Friday, 2014-01-24

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bauzasmorning all08:39
bauzasNikolay_St: when running keystone CLI, it provides me --service, not --service_id08:41
bauzasNikolay_St: for some reason, my comment wasn't published :D08:41
bauzasso, I'm just passing --service climate08:42
bauzasI don't need to get the service_id, so the step 2 is unnecessary for me08:42
bauzasNikolay_St: here is why I putted this comment08:42
bauzasNikolay_St: apologies again, it was unclear :(08:42
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add notes about Keystone v3 endpoint to README.rst
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I see08:55
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I'll fix it08:56
Nikolay_Stbauzas: :D08:56
Nikolay_Stbauzas: but wait08:57
Nikolay_Stbauzas: we create another service with name keystone so, the only difference will be service-id08:57
Nikolay_Stso we need it08:58
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add notes about Keystone v3 endpoint to README.rst
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, as I got Sylvain's point me may create service with name not keystone09:01
DinaBelovabut keystone v309:01
DinaBelovakeystonev3, sorry09:01
DinaBelovaand that will allow to use --service flag09:02
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
bauzasFYI, scroiset is off today09:09
bauzasso, I'm the only guy for reviewing your code :)09:09
DinaBelovabauzas, :D09:10
DinaBelovagood luck :D09:10
bauzasI'm about testing the plugin without the nova extension09:11
DinaBelovabauzas, that will be hard...09:11
bauzasas the nova extension is only responsible for shelving the instance09:11
DinaBelovaalthough you may boot vm09:11
DinaBelovashelve it09:11
bauzasI just need to boot a VM, shelve it09:11
DinaBelovaand then create lease09:12
bauzasand manually create a lease09:12
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bauzasthe only issue is that I'll need to shelve the instance thanks to the PAI09:12
bauzasdon't think the CLI supports it09:13
DinaBelovait supprots, as i remember09:13
bauzasoh cool09:13
DinaBelovaNick was using that09:13
DinaBelovawhile testing09:13
bauzasok, will check09:13
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DinaBelovastack@ubuntu-12:~/devstack$ nova help | grep shelve09:14
DinaBelova    shelve              Shelve a server.09:14
DinaBelova    shelve-offload      Remove a shelved server from the compute node.09:14
DinaBelova    unshelve            Unshelve a server.09:14
bauzasbtw, about the extension, how could I run it ?09:14
DinaBelovait is :)09:14
bauzashow can I install it ?09:14
DinaBelovathere is example of nova conf file09:15
DinaBelovalike always09:15
DinaBelovainstall climatenova09:15
DinaBelovause it09:15
bauzasI guess that's a stevedore plugin, so in setup.cfg no ?09:15
DinaBelovathat's nova extension - it has its own format of using09:15
bauzasoh damn09:15
DinaBelovait's set in nova.cong file09:15
DinaBelovaconf, sorry09:15
bauzasdidn't see the example conf09:15
bauzasmy bad :)09:16
DinaBelovait's used like your filter really09:16
bauzasok, I know what to do today09:16
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Nikolay_StDinaBelova: I've tested our plugin on latest master10:20
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: look like it works10:20
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, great :)10:21
DinaBelovaI feel great :)10:22
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add notes about Keystone v3 endpoint to README.rst
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: Now I'll try it with snapshot and suspend10:28
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: one moment I want to discuss about Climate 0.210:32
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: I suppose that we will support Neutron resource reservation belore volumes10:33
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: Am I wrong?10:33
DinaBelovathat's your research, Nick :)10:34
DinaBelovaI dunno for sure10:34
DinaBelovaI will be pleased if you'll add Neutron's resources to that etherpad10:34
bauzasNikolay_St: DinaBelova: As said in the etherpad, I want to propose we abandon the idea of subteams10:34
bauzasDinaBelova: if you run out of resources, we can help you10:34
DinaBelovasure, I only mean that Nick has already taken a look on that10:35
bauzasDinaBelova: Nikolay_St: and in parellel, if you want to contribute to some PR aspects, I'm fine with it10:35
DinaBelovain august - speaking about POC10:35
DinaBelovabauzas, sure10:35
bauzasDinaBelova: yep, I know :)10:35
bauzasDinaBelova: that's only matter of prioritization about blueprints and people10:35
DinaBelovabauzas, I believe that too10:36
DinaBelovafor example I LOVE ambitious core HA functionality :D10:36
DinaBelovaand I believe you guys will allow me to implement it :D10:37
bauzasand I LOVE having some energy efficiency in Climate :D10:37
bauzasthat's because it's called Climate btw. :D10:37
DinaBelovastill can't get point about naming, really10:37
DinaBelovaclimate - energy efficiency are not really connected in my mind10:38
bauzasbecause originally, the idea was about energy efficiency10:38
bauzasand if you're efficient with energy, you save the world10:38
DinaBelovareally :D10:39
bauzasglobal warming and its consequences, you know10:39
