Friday, 2017-09-01

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fricklerwhere is gerritbot? I made it to #500000 :)12:37
sc`where _is_ gerritbot13:07
sc`grats on 500k13:07
* sc` pokes openstackgerrit with a sharp stick13:07
sc`is it not subscribed to stable/ocata?13:07
sc`project-config checks out13:08
sc`repo is getting intermittent green runs off of our changes13:17
sc`increasingly more, it would seem13:18
sc`when ubuntu makes it more consistently green, can probably get the centos job back in play13:18
sc`github was just used as a feedback mechanism13:23
sc`in the time i've worked with these cookbooks, i've never seen someone reply in-line to an old commit on github13:23
sc`until now13:23
sc`someone is kicking the tires on stable/ocata :D13:24
sc`i'm going to be reworking the keystone bootstrap. it was all originally what it should have been, just in the wrong place13:33
sc`instead of the registration.rb recipe, it needed to be dropped in server-apache.rb for resource ordering13:34
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openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Corrected keystone bootstrapping command
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Corrected keystone bootstrapping command
sc`damn it. can't cherry-pick to stable/ocata14:17
sc`gerrit claims merge error but won't tell me details14:17
sc`it's rubocop, as always14:26
sc`the todo changes between master and stable/ocata, and won't align14:26
sc`the problem? one line difference14:27
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity stable/ocata: Corrected keystone bootstrapping command
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity stable/ocata: Corrected keystone bootstrapping command

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