Thursday, 2019-08-15

Ramerethfrickler: any chance you could please review the other PR's I have related to restarting apache?00:27
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard master: Updates for Rocky
fricklerRamereth: I did look at it already, but I'd like to do some local testing with it, too. please give me another couple of days11:58
Ramerethfrickler: ah ok, thank you! no problem. I just hadn't see any updates other than the recheck so I wasn't sure15:29
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GreyGunHi Guys, I keep receiving an error when trying to run openstack-cheff on a compute node at the following location. I can not find where the connection parameters are being set within the code for @openstack_maangement_url, host, hostname, or remote ip. I keep getting a connection refesued because it's trying to find identity on when20:22
GreyGunit should be reaching out to the controller to register, I believe. Any hints or direction would be greatly appreciated.20:22
GreyGunOh I am running queens.20:23
GreyGunThis is the line in the recipe /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/openstack-compute/recipes/identity_registration.rb:65:in `from_file'20:23
GreyGunI've also asked a question on ask-openstack, but is currently pending moderation.20:24
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