Friday, 2020-08-07

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-data-processing master: Cleanup the retired repo
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookbook-openstack-database master: Cleanup the retired repo
frickler may be of interest for the future of this project's governance14:25
*** Ramereth has joined #openstack-chef15:14
Ramerethfrickler: sorry that I didn't notice I had dropped off this channel15:15
fricklerRamereth: np, you may want to look at a couple of things we merged this week in case you didn't see that either, otherwise I don't think you missed anything15:18
fricklermy irc client is also set to ignore joins+leaves so I did notice only when trying to tab-complete your nick ;)15:19
RamerethI don't remember seeing any emails from gerrit but I guess if I didn't noticed them here and didn't comment on them I probably didn't notice them15:24
* Ramereth looks15:24
Ramerethfrickler: what things did I miss that got merged?15:25
fricklerRamereth: that should be all the relevant backlog since you last wrote something
fricklera bit more compact than going through every day on eavesdrop15:35
Ramerethfrickler: btw, i've been working on refactoring the resources in openstackclient. I have it working, just need to finish updating the tests15:41
Ramerethit'll now be properly idemponent :)15:41
RamerethI'm hoping to do the same thing with the other resources we have, eventually moving them all into openstackclient15:41
Ramerethfrickler: btw, do you have access to the openstack user on supermarket?
fricklerRamereth: sam once gave me some certificate, but I never verified whether it worked. so the answer is: maybe ;) I can check next week15:50
Ramerethfrickler: well, we'd need to know the email/password to login to adjust who can push to it. I know I can push to all of them15:59
Ramerethfwiw, I pushed this cookbook up and I ended up owning it so I was hoping to transfer it to openstack
Ramerethalso looks like we should convert our README's to markdown so they render properly on the supermarket16:04
Ramerethalright, I released those two updates to the supermarket16:08

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