Sunday, 2017-10-29

openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-image master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-block-storage master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-telemetry master: Replace ceilometer-dbsync by ceilometer-upgrade
sc`Seb-Solon: openstack-dns will have to be merged by one of the cloudbau/x-ion folks. that's calbers, frickler or jklare, and they'll be around monday01:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-network master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
Seb-SolonNp :)01:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-compute master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
Seb-SolonFor the CI in orchestration I guess the is a way to rerun it? The error seems to be not related to the change01:53
sc`yeah. that looked unrelated01:53
sc`cookstyle must have gotten confused with me workflowing all those changes01:59
Seb-SolonRegarding v2 / v3 endpoint I may do it monday too, because I am still not sure my fix is valid02:04
Seb-SolonChanging endpoint variable to v3 fix the issue when the v2 were created before. But from scratch I was not working02:05
Seb-Solonexcept nova and the dashboard something need the cinder api?02:06
sc`i think that's it02:06
Seb-Solonhum maybe some dashboard config is defaulting to v2 then. Let me see if I have something in openstack docs02:09
Seb-Solonfrom what I understand, the dashboard will read endpoint from the internal URL so it's should pick whatever it finds ...02:17
Seb-SolonMaybe it was just an issue with restart apache to have horizon reload endpoint then. Maybe I'll be able to give another try on Monday by deleting those v2 endpoints.02:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-orchestration master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-telemetry master: Replace platform_family method and use attribute instead
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/openstack-chef-repo master: Zuul: add file extension to playbook path

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