Wednesday, 2017-11-15

-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to an unexpected outage with Zuul (1 hour), you'll need to recheck any jobs that were in progress. Sorry for the inconvenience.02:56
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fricklersc`: I haven't really looked at that. in general I'd like to avoid having yet another virtualization layer, though07:47
fricklersc`: also not sure about chef 13, things are just working fine for us with 1207:47
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jklaresc` hey man, just got the stickers you send, thanks a lot12:47
sc`jklare: awesome. they got lost in the relocation, then i made sure to get them in the post before they got reboxed and re-lost13:19
sc`one thing that chef 13 does that isn't obvious is that you can no longer access attributes as methods, and the cookbooks have that all over13:33
sc`thing.attribute no longer works, but thing['attribute'] does, but then the uri handling code gets confused13:34
sc`which led me to the use of the uri gem, and the fact that addressable does the same thing in a more sane manner13:34
sc`like this from openstack-identity::server-apache:13:37
sc`-    server_port: admin_bind_service.port,13:37
sc`+    server_port: admin_bind_service['port'],13:37
sc`when i came across that, convergence told me it was everywhere13:38
sc`i was seeing the error in chef 12, but i hadn't been enlightened as to what it meant. it helps to idle on the chef community slack13:42
sc`i fell asleep last night exploring the addressable gem. it smells like that has the path forward13:50
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sc`alas, my ruby is not as good as it needs to be. i have uri data passing around, but the cookbook doesn't know what to do with it yet14:09
sc`i haven't proposed patches because kitchen and rspec still aren't happy14:09
sc`the glance image upload code is in need of a refactor to a custom resource. i've barely scratched the surface on those14:12
sc`someone with more formal ruby skillz can probably see what i'm not14:13
sc`found what's gumming up the gates14:52
sc`external mirrors14:53
sc`we're not overriding the mirrorlists for integration14:54
sc` is still making it in14:54
sc`probably need an override for that attribute14:55
sc`the environment is as good a place as any to toss it14:57
sc`or not. probably need some conditional to populate $NODEPOOL_* in common15:15
sc`frickler: where i was thinking kitchen might be handy is with containers a la dokken17:47
sc`could be complementary17:47
sc`if we were to move to github, that's exactly how we would be executing the tests, so it's inevitable17:52
sc`to do anything otherwise is fighting against the stream, and doing so further sends the project into demise17:53
sc`the complexity of the codebase is more than a liability, sadly17:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-orchestration master: Remove domain role from heat service user
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openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-orchestration master: Grant admin role in heat domain to heat_domain_admin
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-orchestration master: Grant admin role in heat domain to heat_domain_admin

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