Wednesday, 2015-11-18

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asselin__Swanson, default devstack services should work....00:02
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - Fix for randomly selecting a portgroup
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/cinder: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritRyan Lucio proposed openstack/cinder: Updated violin driver check for volume objects
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openstackgerritBardia Keyoumarsi proposed openstack/cinder: Volume driver for Coho Data storage solutions
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rluciohey guys, quick question on ci... i found a bug in two of the vmem volume drivers that breaks ci runs right now... the bug fix is in review, so should I leave CI off until the fix is submitted?  Or re-enable the tests and just allow them to fail for now?00:31
asselin__rlucio, imo leave ci on but exclude the failing tests until they pass00:31
rlucioasselin: oh right, good call.  I can do that00:32
rlucioasselin: thanks!00:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Check specific driver enabled in create_backup
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Update extend_volume API to use versionedobjects
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openstackgerritVincent Hou proposed openstack/cinder: Storwize: Implement v2 replication (mirror)
openstackgerritVincent Hou proposed openstack/cinder: Storwize: Implement v2 replication (split IO)
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openstackgerritVincent Hou proposed openstack/cinder: Storwize: Implement v2 replication (mirror)
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openstackgerritVincent Hou proposed openstack/cinder: Storwize: Implement v2 replication (mirror)
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openstackgerritPeter Wang proposed openstack/cinder: VNX: Fix metadata get overriden issue
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openstackgerritPeter Wang proposed openstack/cinder: VNX: Fix metadata get overriden issue
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openstackgerritCedric Zhuang proposed openstack/cinder: VNX: Get volume type from location throws error
openstackgerritPeter Wang proposed openstack/cinder: VNX: Fix metadata get overriden issue
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openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack/cinder: Cleanup in backup reset status
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openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack/cinder: Delete unused codes in rbd.retype
openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack/cinder: Cleanup in backup reset status
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/cinder: Imported Translations from Zanata
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TheloHi, I am facing one issue while running the tempest volume tests, would anyone know how to solve this ( ). Many thanks06:57
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nikeshmi am back on work from vacation07:14
nikeshmfeel free to ping me07:14
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openstackgerritWilson Liu proposed openstack/cinder: Status error after manage a volume
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Bad exception clauses order
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openstackgerritWilson Liu proposed openstack/cinder: Status error after manage a volume
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openstackgerritAbhilash Divakaran proposed openstack/cinder: Add volume driver for Tegile IntelliFlash array
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chirag_Dear cinder team,  can anyone help me with cinder error ===ERROR: Unauthorized (HTTP 401)===. It is a bit urgent any leads would be great.08:18
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chirag_Error being received from logs is WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token08:21
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nikeshmchirag_ : hi08:34
nikeshmchirag_ : what type of setup do you have?08:34
nikeshmdevstack or openstack08:34
nikeshmcheck any Traceback in logs08:36
chirag_I have openstack setup08:43
chirag_not a devstack setup08:43
chirag_also using a differnt keystone server08:43
chirag_I got WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token error in cinder-api.log08:44
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chirag_@nikeshm ??08:46
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nikeshmchirag_ : is any Traceback08:52
nikeshmin keystone log files08:52
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chirag_in keystone every req is returing 200 exit code08:53
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nikeshmchirag_ :  cinder --debug list08:55
nikeshmcan you paste whats it is giving08:55
chirag_curl -g -i -X GET http://:35357/v2.0 -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient"08:56
chirag_[200] content-length: 339 via: 1.1 null vary: X-Auth-Token x-distribution: Ubuntu connection: keep-alive date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 09:40:26 GMT content-type: application/json x-openstack-request-id: req-937bfc7a-566e-4f07-a770-d7cad167c6f308:56
