Monday, 2025-02-03

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen03:00
*** geguileo is now known as Guest789509:20
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/cinder master: StorPool: Propagate a 'storpool:qos_class' extra spec to the StorPool API
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/cinder master: StorPool: Propagate a 'storpool:qos_class' extra spec to the StorPool API
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: WIP: Volume create fails with Glance and Cinder/NFS backend
raghavendrathi jungleboyj: are you around ?14:33
raghavendratIf you get some time, it would great to receive your feedback on below patch.14:46
raghavendratIt has one +2. Thanks.14:46
raghavendratHPE 3par: Update the calculation of free_capacity14:46
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-nfs master: [DNM] Create job for Glance backed with Cinder-NFS
eharney  fixes our rally job configuration - it didn't pass, but it at least runs the tests with this change (unlike before)16:07
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: WIP: Volume create fails with Glance and Cinder/NFS backend
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/cinder master: VAST Data Volume Driver
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Set osd memory config
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: DNM: get feedback on 939127
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: WIP: Volume create fails with Glance and Cinder/NFS backend
*** geguileo is now known as Guest796123:17

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