that includes chef-client 12.3.014:39
sc`12.3.0 has socketless chef-zero in local-mode14:39
jklaredoes it include the new fauxhai version?14:39
markvan__yup, chefdk 5.1 is out....I as going to run a quick test with it to see how we stack up against it14:39
markvan__don't know about fauxhai yet14:40
sc`jklare: no. 2.3.0 is still as it is from rubygems.org14:40
jklareok, so we still need to keep our workaround for this in common14:40
sc`fauxhai needs a version bump for chefdk to pick it up out of the box, otherwise it still has to be worked around to get 7.1.json14:40
sc`no reason to change common at this time14:41
jklareok, i guess we can move to the next topic?14:41
j^2can some one take an action item to follow up on pushing the fauxhai14:41
j^2jklare: sounds good14:42
jklareand then there was silence14:42
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jklareok next topic then14:42
sc`i could take that on, but i feel it shouldn't be me14:42
jklare#topic aspiers suse ha slides14:43
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jklareaspiers you still there?14:43
aspiers in case anyone hasn't seen them yet14:43
aspiersmost of the slides are an FYI so you guys know what we're doing, but I would also love feedback on a way forward14:44
jklareiirc the main point here was if and how we could include these ha cookbooks in the project (or link them properly)14:44
aspiersyes, there is the question of sharing the HA core cookbooks14:45
aspiersbut there is also the question of how to handle HA-enabling of the OpenStack cookbooks14:45
sc`ha reference deployments are definitely needed. it's still mostly documentation and When You Know You Know14:45
sc`i'd toggle ha itself with a node attribute14:46
aspierssc`: SUSE OpenStack Cloud is the reference deployment ;-)14:46
sc`aspiers: :)14:46
aspiersactually, it's the only way to use them right now14:46
aspierssince you need the synchronization primitives, and currently that requires Crowbar14:46
markvan__yeah, unfortunately when we went looking into HA support early last year, we had some issues with how to use these, so we have gone can done our own pacemaker cookbook.  My team has seen your slides and is encouraged to see the progress made.14:47
aspiersessentially doing HA support properly requires a good degree of orchestration14:47
aspiersincluding synchronization primitives14:47
jklareso for now we could just include a link to this slides in our documentation?14:47
aspiersand the other challenge is how to cleanly insert sync points into the upstream cookbooks14:47
aspierssee slides 31-32 in particular14:48
jklareand maybe create a proper blueprint for enabling ha from our cookbooks14:48
jklaresomebody willing to do that?14:48
sc`aspiers: off the top of my head, i thought something like zookeeper or consul might make a good stand-in. haven't tested the theory yet :)14:48
aspierssc`: maybe, I don't know enough about them14:49
markvan__the issue with direct HA enablement within our cookbook means doing it with a narrow approach, which probably won't work for us.14:49
aspiersmarkvan__: what do you mean by narrow approach?14:49
sc`it's definitely a very prescriptive approach, whichever way it is14:49
markvan__I think we need to instead focus on the HA building blocks that could be placed in the up stream cookbook and let folks handle HA in their own ways build on top14:50
sc`+1. the orchestration bits can be left up to the implementer14:50
jklare+1 for that markvan__14:50
jklarebut i think we should create a blueprint for this one14:50
aspiersmarkvan__: sure - the corosync/pacemaker cookbooks provide the LWRPs and other building blocks, without being opinionated about the deployment technique14:50
aspiersthe LWRPs are definitely reusable right now14:51
aspierswe just need to tidy up the git repo and CI stuff14:51
aspiersand ideally extract a gem for the pacemaker bindings14:51
jklareaspiers sure, but for now these things are a bit out of scope of the openstack chef stackforge projects i guess14:52
markvan__My team is still digesting your slides, but I will ask them to start getting more involved with HA as it relatest to the upstream cooksooks.14:53
aspiersjklare: yeah they are certainly not OpenStack-specific14:53
aspiersso what's the best location for them?14:53
aspiersif not stackforge?14:53
sc`if they're agnostic enough, supermarket might make a good place14:54
sc`but then you miss out on gerrit14:54
jklaresc` sure, but someone has to care for them14:54
aspiersgithub review is good enough for me TBH14:54
aspiersSUSE is actively maintaining these14:54
aspiersthey are a core part of our product14:54
aspiersand already deployed in production by big customers14:54
markvan__right now, we have built a full HA on top of the existing cookbooks, so I'm a bit worried about making upstream HA changes without considering current use cases for users.14:55
aspiersmarkvan__: is your implementation public?14:55
markvan__yeah, I would like to see them get into the supermarket.14:55
cmlucianoare there any guards that you have been putting in place when adding the sensitive flag? Wasn’t sure if there was a backwards compatible way to do this14:55
markvan__aspiers: not yet, that is our next step, to push out what we have so we can compare with your techniquies, especailly for pacemaker14:56
aspiersthe main challenge right now is that we are maintaining all our HA cookbooks under a single repo:
aspiersthis is easier for us but obviously sucks from an upstream perspective14:56
aspierssince they are independent of Crowbar14:57
aspiers(except the crowbar-pacemaker cookbook, of course)14:57
sc`toggle something like that14:57