chirag_ESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}], "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "http://:35357/v2.0/", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]}}08:56
chirag_keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2:Making authentication request to http://:35357/v2.0/tokens08:56
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chirag_curl -g -i -X GET http://:8776/v1/0a91b34a76a14f20b893818a8e3db808/volumes/detail -H "User-Agent: python-cinderclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}459e6367cb84737e4a0a555490cbe5bdea3b5764" DEBUG:keystoneclient.session:RESP:08:57
chirag_Making authentication request to http://:35357/v2.0/tokens08:57
chirag_EBUG:keystoneclient.session:Request returned failure status: 401 ERROR: Unauthorized (HTTP 401) (Request-ID: req-7febce8f-34f4-42cc-ac66-4b82daf9aebc)08:57
nikeshm http://:35357/v2.0/tokens   ?08:57
nikeshmwhere is ip08:57
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chirag_I have removd it for security purpose08:58
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openstackgerritjaveme proposed openstack/cinder: Remove those unnecessary statements "return True"
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chirag_@nikeshm any idea?09:03
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nikeshmchirag_ : can you try same with curl commands09:05
nikeshmlike get a token09:05
nikeshmand then use that token for further operations09:06
chirag_I chanegd value of auth_plugin to password of the user09:06
chirag_Now I am getting below eeror ERROR: Unable to establish connection to http://***:8776/v1/0a91b34a76a14f20b893818a8e3db808/volumes/detail09:06
nikeshmnot sure09:08
chirag_any idea?09:09
nikeshmsome how authentication is failing09:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Imported Translations from Zanata
nikeshmtoken is issued by keystone but looks like token matching is not working09:10
nikeshmin your pasted log X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}459e6367cb84737e4a0a555490cbe5bdea3b576409:11
chirag_Yes token is released by keystone itself09:11
nikeshmhmm might be keystone is not maintaining memcahe or something for tokens09:12
openstackgerritjaveme proposed openstack/cinder: Remove those unnecessary statements "return True"
nikeshmi mean when cinder is asking keystone that can you verify your token its failing09:12
chirag_Yes exactly09:13
chirag_any problem in defining drivers of keystone?09:13
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nikeshmnot sure, better search all logs, might be you get some Traceback or reason behind failures09:15
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nikeshmbetter try once with curl commands too09:22
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: Adding more error handling for unconfigured SLOs
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zigoHi guys!10:01
zigoCould we have this one backported to Liberty?
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - VMAX driver failing to remove zones
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openstackgerritOleksii Butenko proposed openstack/python-cinderclient: Add functional tests for python-cinderclient
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openstackgerritGaurang Tapase proposed openstack/cinder: Fix metadata retrieval in GPFS driver
openstackgerritSzymon Wróblewski proposed openstack/cinder: Update replication to use versionedobjects
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: Proper error handling for invalid SLO/Workload combination
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openstackgerritMichal Dulko proposed openstack/cinder: Switch request_spec in create volume calls to ovo
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openstackgerritMichal Dulko proposed openstack/cinder-specs: Add spec for online-schema-upgrades
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nikeshmsmcginnis: morning12:35
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: Proper error handling for invalid SLO/Workload combination
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xiaohuiHi, Gorka, are you available now?13:05
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nikeshmany familiar of running tempest on cinder backup driver?13:07
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dulekgeguileo: ^ ;)13:09
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xiaohuiHi, Gorka, great thanks for the so detailed the comments on the patch!13:11
dulekxiaohui: You can use Gorka's nick (geguileo), so he'll have it highlighted in his IRC client.13:12
geguileoxiaohui: Hi13:12
geguileodulek: Thaks  :-)13:12
xiaohuiAnd I found that I'm really wrong. So there is nothing in a single scheduler private will be useful in the case. Is that right?13:13
xiaohuidulek: Thanks! :-)13:13
geguileoxiaohui: I don't understand what you mean13:14
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openstackgerritMichal Dulko proposed openstack/cinder-specs: Add Tooz locks to support A/A HA spec
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xiaohuigeguileo: I mean the "service_states_last" I have used in the patch. The value in scheduler 1 is not relative with the value in scheduler 2, right?13:16
geguileoxiaohui: Yes, that's right13:17
