Friday, 2013-12-20

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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
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bauzasNikolay_St: oops, made comment about unittest missing on your patch while you were putting the CR as WIP :D08:29
Nikolay_Stbauzas: :D08:30
Nikolay_Stbauzas: don't mind. Just +1 if you agree with changes I've done08:31
bauzasunfortunately not :(08:31
bauzasI made some comments about the clients08:31
bauzasI think we should have possbility to pass thru **kwargs the python-%service params08:32
bauzasincluding the version08:32
bauzasand also the context08:32
bauzasfor example, I have an usecase with the host reservation side08:33
bauzaswhen as admin, I want to create a freepool08:33
bauzasthe freepool creation is done at startup when initializing plugins08:33
bauzasand there, we don't have a context :)08:33
bauzasI also saw that client params change for Nova depending on the version08:34
bauzasthat's why I think using **kwargs loose visibility but is more flexible08:34
bauzasand then either you choose to parse **kwargs for readability or direct pass it when calling the client08:35
Nikolay_Styeap, I get it. Loosing this poin of view yesterday08:37
bauzasNikolay_St: no pb ;)08:41
Nikolay_Stwhy don't you think that we haven't context when freepool is creating?08:49
Nikolay_Stbauzas: why don't you think that we haven't context when freepool is creating?08:49
bauzasNikolay_St: sorry, was afk09:17
bauzasNikolay_St: freepool is created when we startup the Manager09:17
bauzasthere is call to setup()09:17
bauzason that moment, there is no context created in the current thread stack09:18
bauzasas it's done when receiving an API call09:18
bauzaswhere we get the headers from the request09:18
bauzasthere is also a second case where some actions could be done decorrelated from the user requests09:19
bauzaslike when using _event() for instance09:19
Nikolay_Stbauzas: wow09:21
bauzasNikolay_St: wow what ? :D09:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Implement primary support for i18n messages shown to user
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
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openstackgerritFrançois Rossigneux proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation
openstackgerritFrançois Rossigneux proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Physical host reservation
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DinaBelovabauzas, you here?15:54
bauzasDinaBelova: yup15:54
DinaBelovaI'm about sending my cr to climate-nova15:55
DinaBelovaand i found one interestinf line15:55
DinaBelovareally here will be conflict15:55
DinaBelovabecause of climate-nova openstack-common15:55
DinaBelovaand the same for nova15:56
DinaBelovai just try to understand15:56
DinaBelovawhy we may not use here openstack-common from nova15:56
DinaBelovalike from nova.openstack.common import log as logging15:56
DinaBelovanot from climate.openstack.common import log as logging15:56
DinaBelovabecause we still install nova15:56
DinaBelovawith all openstack.common file15:57
bauzasI'm currently editing this file :)15:57
bauzasthere is no way to import climate15:57
bauzasin the filter code15:57
bauzasbecause it will be run on Nova side15:57
DinaBelovai'm saying about importing nova15:57
DinaBelovanow there is climate.openstack.common import log as logging15:58
bauzaslemme be clear15:58
DinaBelovaclimate as internal module for climate-nova15:58
bauzasit shouldn't15:58
bauzaslemme explain15:58
bauzasthis code is basically a filter for Nova15:58
bauzasrunning on Nova scheduler15:58
bauzasso, there is no reasons to have climate as a dependency for nova15:59
bauzasthe scheduler can be on a separate host15:59
DinaBelovathere is no such dependency right now 0_015:59
DinaBelovalook here
DinaBelovathere is just directory15:59
DinaBelovacalled climate15:59
bauzasyep, this whole repo sucks15:59
DinaBelovait's not dependency :)15:59
bauzasto be honest15:59
bauzasI mean, we did that for exporting the Nova stuff16:00
bauzasbut what is part of Nova should be part of Nova16:00
DinaBelovaI just propose remove whole climate-nova/climate/openstack16:00
DinaBelovabecause we may use nova/nova/openstack/common16:00
DinaBelovaas it is anyway installed here16:00
bauzaswell, from my POV, after thinking about this repo this day, I ended up thinking it should ony contain references to Nova16:01
bauzaswe should even put that code into Nova.contrib16:01
bauzaslike nova.scheduler.contrib16:01
DinaBelovammm, in nova repo itself?16:01
DinaBelovadon't think it's a good idea, if i caught it right16:01
bauzasbut until we get incubated and are enough old to speak with Nova guys, we can leave this repo16:02
DinaBelovaunderstood you16:02
DinaBelovalet's leave climate-nova repo16:02
DinaBelovawith only dependencies to nova16:02
bauzasbut chase any import climate.* deps :)16:02
DinaBelovaand test things16:02
bauzasI'll send a draft tonight16:02
DinaBelovawill you do that?16:02
bauzasI'm now finishing up to move the exceptions apart16:03
DinaBelovaI just was frustrated16:03
DinaBelovaseeing that today16:03
DinaBelovaok, so I'll publish my cr16:03
bauzasthat's necessary for fixing the bug about Manager raising errors500 to API16:03
DinaBelovawith only my small things16:03
bauzaswe'll coordinate later16:03
DinaBelovaand let you do all other :)16:03
bauzassure thing16:03
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix Manager exceptions rendering for end-users
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