Monday, 2018-05-14

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scasa little bird said that there are a couple of people who added openstack-chef to their calendars13:57
scasthe vancouver onboarding session13:58
jklareso you will go?13:59
scasi've committed myself to providing two sessions, an onboarding and a project update13:59
jklarenow i feel bad that i can't make it to vancouver13:59
scasthe videos will be posted shortly after the summit14:00
scasi was hoping to have the contributor guide up by now, but time stands for no one14:01
scasi'm tempted to demo the kitchen build in the onboarding14:02
scasi've been timing it, and on my xeon e3 machines they take about 20 minutes14:02
scasbut that's assuming ssh out works :D14:04
scaskitchen-vagrant and pike has been the most predictable14:05
scasmaster works, too, but chef and shifting sands would dictate a live demo off master to fail14:05
scascompounded by the fact that i'd be running off of a server from another continent14:09
scasi can't make promises on being in berlin, but it would be a good idea for these sessions to possibly be repeated there14:17
jklarecan do14:19
jklarebut it would still be great if you could make it14:19
scasfor sure14:19
scasi have no impediments other than timing at this point14:20
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