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geguileoxiaohui: Each scheduler will have its own data13:17
nikeshmHi  any one familiar of running tempest on cinder backup driver?13:17
nikeshmsay NFS13:17
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xiaohuigeuileo: Ok, so I made a mistake here. In the case, only something global will do the work. So that's the reason you suggest to use the timestamp?13:18
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xiaohuigeguileo: Ok, so I made a mistake here. In the case, only something global will do the work. So that's the reason you suggest to use the timestamp?13:20
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geguileoxiaohui: Yep13:21
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geguileoxiaohui: We may not send some updates to ceilometer, but we'll always send the newest13:21
xiaohuigeguileo: Ok, I'll look into your timestamp logic and update with it (Together with your other comments). Great thanks! And do you have any other heavy concerns with the patch?13:25
geguileoxiaohui: Not that I can think of13:25
xiaohuigeguileo: what do you mean then?13:26
geguileoxiaohui: That right now I don't have any other concern about the feature/patch13:27
openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - Fix for randomly selecting a portgroup
xiaohuigeguileo: Oh, thanks a lot! And Given i'm in the travel, so maybe i need a bit of time to do it.13:28
geguileoxiaohui: Sure, no problem, enjoy your training13:28
xiaohuigeguileo: Thanks for your time! :-) I will start to office. Bye13:30
geguileoxiaohui: bye13:30
tbarronnikeshm: I've done it before, but not lately.  What's up?13:31
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tbarronnikeshm: IIRC it "just works" - though the tempest coverage for backup could be improved.13:32
tbarronnikeshm: the only issues I've seen are that if your NFS latency is very high backup operations and e.g. image copy operations13:33
tbarroncan timeout.13:33
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tbarronnikeshm: we have had that situation with widely WAN separation of NFS backend and tempest node13:34
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tbarronnikeshm: one trick is to use the posix driver with local filestore13:34
tbarronnikeshm: don't have to run swift then or have an NFS backend.13:34
tbarronnikeshm: makes a pretty easy quick-and-dirty tempest setup13:35
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nikeshmtbarron : we are working on cinder backup driver for one of client, we want to run tempest tests for the driver like we run for a volume driver, its most like swift driver13:36
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tbarronnikeshm: so I just setup devstack with the right backup driver and run tempest13:37
nikeshmtbarron:  so wanted to know about any guidelines for running tempest for new backup driver13:38
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tbarronnikeshm: I've got to drive into work right now, will catchup.  But I'd think you just run the same tests as with default swift driver, only with your driver configured instead.13:38
tbarronnikeshm: I'll look at the backlog  in about 45 min when I get to work13:38
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nikeshmtbarron smcginnis: By the way, my deepawali vacation was awesome and i got engaged, marriage sooner :) so arrange marriage13:40
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openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack/cinder: Fix InstanceLocalityFilter scheduler filter
dulektbarron: Hi, are there problems with NetApp CI? It's failing on my patch, which is making deep changes to request_spec and I wonder if it isn't showing some significant mistake.13:48
dulektbarron: Significant mistake I made, I mean.13:48
akerrdulek: its because we set the default volume type to none which your change seems to not like13:48
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dulekakerr: Ah… Thank you!13:49
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akerrdulek: i've been planning on fixing that to get devstack to build an appropriate volume type automatically but since it wasn't affecting anything it was put on the back burner.  Can't seem to get the system to create anything other than the lvmdriver-1 volume type13:51
smcginnisnikeshm: Congratulations!13:51
nikeshmsmcginnis: thanks13:52
dulekakerr: I don't quite understand. Can you elaborate?13:52
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akerrdulek: so devstack will, in theory, create a default volume type based which simply sets the volume_backend_name extra spec to match the enabled backend in your cinder.conf.  I have been unable to figure out the right combination of localrc section options in the local.conf file to get it to create anything other than it's default "lvmdriver-1" volume type, which obviously wouldn't work for drivers unless I hardcode the backend_names to be13:55
akerr lvmdriver-1... which come to think of it might be a simple solution until i figure it out13:55
openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - getting iscsi ip from port in existing masking view
dulekSo you're hardcoding NetApp drivers to be seen as "lvmdriver-1"?13:56
