Friday, 2016-12-09

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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Fixes for Newton / Identity v3
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-telemetry: Ceilometer-api / Gnocchi-api WSGI refactor
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-block-storage: Show team and repo badges on README
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Show team and repo badges on README
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openstackgerritChristoph Albers proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Fixes for Newton / Identity v3
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openstackgerritChristoph Albers proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard: Fixes for Newton / Identity v3
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sc`jklare: looks like rubygems mirror may be landing at long last18:24
jklaresc` ?18:24
jklaresc` i looked at the ticket this morning and there was not much progress as far as i could see18:25
sc`the openstack rubygems mirror stuff that we talked about a couple months ago was still pending. i prodded infra gently in the channel and got a verbal confirmation it would be picked up for monday18:25
jklaresc` thats cook18:26
jklarewe tested the last patches internally and everything looks good so far18:26
jklarei think it would be good to merge this one to get all the dependencies for the integration testing out of the way18:28
jklareand then we can merge this
jklareand as soon as we have a working rubygems mirror, we should have working integration test again18:29
sc`for sure. looking at 40693218:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-chef-repo: remove cookbook dependency version pinning
sc`i hadn't even thought of just removing that entire block being focused on other things, so thanks for that18:35
sc`rechecked 347614 and it got past the rubygems fun on one build. hopefully one of the runs completes18:56
sc`ooh. progress!19:18
sc`got to a deprecated message about heat stack-list19:19
sc`and now my ~/.ssh/config isn't working, so i can't push up a patch. yay technology19:35
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sc`looks like it wasn't ~/.ssh/config. the openstack-chef-repo Rakefile needs another patchset to align with openstackclient20:05
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef-repo: Enables Ubuntu Xenial release (16.04)
sc`fingers crossed20:08
sc`looks like we need a data bag item for murano. integration complaining a little about not creating the database info20:38
sc`rubygems timeouts are just getting in the way. going to hold out for the rubygems mirror i think20:48
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raparkhursthey sc22:45
raparkhurstup for more questions?22:45
sc`when comcast lets me22:46
sc`my connection is in a state of semi-failure22:47
raparkhurstfair enough22:48
raparkhurstwhat's holding swift back in chef's official mitaka repo?22:48
sc`the cookbook needs to be refactored to be in-line with the rest of the cookbooks. neither jklare nor i have swift in our deployments, so it was mothballed for the time being22:49
raparkhurstswift isn't something we're looking at going with right away, so not a big thing..22:50
sc`what's there is the old style of how we did things, like mangling the giant thousand-line long configs22:50
sc`most chef users don't seem to use swift, or else someone would pick it up, i figure22:51
sc`i suspect the reality is they're somewhere around where i am, between really ancient and sort-of-but-not-really old22:52
raparkhurstah...i'm kind of surprised @ swift's adoption..  is there another object-storage offering that is being used instead?22:54
sc`i'm not sure. we don't make use of object storage in our openstack deployments22:58
raparkhurstand the examples use encrypted data bags...  how easy is it to move to vaults or would it be easier to just create/use encrypted data bags in prod?22:58
raparkhurstah ok @ object storage22:59
sc`there was an attempt at supporting chef-vault at some point, but right now we just do encrypted data bags22:59
sc`speaking both in practice and what openstack-chef-repo provides23:00
raparkhurstnot to pepper you with questions, but do you know about when the git repo will be updated for newton?23:24
raparkhurstand how easy has it been for you to upgrade openstack versions?  Like do you do in-place upgrades or bring up new hardware and migrate over?23:24
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sc`newton is in the process of being merged, slowly23:40
sc`as far as upgrading, the process has been to bring up new gear and migrate23:41
raparkhurstah ok23:52
raparkhursti kind of figured @ new gear23:52

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