Saturday, 2018-06-09

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scasyeah... this could take a while. the apache parts are fine, but common is a different story because of all that url mangling that was necessary for handling multiple identity versions05:14
scasi have passing unit tests on identity sans admin05:15
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Chef_troyHello! I am chef noob trying to learn chef on openstack. And I am having some problems with kitchen converge. Iit fails while creating volume16:56
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openstackchef_troy: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.17:25
chef_troyHello I am new to chef and I was wondering if I could get some help debugging an error.17:28
chef_troyI am working with open stack and currently I am getting an error while doing kitchen converge. When I run kitchen converge I get an error during the "creating volume"17:29
chef_troyif anyone could please help me with this I would be most thankful.17:30
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scaschef_troy: i might be in a place to help take a look, but i'm about to head out the door for a bit. if you could provide some more context, like the output from kitchen, that would help narrow things down18:13
scasby 'a bit', i mean several hours. weekend errands18:22
scaschef_troy: you could also send a post to openstack-dev tagged with [chef] and i'll read it when i have time today18:24
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