akerrso instead what we have done is simply overwrite the default volume type in the cinder.conf file to be blank "default_volume_type = " and it uses the None type in that case13:56
dulekakerr: Okay, that's enough for me to reproduce it in my env. Thanks! :)13:57
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openstackgerritRaildo Mascena de Sousa Filho proposed openstack/cinder: Include allocated quota value in the quota reserve
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - getting iscsi ip from port in existing masking view
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openstackgerritFergal Mc Carthy proposed openstack/cinder: All Cinder LVM operations run with LVM_SYSTEM_DIR
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openstackgerritRaildo Mascena de Sousa Filho proposed openstack/cinder: Include allocated quota value in the quota reserve
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openstackgerritzhangsong proposed openstack/cinder: Fix the bug of OSError when convert image
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openstackgerritNate Potter proposed openstack/cinder: Move quota checks from manager to API
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openstackgerritMichael Price proposed openstack/cinder: Implement CHAP Authentication for E-Series Driver
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - Changing PercentSynced to CopyState in isSynched
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dulekakerr: Just for your info - setting default_volume_type to None works only because unit tests are relying on that behavior.15:43
dulekakerr: Which is kind of assuring - there's no one on the horizon who's going to do big refactoring of UT. ;)15:44
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dulekakerr: It won't be me either, so I'm adapting the patch to work with your CI.15:44
akerrdulek: ok, thanks.  I'm also working in parallel to figure out how to get the volume type creation to work properly15:45
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dulekakerr: Probably asking any of other CI maintainers would make your life easier.15:46
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - Fix for randomly selecting a portgroup
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openstackgerritMichal Dulko proposed openstack/cinder: Switch request_spec in create volume calls to ovo
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openstackgerritSzymon Wróblewski proposed openstack/cinder: Update replication to use versionedobjects
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openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder: EMC VMAX - Change naming convention for MV and SG for FAST
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dulekDuncanT: I can sign up for scheduler part of oslo.incubator - I need it to clean up request_spec and filter_properties.16:17
DuncanTdulek: Awesome, thanks16:18
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e0neDuncanT, dulek: I cant take an image utils part16:21
tobascohey guys did kilo to liberty break cinder-volume-usage-audit, it seems so16:21
duleke0ne: You cant? :D16:21
e0neooops. good typo:)16:22
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tobascowould anybody mind having a peak? :)16:23
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Swansonasselin__, devstack config.  I had the service ip set to  What I get for running everything else on a single node.16:48
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openstackgerritFergal Mc Carthy proposed openstack/cinder: All Cinder LVM operations run with LVM_SYSTEM_DIR
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smcginnisI hear there's a beach real near that I have yet to see. Might be back later.17:00
smcginnisMaybe. :)17:00
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SwansonBarca and Real Madrid are playing this weekend if you're still there and can get to Madrid and can get a ticket.17:01
smcginnisMaybe geguileo has one to spare. :)17:02
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smcginnisBut no, leaving tomorrow for Paris. Should be interesting.17:02
scottdasmcginnis: Talking about Spanish beaches in November is definitely not cool.17:02
smcginnisscottda: Mwahahaha17:02
geguileoSorry, no ticket for the match17:03
SwansonMay a thousand jellyfish find their way to your speedos.17:03
dulekHah, Docker Con just ended in Barcelona. I should have been there. ;D17:04
smcginnisdulek: That's where I am. Today was the first day I got to see any of the city though.17:06
hemnasmcginnis, so my git repo was just a temporary dumping ground to putt stuff for folks to use17:06
hemnais there a need for other folks to share their sample scripts/tools ?17:06
smcginnishemna: I bet we all have a few good scripts.17:07
smcginnisIt might be nice to collect them all in one place and be able to build off of each others work.17:07
hemnaleeantho, has another script that's in gerrit17:07
hemnathat could be used to help verify detaches17:07
smcginnisAn official non-official repo. :)17:07
hemnayah that's what I was thinking17:07
hemnawe also had a live migration script that leeantho wrote a while back17:08
hemnaand it was nice to share that17:08
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hemnaI'm not married to my repo17:08
