Tuesday, 2017-06-06

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jklaresc` great news, how can i help with that?12:02
sc`jklare: it seems that a separate user needs to exist. in our case, we'd want 'openstack', but someone decided to be cute and squat on the username https://supermarket.chef.io/users/openstack12:09
sc`if we could get a dedicated user, the cookbooks could be added and be 'owned' by the group's user. it's how chef themselves and other orgs do it12:11
jklaresc` i might be the one, let me check12:11
sc`i think rbac goes out the window, though12:12
jklarelet me check if i own the "openstack" user12:14
jklarej^2 ping12:14
jklarej^2 any chance you own the "openstack" user on supermarket?12:14
sc`three years with no activity is fair game for reaping, methinks :)12:15
ch-mhassmaybe you could contact gravatar https://en.gravatar.com/12:21
sc`in this case, chef would be the more definitive party, since someone registered the openstack id on chef.io12:21
sc`i like where your head's at ;)12:22
sc`jj will be around soon, but it's still early here in the states12:22
sc`i'm one of those weirdos that runs on an early clock12:23
j^2Alas I don't on the supermarket, but I can find out. I do for habitat though. It might be easier to put in an RFC to ask to take ownership of it. It'll probably be required eventually too13:17
sc`what's the process for doing that?13:20
sc`three years with no activity feels like grounds for changing ownership. not to mention, brand identity and all13:22
jklarej^2 is there a way to figure out the mail address associated with the "openstack" account on supermarket (preferably a legal one ;) )13:31
j^2yeah i can find out for you13:32
jklarej^2 nice13:32
jklarej^2 thanks13:32
j^2I'd think you'd just need to open an RFC saying you'd like to take ownership of the namespace sc`13:32
j^2I can take a look at it if you'd like before submitting it. Give the reasons why, how old it's been stale etc, give your argument and put it through the proper channels13:33
sc`you mean like a pr to chef-rfc?13:33
sc`for an open source company, processes are a bit opaque to the outsider :p13:34
jklaresc` :)13:34
sc`i mean it with the most <3 that can be mustered in ascii form13:35
j^2sc`: yep, that's how it's "officially" done for the community via RFC's13:35
sc`cool. sounds like a path forward. probably figure out who has it and see if direct contact can be made before engaging the necessary channels. i can never remember when meetings are, so i don't attend13:36
j^2it's thursdays every week 10amCDT13:36
j^2on the community slack13:36
j^2But i'll get the email addy for yall first, then we'll work from there13:37
j^2i should have it today for yall13:37
sc`no love for the best coast13:37
j^2i'll DM it to yall13:37
j^2opps, my bad, 11amCDT13:37
sc`0800-1000 is usually pretty slammed with $jobligations13:37
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j^2sc` and jklare https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/openstack who should i transfer it to? (if i may make a suggestion yall create a shared account and you add yourselves as collaborators)20:54
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