Monday, 2015-11-23

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Neo_Hi !!!14:03
Neo_anyone there... got messed up in some design with chef...14:04
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jklarehi @Neo_14:25
jklare@Neo_ how can i help you?14:26
Neo_Thanks for respone jklare14:29
Neo_actually i would like to run chef client on controller node, compute node, network node etc...14:30
Neo_Compute node and network node should wait until convergence of Controller node14:30
Neo_how can i do that using chef14:30
jklare@Neo_ that is a very good question, sadly there is not a simple answer to that14:31
Neo_i guess that it may be a common requirement for many infrastructure implementation....14:32
jklare@Neo_ if you are using chef-provisoning you can probably define some triggers to orchestrate the whole cluster deployment depeding on the convergance states of single nodes14:32
jklare@Neo_ i also heard, that there are some people using ansible to orchestrate the chef runs14:32
Neo_ok, i shall explore on chef-provision and ansible...  Can I have both chef server and chef client on a single node ?14:33
jklare@Neo_ the basic issue here is, that there is no build in dependency checking in chef and therefore no easy solution to orchestrate a whole cluster14:33
jklare@Neo_ sure14:33
Neo_ok, shall try that too...14:34
Neo_i saw some lock mechanism while googling, can it help14:35
jklare@Neo_ depending on the way you use the cookbooks, it might also be possible to set some node state after a successfull chef run on a controller and check/wait for this state/attribute/flag in the chef-runs on the other nodes14:35
Neo_that should be good idea...14:36
Neo_if you are aware of Openstack installation, we connect to database server,  and create database per service like glance etc.... add users, roles etc...14:38
Neo_i am trying to use expect script and invoke them using chef receipes..... is there any other way to do this ?14:39
jklare@Neo_ you invoke the chef run, the run of single recipes or the run of some scripts?14:42
jklare@Neo_ and your goal is to run these scripts as soon as the database is reads or as soon as the chefrun finished?14:43
jklare@Neo_ and these scripts run some commands to migrate the databses?14:44
Neo_@jkalre : the scripts are used to create database, add users etc...14:44
Neo_as it is interactive, i am looking to use expect scripts and someway to trigger them from chef14:45
jklareinteractive means it requires user input?14:47
Neo_for example, in openstack installation we run a command "mysql -u root -p" to connect to the datbases server...14:49
Neo_it enters in to another shell, where we create databases, users. Can we do this without expect scripts...14:50
jklarei think i still do not understand what expect scripts are14:51
jklareyou can create all the databases and users directly during the chef-run14:51
jklareand the identity-registration recipes in the different cookbooks do exactly that14:51
Neo_ok, actually i am in the beginner mode and designing the implementation approach... shall try it with chef-run.14:52
jklarethe ressources 'openstack_identity_register' in this recipe create the users, the services etc14:53
jklarethis recipe basically runs all the needed bash/scripts to do the migrations for the needed databases14:54
Neo_thanks, very useful info14:55
jklarehappy to help14:55
Neo_shall start trying and exploring14:56
jklaregood luck and feel free to come back to our channel and ask all the questions that arise :)14:57
Neo_Thanks Much !!!14:57
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openstackgerritRemi Vichery proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Added Nuage Networks extensions
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openstackgerritChristoph Albers proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-compute: refactoring step 1
j^2hey all15:33
j^2there's a chance i'll be late to our meeting15:33
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j^2jklare: you should have mentioned chef-provisioning to neo_ ;?15:47
jklare@j^2 i did15:48
j^2ah nice15:48
j^2i must have missed it15:48
jklarethe first thing i said ;)15:48
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jklarea cool talk from aspiers, just in case anyone is interested ;)
aspierssee also
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j^2jklare: ^^17:13
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jmicklej^2: how you doing19:01
j^2jmickle: not to shabby, how's it on your end?19:02
jmickledoing great19:02
jmickleyou know any postgres consultants that are super awesome19:02
jmickleyou wouldnt mind recommending? I need some help and have $$$19:02
j^2yeah honestly i don't19:03
jmicklehaha bummer19:03
jmickleyou ready for the hollidays?19:03
j^2getting there, well trying to at least ;)19:04
jmicklestaying local?19:04
jmickleor traveling19:04
j^2sorry, staying local. I got hit by a rootkit on my personal NAS so i'm freaking out over here19:11
j^2yeah, I have no idea why it's popped up now, but it has.19:13
j^2it's not great19:13
j^2really not great19:13
sc`definitely not delightful19:14
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j^2It seems i've been nominated for the OpenStack Board from Operations: if you want ta help me out20:09
jmicklej^2: you should be the board of openstack :-P20:13
jmicklei would vote for you but openstack didnt approve my foundation membership because i didnt add an affiliation20:13
jmickleapparently the hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and community support isnt enough :-P20:14
jmickle(im a little bitter if you cant tell)20:14
jmickleget on the board and change that stupid policy20:15
jmickleso i can finally be recognized as a community member for os20:15
j^2:D i mean20:15
jmicklealthough apparently20:15
jmicklei lost my chef membership as well20:15
* jmickle grumbles20:16
jmicklebut i kind of stepped out of communities for a little bit20:16
jmickleso im not surprised at that one20:16
jmicklethey are just tiresome20:17
jmickleand a very thankless job20:17
jmickleHonestly it was LA that killed it for me20:17
jmicklenext conference we should grab a beer20:18
j^2:D sounds like a plan20:18
jmicklewhats on your list for conf's?20:18
jmicklealso where is mattray been or jeff hackert been i havent heard much from them these days20:19
jmickleeveryone is heads down prolly20:19
jmicklebut i do strongly advise taking a break20:20
jmicklei took 12 weeks off work20:20
jmickleand even longer away from communities20:20
jmickleand it was the best recharge ive ever had20:21
j^2ah yeah makes sense20:21
jmicklei went fishing, sailing and simply drank some beer and watched tv20:21
jmickleand it was everything i could ask for20:21
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