hemnait was just a sample to show folks17:08
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smcginnisI know I have a few scripts I've been meaning to put somewhere too.17:08
smcginnisI bet there's a bunch within the group.17:08
hemnayah I had guessed that others did similar things17:09
hemnaI write helper scripts all the time to test stuff and dump data17:09
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smcginnishemna: Yeah, let's talk later about a good place for these.17:10
openstackgerritNate Potter proposed openstack/cinder: Move quota checks from manager to API
hemnaso I guess for now, if anyone wants write access to that repo, let me know17:10
hemnaor we can move it somewhere else17:11
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smcginnishemna: Yeah, I suppose we can just centralize on someone personal repo for now.17:11
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hemnaI'll just need your github account name, to give you collaborator access to it.17:11
smcginnisMines stmcginnis if you want to do that.17:12
hemnaI can rename the repo and module to something else17:12
hemnainstead of hpe_openstack_tools17:12
hemnacinder-openstack-tools ?17:12
hemnanot sure if that's wise though17:12
smcginnisWorks for me. Too restrictive?17:13
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hemnaI don't want folks thinking this is an official 'cinder' thing17:13
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hemnamaybe I Don't care17:13
smcginniscinder-openstack-unoffical-tools :)17:13
hemna ?17:14
hemnaoh now I remember17:14
hemnait's an installable package17:14
hemnaso I didn't want it to collide with any official name17:14
hemnaI think that's why I used hpe_17:14
hemnaas you can pip install . it.17:14
hemnaas the 2 scripts I have are installable bins.17:15
hemnabah, I'm terrible at creating names.17:15
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smcginnisJust generate a random hash of characters.17:15
hemnathat's way easier17:16
smcginnisI still smile every time you recheck pure's ci.17:16
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hemnafrom diediedie import utils17:17
diablo_rojo1patrickeast: You're my hero for making the CI trigger DIE DIE DIE17:17
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hemnaanyone object to diediedie ?17:18
patrickeastmy only concern is that its further proof vendors are trying to kill cinder, going on and on about telling things to die :p17:19
smcginnisHah! Well, we're all trying to kill it, right? :)17:19
patrickeastwell yea17:20
patrickeastbut its a secret plan17:20
smcginnisOK, I'll be back later. I only have a few hours left.17:21
hemnapatrickeast, lol17:21
hemnaok I'll push up an updated that changes the module name and fixes the imports17:21
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hemnaok updated.17:31
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hemnasmcginnis, added you as a collaborator17:33
hemnaanyone else wants write access to it, just message me your github account name.17:33
scottdahemna: Can you please add scottdangelo17:34
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hemnascottda, sure18:08
hemnascottda, done18:08
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hemnaI so love that18:14
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smcginnishemna: That others are using the recheck?18:15
jgriffithI'm confused18:16
hemnaheh yah18:16
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smcginnisjgriffith: Yep. :)18:17
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jgriffithDuncanT: kmartin BTW, drivers should be intelligent enough to not raise in the case of unreachable backend and just loop within themeselves18:21
jgriffithDuncanT: kmartin I made that comment on the bug report, but I'm also not objecting to your ideas around using the manager as a baby sitter18:21
jgriffithsmcginnis: ^^18:21
smcginnisjgriffith: That's an interesting point.18:21
jgriffithsmcginnis: I had to fix that in my driver a couple years ago18:21
jgriffithsmcginnis: just does a pass18:22
jgriffithsmcginnis: that way you can unplug and it doesn't hurt the service at all18:22
jgriffithservice just loops, keeps trying to update and finally may (or may not) ever get ready18:22
jgriffithhonestly that's why we have stats reporting and the host filter18:22
jgriffithwas kinda the whole point18:22
smcginnisIt does place more logic into each driver. I could see this evolving where the manager might want to make some decisions based on how many times it retries.18:22
jgriffithsmcginnis: yeah, but it's one line of code :)18:23
smcginnisjgriffith: But that just conjecture about what we may or may not want in the future.18:23
kmartinjgriffith, we can look into doing something like that as well...thanks18:23
jgriffithsmcginnis: kmartin DuncanT I added some notes and examples here:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1517012 in Cinder "manager should loop on driver init failure" [Undecided,New]18:24
jgriffithif anybody is interested18:24
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jgriffithI'd love to know what the 'die die die' thing is all about18:25
jgriffithreading through meeting notes and not seeing it18:25
jgriffithand not clear what that repo actually does/has18:25
smcginnisI think it happened in the channel a few weeks back now.18:25
