Thursday, 2018-06-28

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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/openstack-chef-repo master: Add databag secrets for keystone credential tokens
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Fix token handling for keystone
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Fix token handling for keystone
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Use variables keystone_user and keystone_group
scasi'm wondering how much of that is keyserver and how much is actually the cookbook itself. mariadb has been undergoing nothing short of an evolutional growth spurt as of recent13:29
scas2.0 is actively being developed13:29
scasi've been parked in #openstack-tc for the past few days. the visibility thing seems to be a side effect of 'openstack' as a whole13:37
scasthere's a huge 'bus factor' against openstack-chef. it weighs heavily against me individually, with my changes accounting for roughly 75% according to a questionable source of data (stackalytics)13:41
scasin the past month, there have been a couple of pokes outside the great firewall, one of which i wound up superseding entirely by bp/simplify-identity-endpoint13:43
scasdiscussions of how better to reach those contributors came up, too13:43
scaslooks the 2.0 line of the mariadb cookbook drops chef 13 support in favor of chef 14+13:46
fricklernice, we are only now migrating from chef 12 to 13 ...13:51
scasyeah :/13:52
scasit's evolving to get rid of the vestiges of database13:52
fricklerwhich sounds like a good thing to do, just dropping support for older chef versions is not so nice13:53
scassince queens/rocky is a breakpoint for an ubuntu lts, mariadb feels like it would be best suited to stay at 1.5 until the switch to rocky. kitchen already tests against chef-client 14.x13:54
scaswith the not-so-nice workaround to deal wkth iptables in rdo, integration is unblocked to actually test against both platforms when i have time to sit down and wire it up13:55
scasregardless of my bedside manner, i really do appreciate what you folks have done and still do13:58
scasi wouldn't have found the keystone thing until going to implement13:59
scasi also would have kicked off even worse red flags by self-approving changes14:01
fricklerscas: we only found that keystone issue once some heat stacks started going bad on our pike live deployment14:11
scasouch :(14:11
fricklerscas: though it would make sense to dig into why tempest doesn't seem to have any useful testing for it14:11
scasi've been working to get better local testing to catch some of this stuff, but my hetzner bill already crept up a bit much last month14:12
jklarescas if you just need some resources for testing, we might be able to help you out with instances on one of our clusters14:13
scasi have a few bare metals that i've been managing with hosted chef14:13
scasbut if i do need extra capacity, i'll pipe up14:14
jklarescas sounds good14:14
scasright now the time constraints are mostly on personal time14:14
scasoccasionally i'll get some time to sit down and do something like finishing nova-wsgi and pare down the identity endpoint, but that's not always possible. iptables, for example, took me the better part of 2 months to make sure i wasn't gaslighting myself due to time14:16
scasonly after i came across ihar's farewell did i see he tried to remove it at one point, and it never went anywhere14:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-integration-test master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-compute master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-orchestration master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-network master: Simplify identity endpoint
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-image master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity stable/pike: Use variables keystone_user and keystone_group
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-common master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-block-storage master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Use variables keystone_user and keystone_group
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openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Simplify identity endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-telemetry master: Simplify identity endpoint
Seb-Solo`Hi there, finally back on the cookbook. I am trying to synch up with the latest version and see what's different. I see that there is a pike tag, should I rebase on that?18:18
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scasSeb-Solon: queens is emerging Soon(tm)18:40
scasthere's a big keystone-related change in the process of being reviewed18:40
Seb-Solonfor submitting PR in anycase i will need to rebase, but for my own usage would you recommend the pike or I can keep to master? My openstack version is pike, not sure if cookbook are backward compatible or not18:52
Seb-Solonscas, as far as I can see, aodh support is still not here right? My PR should make sense I think18:55
Seb-Solonbtw I can see that you are moving forward for chef version, good to know. If have have weird issue I'll upgrade my side. I'm still on 12.21.418:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity stable/pike: Use variables keystone_user and keystone_group
scasno aodh yet, right19:11
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Simplify identity endpoint
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openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-identity master: Simplify identity endpoint

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