Tuesday, 2018-09-11

openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dns master: Update SQL/AMQP connection attributes for Designate  https://review.openstack.org/60147702:32
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef master: Add designate to default kitchen scenario  https://review.openstack.org/60098302:35
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef master: Add Designate sink service to allinone role  https://review.openstack.org/60147802:37
scasjklare: 601477 should get kitchen working again02:40
scasi also missed adding central to the kitchen file02:40
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dns stable/queens: Update SQL/AMQP connection attributes for Designate  https://review.openstack.org/60148002:50
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dns stable/queens: Update SQL/AMQP connection attributes for Designate  https://review.openstack.org/60148002:51
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef master: Increment ChefDK to 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/60148403:03
openstackgerritSamuel Cassiba proposed openstack/openstack-chef master: Increment ChefDK to 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/60148403:23
scasprobably shouldn't merge 601484 just yet, but it suggests to work. i've mentioned to a contact at chef that it works so far with my testing03:29
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jklarescas was working on master07:52
jklarescas currently trying to walk through all the changes that i might have missed during the last month and get up to speed with the current development07:53
scasjklare: the changes to designate.conf resulted in good tests in kitchen. i ran through with tempest toggled on for designate and it seemed fine07:58
jklarescas why are you still awake ? :)07:58
scasbecause my sleep schedule is shifted a few hours07:58
jklarecurrently running a kitchen07:59
jklarewith the two patches07:59
jklarelets see how it goes07:59
scasi'm thinking i might cannibalize one of my dev servers for an integration test using kitchen-vagrant to hook up as a third-party job08:04
jklarewe are still fighting with our gitlab ci job....08:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-chef master: Add Tempest testing to allinone role  https://review.openstack.org/60098209:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstackclient master: bump fog-openstack to fixed version which contains deprecation messages  https://review.openstack.org/60080209:05
jklarescas kitchen run with the new patches succeeded12:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-chef master: Add Designate sink service to allinone role  https://review.openstack.org/60147813:09
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jklarescas are you sure we want to start running with the chefdk versions that even chef considers "unstable" ?14:32
jklarejudging from the quality of the stable versions, i would rather not do that14:32
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scasjklare: no. i wanted to see how it would react in zuul15:58
jklarescas ok :)15:58
scas3.3 is the version with the new fog-openstack15:58
jklarezuul did not die, which is good i guess ;)15:58
scasi mainly wanted to see what would happen so that i could relay the news to tas50 at chef15:59
scasit was at my request that they pinned 3.2 at the older version, so it seemed right that i confirm if things worked15:59
jklarescas sounds good16:00
scasif master actually moved at a decent pace, i'd want to switch over to the current channel completely, but this was just kicking the tires, so to speak16:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-chef master: fixed minor typo in README  https://review.openstack.org/60072816:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstackclient stable/queens: bump fog-openstack to fixed version which contains deprecation messages  https://review.openstack.org/60121617:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstackclient stable/pike: bump fog-openstack to fixed version which contains deprecation messages  https://review.openstack.org/60121517:05
scasthis one i think is way, way overdue https://review.openstack.org/#/c/600976/17:06
scasi deliberately did not want to bring chef server into docs, because it's a beast all itself17:08
scasi'm probably going to make another page that touches on chef server and hosted chef17:09
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