Monday, 2020-02-17

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Ramerethfrickler: I'm taking tomorrow off but I wanted to give you an update05:56
RamerethI have everything working on centos for the network cookbook however I've run into an issue on Ubuntu.05:56
fricklerRamereth: can you push your patch so I can take a look?05:57
Ramerethit seems the DB migrations for neutron in stein requires a newer version of mariadb05:58
Ramerethbut when I try to use the newer version the mysql2 gem segfaults05:58
Rameretheven the latest version of the gem has that problem05:59
RamerethI'll try pushing what I have right now so you can take a closer look05:59
fricklerRamereth: oh, that sounds familiar, we had some recent issues with mariadb locally, too06:00
fricklerand I remember neutron ppl also having issues with mariadb in gate06:01
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openstackgerritLance Albertson proposed openstack/cookbook-openstack-network master: Stein fixes
openstackLaunchpad bug 1841907 in neutron "Neutron bootstrap failing on Ubuntu bionic with Cannot change column 'network_id" [Critical,Confirmed]06:04
Ramereththat's what lead me to believe that's the issue06:05
RamerethI have no idea why the mysql2 gem is segfaulting though06:05
fricklerRamereth: do you have a trace from that segfault?06:08
Ramerethlet me see06:08
frickleralso, Ubuntu 20.04 seems to include mysql 8 instead of mariadb again, so we might want to switch to that at some point in time06:09
fricklerand that bug is the one I had in mind I think06:09
fricklerI'll give your patch a spin later, need to get ready for office now, enjoy your day off06:10
Ramerethmy next step was to try going back to mysql to see how that worked but ran out of time on Friday06:13
Ramereththanks! i'll check in on Tuesday. I had some local changes I was working on to push to openstack-chef but they're not ready yet for this networking patch06:14
* Ramereth signs off for the night06:14
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