* jgriffith is waaaayyyy behind18:26
smcginnishemna offered up DIE DIE DIE as a recheck string. I think I said I thought it would be funny. patrickeast jumped on it and made his CI recheck with it.18:27
scottdahemna: thanks18:27
smcginnisjgriffith: So question here:
smcginnisjgriffith: You're just swallowing the failure. Are you looping somewhere?18:28
jgriffithsmcginnis: yeah, it's logged in the issue_request method18:28
jgriffithsmcginnis: so it will have the "timeout connecting to cluster" or something like that in the mesg18:28
smcginnisAh, and you have the retries=6 on that call.18:29
smcginnisThat was when you added that decorator if I remember right.18:29
jgriffithWell, the decorator was unrelated do to an internal networking problem... but yeah, it works here too18:29
jgriffithsmcginnis: I used to do a "fail fast" on that18:30
smcginnisHeh, I ended up using the retry decorator for the same reason.18:30
jgriffithsmcginnis: but our network was such a disaster that made it a fail fast AND fail often :(18:30
jgriffithsmcginnis: LOL18:30
jgriffithit's always the networks fault :)18:30
smcginnisjgriffith: Darn networking.18:30
jgriffithsmcginnis: I'm now having this weird issue where my nova-network connections sometimes just sort of "hang" for a second or two18:31
smcginnisI will say that is one thing I like about FC. It either works or it doesn't for the most part. :)18:32
jgriffithsmcginnis: I'm afraid I'm finally going to have to bight the bullet and rebuild with neutron18:32
jgriffithsmcginnis: so that's what's funny though!18:32
smcginnisjgriffith: I've been wondering the same thing.18:32
smcginnisjgriffith: I still get periodic odd failures with no explanation.18:32
jgriffithsmcginnis: this ONLY happens on my management network, I've never had an issue on the iSCSI net18:32
smcginnisMakes me wonder if neutron would help.18:32
jgriffithI'm assuming it has to do with all the bridges on the single nic on my compute node....18:33
smcginnisjgriffith: I'm doing the worst practice of running them both on the same network. :)18:33
jgriffith15+ instances at any given time18:33
jgriffithon the iSCSI side I usually only have 2 or 3 instances bridged across it at a time18:33
smcginnisI wondering if getting another NIC and bonding them would make it better or worse.18:33
jgriffithsmcginnis: haha!18:33
jgriffithboth at the same time!!  Nice18:33
smcginnisBut yeah, probably more than it can handle.18:33
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jgriffithsmcginnis: so bonding is my latest theory on how to fix18:34
jgriffithsmcginnis: but I honestly don't want to go down that path until I have a week or so with nothing to do :)18:34
smcginnisAdds another moving part that could break, but it could help spread the load.18:34
smcginnisGood idea!18:34
jgriffithsmcginnis: that should happen at about retirement :)18:35
smcginnisNo doubt.18:35
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openstackgerritTom Swanson proposed openstack/cinder: Dell SC: Implements Replication V2
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hemnaasselin, ^^18:55
patrickeastoh, haha18:55
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asselinhemna, I thought cbader tested it?18:57
patrickeastwhat happened to the hp ci that tested those?18:57
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hemnahad to submit v2 on that18:57
hemnafixed the commit message18:57
patrickeasti'm glad you guys caught it, i was going to sync up to the new version later today :o18:57
hemnaso our CI was starting to fail often because we were running out of HBAs :P18:58
hemnacbader, is going to test this out locally.18:59
asselinpatrickeast, it was turned off for security reasons. We should be able to turn it on again, or at least on-demand.18:59
asselincbader, ^^18:59
hemnabut I think it's obvious that the existing code won't ever work.18:59
hemnaasselin, cbader is who found out the failure18:59
hemnaso he's aware of it.18:59
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dulekgeguileo: Hi, if you have a moment jump in to #openstack-state-management (and take a look into the backlong on
asselinhemna, I guess I though he tested it when he gave a +1 to
* hemna shrugs19:01
geguileodulek: I don't see it in evesdrop19:01
patrickeastugh speaking fc ci's19:01
* hemna ducks19:01
patrickeasti think i'm going to disable the cisco fczm on mine this afternoon19:01
patrickeastjust setup static zoning19:01
hemnapatrickeast, fwiw, that's what we do19:02
dulekgeguileo: Ah, funny, they don't log. Here you go:
hemnaCI really pushes the limits of the switch management API/interface19:02
patrickeastyea i did it initially but wanted to make sure my driver was doing the right thing with the fczm19:02
patrickeastprolly setup a nightly job to idiot check the fczm against the current master19:02
geguileodulek: Thanks19:02
patrickeasti limited it to only a single job managing the switch at a time and after ~12 hours it is 6 hours behind (judging by the zuul queue)19:04
patrickeastcan't keep it going like that19:04
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SwansonIs "unreplicated" a word?19:13
hemnaI don't think so ?19:13
* hemna guesses19:13
patrickeastit sounds like it could be though19:14
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SwansonSounds like it could be is good enough for me.19:22
