Monday, 2017-08-21

sc`fyi, tests on etcd probably isn't a thing to happen with chefspec. i tried getting one together and it was just as big a rabbit hole as a cookbook, and the upstream is already on inspec03:24
sc`it's a perfect candidate for inspec03:24
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Drop token-flush cronjob
sc`jklare: you've a good point with etcd. i stood up a basic cluster based on the readme from the etcd cookbook14:04
jklaresc` i think going into that direction is a great thing to do, but it probably will be like with the other cookbook-ops-* things were we have to find a good and configurable way to deploy tools outside of openstack14:19
jklaresc` maybe etcd fits into the ops-database cookbook?14:20
sc`perhaps. i'm doing it because openstack collectively voted on etcd as a base service back in boston14:20
jklaresc` yeah, i think etcd would be a great tool for holding the shared configuration data14:21
sc` is where it was voted14:21
jklaresc` but then again there are multiple ways to deploy it and a lot of people will wanna use ssl14:21
jklaresc` which makes it a lot more complicated14:21
sc`frickler did raise a concern about using github-based tarballs, but it was downplayed14:21
sc`i mentioned that chef maintains an etcd cookbook14:21
sc`it's mainly for oslo14:22
sc`devstack has been bundling etcd since may14:22
sc`now, my recipe does need work, i'll give it that14:23
sc`it's like chef 13. eventually it needs to be there14:23
sc`i made sure to leave etcd as its own change specifically to not be in the rubocop/cookstyle changes, since it's a special patch14:27
sc`the initial wave of pike updates are largely rejiggering the rake jobs so that it's not a huge surprise when delivery local takes over14:27
sc`(delivery is another one of those eventuality things)14:28
sc`there are some bits we can consume a la
sc`looking at devstack, i see where my patch needs to improve15:39
sc`i was getting way, way too specific. my revision will be more generalized15:47
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-common master: Added etcd as an available base service
sc`^ that patch brings chef to parity with devstack, which is simply "give me a basic etcd instance"16:59
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