Thursday, 2021-12-16

opendevreviewRafael Weingartner proposed openstack/cinder master: Filter reserved image properties
xuanyrosmaita: hello01:20
opendevreviewSuman proposed openstack/cinder-specs master: Add multiple volume groups - Yoga
*** hemna9 is now known as hemna07:37
opendevreviewVenkata krishna Thumu proposed openstack/cinder master: [SVF] Manage host attachment using portsets
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/os-brick master: Execute multipath -l with device WWN
xuanyrosmaita: hello10:09
xuanywoami-rajat: hello10:12
MrClayPoleHi, I'm currently using the NetAPP cinder driver in Openstack ansible train. When I move volumes between types it completes successfully but I get the following error in the cinder-volume logs "PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/cinder/mnt/<nfs mount id>/volume-<old-volume-id>' ->  '/var/lib/cinder/mnt/<nfs mount id>/volume-<new volume id>'". It looks like root can rename files but cinder can't. Is10:40
MrClayPole there any way to get cinder to escalate to root for this task or do I need to set the NFS to allow anyone read/write as my cinder user had different UID/GID between compute nodes?10:40
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder-specs master: Add spec to optimize upload volume for RBD backend
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MrClayPoleJust to add to my previous question. This only happens when retyping unattached volumes. Attached volumes complete with out error in the cinder-volume log11:53
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/train: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
toskyfabiooliveira: hi! About the backports here
toskyfabiooliveira: they should be chained, so the wallaby backport should be done from the xena one and show two cherry-picked from lines13:13
toskyand so on 13:13
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/wallaby: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/wallaby: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/victoria: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/ussuri: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
opendevreviewFábio Oliveira proposed openstack/cinder stable/train: NetApp ONTAP: Fix sub-clone zapi call
fabiooliveiratosky: thank you for helping me out. Patches updated, hope everything is alright now :)13:52
toskyyay! 13:52
crohmannCould someone kindly help me clarify an issue / observation with online resizing of volumes before I raise a bug report of some sort?15:00
crohmannI am on Ussuri and when a regular user with project role member (default policy) resizes a volume ("cinder extend $volid $newsize") the change is not propagted to the running instance.15:02
crohmannAnd there is an error logged: "Returning 403 to user: Po15:02
crohmannlicy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-external-events:create to be performed. __call__ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/api/openstack/
crohmannand yes the policy does not allow to create events and there used to be a dedicated privileged user ( to do this. But this has been removed since Train (
opendevreviewWalt proposed openstack/cinder master: Rework backup process to make it async
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-brick stable/wallaby: linuxscsi: Only raise and log multipathd errors when required
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opendevreviewAlan Bishop proposed openstack/os-brick stable/victoria: linuxscsi: Only raise and log multipathd errors when required
opendevreviewNiklas Schwarz proposed openstack/cinder-specs master: Spec to introduce additional task status field
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder master: Fix log message error in capacity filter
opendevreviewAlan Bishop proposed openstack/cinder master: Remove the need for project_id from API endpoints
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-brick stable/victoria: linuxscsi: Only raise and log multipathd errors when required
opendevreviewAlan Bishop proposed openstack/os-brick stable/ussuri: linuxscsi: Only raise and log multipathd errors when required

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