hemnaExample 12.2 Unreplicated Factorial Experiments19:23
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patrickeastyea that looks pretty official to me19:23
hemnawords and stuff19:23
SwansonGood enough for me.19:24
akerr_webster and oxford disagree, guess you can't please everyone19:25
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openstackgerritWalter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed openstack/os-brick: WIP: brick add extend_volume API
e0ne :(19:29
patrickeastthat only proves we are blazing new trails both in storage management *and* english19:30
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SwansonCan't trust a stuffy old dictionary like that.  This is new stuff.19:30
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/os-brick: Multipath Device Action Being Parsed as Name
SwansonUnless someone has a better word I think I'm sticking with unreplicated even though it is clearly maybe not a real word.19:32
e0neSwanson: +119:33
nikeshmhi, i want to run tempest for cinder backup driver similar to swift, i tried to run like this,  cd /opt/stack/tempest $ tox -e all -- "(?=tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup)  is this is only tempest test available for cinder backup driver19:35
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nikeshmits runnig only 3 tests, out of which 2 skipped and 1 passed19:36
nikeshmso are only 3 tests only for cinder backup driver in tempest19:38
duleknikeshm: I think until recently there were none. ;)19:39
duleknikeshm: I was able to merge terrible RPC-breaking bug in early Liberty, so the test coverage was nonexisting then.19:40
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nikeshmdulex:  only this one is passing {0} tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV2Test.test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete [114.777865s] ... ok19:52
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openstackgerritSamuel Matzek proposed openstack/cinder: Preserve request id in Cinder logs
nikeshmdulex: so in name of CI for cinder backup driver, what to use and what tests to run, i am bit confused19:54
nikeshmif CI is a requirement for new backup driver, there should be some guidelines for what tests to be run as part of CI19:56
nikeshmas far i can see is that there is only 3 tests of which 2 are skipping and one is running19:57
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duleknikeshm: It's dulek, that's why I haven't noticed your message. ;)20:16
nikeshmoh sorry20:16
duleknikeshm: Is there a requirement of CI for backup driver?20:16
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nikeshmdulek: not requirement, but i was told that it is good if we provide CI20:17
duleknikeshm: Ah, right, of course. Maybe you can also work on Tempest coverage then…? You're probably the first person who's trying to run such CI.20:18
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DuncanTdulek: All such requirements have to start somewhere :-) Ceph and swift are already covered by existing gate jobs, NFS easily could be too20:24
dulekDuncanT: It's hard to say "covered" when there's only one tests. ;)20:28
DuncanTdulek: Lightly covered. A dusting, as it were, like spice on a fine dish20:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Added VAG support to SolidFire
dulekDuncanT: Ketchup is the answer.20:29
DuncanTdulek: Remind me never to let you cook desert20:30
dulekDuncanT: No problem, I've burned water once.20:30
dulekDuncanT: Or maybe water just evaporated and that was kettle burning? I'm not sure20:31
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smcginnisThere's a pretty amusing scrollback here between made up words and DuncanT saying things like "like spice on a fine dish" :D20:34
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amrithhello cinder folks, I have a quick question re: cinder and snapshots.20:36
amrithI know that cinder supports the ability to take snapshots of volumes (has an API, implementation left up to the underlying storage).20:36
amrithAlso cinder supports the notion of a volume group and you can take a consistent snapshot of a volume group.20:36
amrithAre there any limitations on the ability to take a snapshot with LVM? i know that LVM natively supports snapshots but I heard that there's some reason why a snapshot with LVM isn't necessarily a 'point in time' image of the storage. Is that true?20:36
amrithCan a group of LVM volumes be a volume group and is a consistent snapshot of these volumes supported by Cinder?20:37
DuncanTamrith: Since there's no way to trigger all of the LVM snaps at the same time, they won't be consistent20:37
wNwhat does that mean?20:38
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/cinder: Updated from global requirements
* amrith scratches his head20:38
amrithDuncanT, how would that be LVM specific?20:38
wNlvm snaps are a specific point in time. can you give more information on what you heard? where did you hear it?20:39
amrithMaybe let me unwrap the question. can I get a point in time image (aka snapshot) of a single lvm volume?20:39
DuncanTamrith: Other backends have the ability to (conceptually speaking) pause the I/O to all volumes in a group, then snap them, then resume20:39
amrithDuncanT, thanks20:39
