Thursday, 2017-11-30

openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-compute master: Fix creation of cell0
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openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: identity refactor for Pike and Chef 13
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Add native zuul v3 jobs defined in openstack-chef-repo
fricklersc`: actually I had that patch ready in my tree for four weeks, but somehow skipped submitting it :D14:53
fricklerwill check for others now :-"14:53
sc`cool. thank you. with my local testing looking promising, after i cargo-cult one of the apache recipes and adapt it for cinder, both platforms should work. i leased some machines from hetzner to bolster my testing infrastructure so i can ensure that at least allinone works14:55
sc`ubuntu works all the way to launching instances from horizon with all of the 'refactoring'14:56
sc`but, it's coincidence that that even works14:56
sc`the automated scans for insecure software configurations are a bit strange, but nice. i woke up one morning to half a dozen alerts about memcached listening on
frickleryeah, our default deployment isn't very secure14:59
sc`not at all14:59
sc`my todo list involves further leveraging inspec by way of dev-sec/openstack-baseline and basically refactor from the tests up14:59
fricklerI didn't test pike yet, but did redeploy a node successfully using your patches and chef13. minus some tweaking still needed for the ceph cookbook we use15:01
sc`nod. the ceph cookbook i haven't touched15:01
sc`i wanted to replace it with ceph-chef, but that's another rabbit hole15:01
sc`524202 doesn't look too happy on zuulv3.o.o15:03
sc`glad to hear that deploying was successful. i'm testing in every configuration at my disposal, save production workloads15:03
sc`tempest is running after every chef run, be it bare metal or virtual15:05
sc`it missed the cinder stuff, naturally15:05
fricklerthat looks like an infra issue now, thx for pointing me to it15:08
sc`chefdk 2.4 looks to have more deprecations. going to hold off until repo is passing15:17
sc`probably a new set of changes15:17
sc`since things are working on 2.3, i'll hold off until these get in15:17
sc`chefdk 2.4 can be the first minor bump in the cookbooks in what seems like ages :)15:23
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: if you receieved a result of "RETRY_LIMIT" after 14:15 UTC, it was likely due to an error since corrected. please "recheck"15:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Add native zuul v3 jobs defined in openstack-chef-repo
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