Wednesday, 2018-05-16

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myrati write the command openstack create -enable --description "First project" P0109:51
myratthen i got error Missing value auth-urk required for auth plugin password09:51
fricklermyrat: you need to supply your credentials to the openstack command, either as parameters or via environment variables. also, as this doesn't seem to be related to Chef in any way, using the #openstack channel would seem to be better suited09:55
myratthanks i found now just download the rc file from horizon10:01
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Ramerethscas: please forgive me as I ended up not being to make it to the summit next week. If you want, i could call into a session if that helps. Sorry :(17:32
scasRamereth: it's not a problem. anxiety aside, i have things covered for the chef sessions17:36
Ramerethok great17:36
Ramerethi've been swamped lately including next week17:37
scasif it weren't for preplanning the summit months out, i would be, too17:37
scasi also kind of obligated myself to being there, in a sense17:37
scaswithout this sort of thing, openstack-chef will wither even further17:38
Ramerethbetween personal and professional obligations I just couldn't make it17:38
Ramerethunfortunately yes :(17:38
scasi'm not a showman or a presenter by any stretch, but i think i've done a good job at summarizing the more recent developments17:41
scasi just don't present on a regular basis17:42

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