amrithin other words consistent groups relies on backend capabilities20:39
DuncanTamrith: The LVM snaps are a point in time for a since volume, yes20:39
amrithfor cross volume snapshots.20:39
DuncanTamrith: Correct20:39
amrithbut single smapshots are guaranteed to be point in time (as best as lvm guarantees).20:39
amrithok, thanks, got it!20:39
DuncanTamrith: There are a couple of ways you could do it wilth LVM in theory, but it hasn't eben done by anybody yet20:40
nikeshmdulek : hmm, i am not trying to run CI as a first person :), since it was suggested that CI would be better for new backup driver, i was wondering that is there any guidelines to run such CI20:40
amrithdo any of these (in theory) require quiesce of IO or volume dismount.20:40
amriththat is uninteresting20:40
amrithI'm looking for a live snapshot of a group of lvm volumes.20:40
amrithI also would like to change the speed of light in free space.20:41
amrithbut that's after hours project.20:41
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DuncanTamrith: You can run all of the I/O through a custom DM layer, and use that to pause the I/O to all volumes at once just long enough to do the snap20:42
amrithDuncanT, interesting idea. I will try that out. It may end up being a performance hog but at least worth the effort. FYI, I'm interested in this to do a consistent snapshot of trove data volumes. Thanks much for the help!20:43
guitarzanamrith: just do it in the guest maybe?20:44
guitarzanless generic, but if that's all you're after...20:44
DuncanTamrith: looking at doing it in the hypervisor is the other option.20:44
amrithguitarzan, takes a little more than that because there are often many guests (as in, in a cluster).20:44
guitarzanamrith: fair20:44
DuncanTAh, then you need to do it on the backend20:45
amrithso for that case, doing it in the guest is not a good approach.20:45
amriththe backend needs to trigger some sequence of operations20:45
amrithone of which may be a snapshot of a volume group.20:45
guitarzanand all your volumes are on the same host20:45
DuncanTTaking a spinlock on every I/O gives you the behaviour you need, but the performance sucks20:45
amrithwell, no guarantees on that that I can make at this point20:45
amrithhence the notion of Trove having to orchestrate this.20:45
guitarzanthen you are in for a good time I think20:46
DuncanTguitarzan: If they're in a CG, then they are on the same host20:46
DuncanTguitarzan: I beleive the current design assures taht20:46
amriththrough a collection of snapshots. Yes, I've been to this party in a previous job. It was quite a hoot.20:46
guitarzanDuncanT: in cinder, right20:46
amrithso many "nooks and crannies" that you can hide a whole army of gremlins.20:46
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guitarzanhemna: re: migration, is nova already done/detached from the source volume when it calls the completion?20:56
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hemnaguitarzan, I don't think so.20:59
hemnaoh wait21:00
hemnaI think you are right.21:00
hemnawe call detach_volume in completion, but that's just to update the db21:00
hemnaand then we call attach again right after that.21:01
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ntpttrWhen anyone has a moment would you mind taking a look at It's been up a couple of weeks21:20
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baumannntpttr: ;)21:23
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ntpttrbaumann: hah thanks always forget about the punctuation21:28
baumannntpttr: No problem :)21:29
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xyang1eharney: hi, can you take a look of this
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jgriffithntpttr: wow, look at all the pretty unit tests :)21:54
jgriffithntpttr: I'm +2/A21:55
ntpttrjgriffith: d'aww thanks :-[21:56
jgriffithbut I'm curious about the service V2 decorator... I know it was there in the others, just never noticed21:56
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ntpttrjgriffith: tbh I put it in there to match the rest of the methods, what does tagging the service type of the functions do? just ensure they're handled correctly by the API?21:58
jgriffithntpttr: yeah... sorry, wasn't really asking so much as thinking out loud :)21:59
jgriffithseems odd that we need a decorator to identify V2 when the code lives in a directory labeled "V2" :)21:59
jgriffithThat's kinda one great big decorator in itself eh :)22:00
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ntpttrhah, indeed22:01
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openstackgerritxing-yang proposed openstack/cinder-specs: Backup snapshots
openstackgerritChris Morrell proposed openstack/cinder: Additional VAG support for SolidFire
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder: Refactor HP LeftHand driver to now be HPE
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cinderclient: Adding backup-reset-state to CLI
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/cinder: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritAlex O'Rourke proposed openstack/cinder: Remove db access from 3PAR and LH cg functions
openstackgerritAlex O'Rourke proposed openstack/cinder: Remove db access from 3PAR and LH cg functions
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