markvan__yeah, that makes them hard to use and find.  I think supermaket is the right fit for these types of cookbooks14:57
sc`node['openstack']['ha']['enabled'] or something like that14:57
aspierssc`: we already do that
aspiersSUSE Cloud does not enforce mandatory use of Pacemaker / HA14:58
aspiersit's totally optional14:58
sc`that's definitely the way i'd go14:58
sc`provide the means, but don't enforce it14:58
aspiersbut polluting existing OpenStack cookbooks with "if ha_enabled" is ugly, which is why long term I suggest splitting them up into smaller recipes at sync points14:59
aspiersas per slide 3114:59
aspiersthen you could have wrapper cookbooks14:59
sc`yep. may even make sense to do some further refactoring of existing cookbooks to pair down the size of some of the recipes, but that's not for today15:00
aspiersso are there any suggestions on a location for these cookbooks? TBH I could even host them under
aspiersor does supermarket actually provide git hosting?15:00
aspiersI thought it was just a directory15:01
sc`supermarket is just an index, so you'd have to use a github account somewhere15:01
aspiersso I think this is probably the way to go then15:01
jklareok, maybe to summon this up we could agree that we do not include these cookbooks as part of the stackforge project for now, but would like to see them available via the supermarket. in addition to that someone should probably create a blueprint for ha-enablement so we could discuss the details of that without exceeding the frame of this meeting15:01
sc`aspiers: yeah. that makes sense15:01
markvan__jklare: +1 good summary15:01
aspiersjklare: +1, and I offer to help reviewing that blueprint15:02
aspiersalthough I don't know enough about upstream options for synchronization / orchestration to be able to write it myself15:02
jklareok, anybody else wants to take a action item for this blueprint?15:02
jklarei see15:03
jklareok, i will try to create an more or less open one so we can beginn a discussion there15:04
jklarenext topic?15:04
jklare#topic core-members15:04
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jklarei basically added this one to open a dicussion about the process of adding new core members and evertyhing around it15:05
jklareuntil now we do not have any defined process for adding new cores15:05
jklarewhich lead to j^2 just adding members when they were participating in iirc and reviewing changes15:06
jklarebut since we are moving to the official openstack processes15:06
jklarewe probably should rethink this15:06
jklareand define a way how to add core reviewer and maybe some guidelines for them15:07
jklarethere is this short infra guideline here
j^2Maybe start an etherpad that we can dump what we think we should do?15:08
sc`agreed. transparency is ever crucial15:08
sc`i feel this is needed for the project to continue to prosper15:09
markvan__I think the openstack process for cores is here:
jklarehere is the etherpad
sc`though it wasn't my intention to spawn this topic, it's for the best15:11
jklareok, do we want to continue or start the discussion here and now or on the etherpad and during the next meeting?15:12
sc`should probably take it to etherpad at this point15:13
sc`unless we have time15:13
jklareok then lets move this topic to the etherpad15:14
jklareany more topics to add?15:14
jklarebtw. shouldnt we be doing this meeting in an official meeting room?15:14
jklaremhhh... ok maybe we can find out until next time15:16
sc`there is a specific channel for that, isn't there?15:16
jklarethere are official openstack meeting rooms15:16
jklareok, if there are no additional topic i would end the meeting15:17
sc`it'd make sense to use openstack resources15:17
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openstackMeeting ended Mon May  4 15:17:51 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:17
openstackMinutes (text):
cmlucianofor anyone wondering where i’ve been15:21
cmlucianoi’ve been knee-deeep in rails and supermarket implementation15:21
cmlucianoI’m still alive :)15:21
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/openstack-chef-repo: New test_patch helper script
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: add support for percona as db backend
aspiersjklare: IIRC, there are bot commands you can use for capturing actions within a meeting15:36
jklareaspiers yep15:39
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jklare@core blueprint (not too much in it yet) for HA-enablement
os-chef-bot@j^2 @markvan @mattray @wenchma @jklare @cmluciano @zhiwei blueprint (not too much in it yet) for HA-enablement
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed stackforge/cookbook-openstack-common: Just wanted to see how ChefDK 5.1 would work, if there are any obvious changes we need to make to use this version.
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markvan__fyi, with, tired ChefDK 5.1 against Common, no obvious issues.  Need to try with repo now, then we should consider moving up at some point.19:22
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j^2@core started
os-chef-bot@j^2 @markvan @mattray @wenchma @jklare @cmluciano @zhiwei started
j^2updated the agenda page23:10
j^2@core updated/changed some things around:
os-chef-bot@j^2 @markvan @mattray @wenchma @jklare @cmluciano @zhiwei updated/changed some things around:
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cmlucianoNice didn't know they we were doing suse23:18
j^2i figured we should have a Chef/ site, then if you want to know more you click the GettingStarted/ link23:22
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