Tuesday, 2017-08-29

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jklaresc` We can leave it in the cloudbau repo for now and see how it goes. We can still decide to integrate it in our openstack namespace lateron08:18
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sc`that works. also, thanks for the docs link. i'll change it back to v3password12:13
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-compute master: Initial compute Pike updates  https://review.openstack.org/49556413:00
sc`what do we want to do about the package dependencies? pike flat out won't converge without them because we're compiling things from source in the chef run13:03
sc`actually, we don't even need to compile openstackclient from source for pike13:06
sc`the packages are 3.1213:06
sc`the latest on pip is 3.1213:06
sc`all this nonsense about development headers is 100% not needed, at least as far as pike is concerned13:06
sc`jklare: thoughts? shall i rip out the pip installation to defer to packaging? it seems viable with much less recipe work needed13:07
sc`once ci is less angry, i want to rekindle conversations with rdo about getting our cookbooks in as a test for packaging. puppet and tripleo do it right now, and i was approached maybe a cycle ago now about it13:10
sc`i did check both rdo and ubuntu cloud staging packages to determine with what pike will be shipped, so it seems sound13:14
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jklaresc` i would love to go back to packages15:00
jklaresc` for openstackclient15:00
jklaresc` should be much more stable15:00
sc`i'm running a test with that change15:04
sc`i don't see a good way to only install py3.5 so i'm letting poise do what it does15:18
sc`got a convergence with packages, sans pip install. i'll try extracting from my style patches18:32
sc`i'm also testing the dashboard patch18:34
sc`i carry lots of patches in testing18:34
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sc`i have pike converging in the monolith without the pip package, both centos and ubuntu19:44
sc`i'll try to extract the right bits to get them in review19:45
sc`i layered them on the existing style reviews, so should be easy enough19:45
sc`i'm adding a recipe to fulfill the py3.5 requirement. none of the actual packages will use it, though19:51
sc`i can't find a way to force them either19:51
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard master: Correct Python runtime for neutron-lbaas-dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/49895921:57
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-common master: Added a wrapper recipe for Python installation  https://review.openstack.org/49897622:45
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard master: Corrected Python runtime for neutron-lbaas-dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/49895922:46
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-common master: Use packages for python-openstackclient, add python3.5 support  https://review.openstack.org/49897622:50
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef-repo master: Added a wrapper recipe for Python installation  https://review.openstack.org/49898022:51

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