Saturday, 2025-01-25

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:11
*** geguileo is now known as Guest698718:10
VolodymyrBoiko[m]Hi, could you help me out, please? I’m planning to use Kolla + Kolla-Ansible to set up an AIO cluster. Based on the Kolla documentation, building a custom Docker image with my Cinder driver seems pretty straightforward. However, I’m unsure how to configure Ansible to use only my custom Cinder image, while pulling all other images from the default repository. Is there a way to specify this? Or is the image configuration19:17
VolodymyrBoiko[m]parameter global, without granular customization for individual services?19:17
simondodsleyVolodymyrBoiko[m] have a look at this and the other article referenced in it - might be helpful:

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