bauzas*climate* changes10:39
DinaBelovaam i right energy efficiency is somehow idealized/implemented by Ironic+Ceilometer?10:40
DinaBelovai just remember some talks/conversations10:40
bauzaswell, energy efficiency has various concerns10:44
bauzasand some can be handled by either Ironic or Ceilometer10:44
bauzasIronic for IPMI/PDU usage10:44
bauzasin order to get metrics about Watt consumption10:44
bauzasbecause Ironic already has interfaces with IPMI interfaces10:45
bauzasand Ceilometer as well10:45
bauzasfor PDU usage, see the kwapi project from Francosi10:45
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bauzasDinaBelova_: Nikolay_St: can't unshelve the instance11:15
bauzasforget to amend my climate.cofn11:16
bauzasbtw., the climate.conf.example should be amended accordingly11:18
bauzasNikolay_St: DinaBelova_: I'm finishing to test but I will leave a -111:18
bauzaswe need to update the conf file and remove the dummy vm plugin11:18
bauzasbecause it does have the same name, and could lead to confusioon11:18
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I'll fix it in few minutes11:35
bauzashold on11:35
bauzasI'm finishing to leave other comments11:35
bauzasthere is a merge issue11:35
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
bauzasNikolay_St: ...11:40
bauzasI'm finishing to test11:41
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bauzasDinaBelova_: I'm about to deliver a patch for showing errors to the client11:53
bauzasatm, we only provide an ugly and raw error11:53
bauzaseither we include it in 0.1 or we wait for later11:53
bauzasI should expect to deliver it by end of today11:54
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Nikolay_Stbauzas: can't get this
Nikolay_Sthow did you get this error?12:07
Nikolay_Stbauzas: about nova client and auth token12:12
Nikolay_Stbauzas: how old is your nova client?12:12
Nikolay_Stbauzas: looks like novaclient can get auth_token12:14
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bauzasI'm having python-novaclient-2.15.0 on my venv12:50
bauzaswhich is the latest one12:50
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DinaBelova Ш куегктув руку Ж)13:04
DinaBelovaI returned here13:04
DinaBelovaneeded to go afk13:04
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DinaBelovabauzas, will you be ok if i'll fix Nick's CR? and you'll take one more look on it?13:22
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bauzasDinaBelova: ok13:41
bauzasno pb, the main thing is that we can give +2 on it13:41
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DinaBelovamy irc client does not show I have new PS13:48
DinaBelovathat's it13:48
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SergeyLukjanov << merged13:55
SergeyLukjanov(Allow use of oslo.messaging 1.3.0a4 from pypi)13:55
DinaBelovai see13:56
DinaBelovabauzas, may you check, btw, ?13:56
bauzassorry, was on a different subject14:02
bauzasDinaBelova: what do you say ?14:02
DinaBelovai've loaded new patch set for vm plugin14:03
DinaBelovait would e nice if you'll take a look on it14:03
DinaBelovai mean its working14:03
DinaBelovain case of not using extension14:03
DinaBelovawow :)14:04
DinaBelovaJenkins failed14:04
bauzasJenkins -1 ;:(14:04
DinaBelovainteresting, btw14:05
DinaBelovait could not load all needed plugins14:05
DinaBelovathat's quite strange14:05
DinaBelovai've checked namings in setup.cfg14:05
DinaBelovait seems to be nice14:05
DinaBelovaand path too14:05
bauzasI had to run a new develop for doing that work14:06
bauzasbut here, Jenkins is fully reinstalling14:06
bauzasso, there should not be an issue14:07
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DinaBelovasometimes there are some problems with testing nodes, but it's rare for them to have problems twice14:07
bauzascan you reproduce the bug ?14:09
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DinaBelovanot yet14:09
DinaBelovareinstalling venv14:11
DinaBelovalet's see if it will happen14:11
bauzasyup :(14:12
DinaBelovayes, i see that14:13
DinaBelovaquite interesting14:13
bauzassorry, I know we're running out of time, but I still need to make sure everything is working fine :(14:13
bauzasnext release should be less stressy, as we'll have the core features :)14:13
DinaBelovai know issue14:14
DinaBelovai did not see that14:14
DinaBelovanick did smth really bad ЖВ14:14
DinaBelovachecking it now14:15
DinaBelovauploading new ps14:16
DinaBelovasmth whent wrong with out gerrit bot :(14:17
DinaBelovait does not publish info about new ps's :(14:17
DinaBelovabauzas, that is new one14:18
DinaBelovayou may check it14:18
bauzasok, just finishing to fix the bug about the exceptions on the client14:19
bauzasthat was a very little fix14:19
DinaBelovai love such :)14:20
bauzasyou were trying to extract resp.body while it doesn't exist14:20
bauzasI'm on it14:20
bauzascreating the bugfile14:20
bauzasI'll let you categorize it14:20
DinaBelovabauzas, Jenkins approved that last patchset :D14:37
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bauzasyup, testing it14:42
bauzasok, so you enabled again the dummy plugin14:46
bauzasDinaBelova: I think it would be worth removing it14:46
bauzasas it provides confusion14:46
bauzasbut that can be done on a later commit14:46
bauzasDinaBelova: cross your fingers14:49
DinaBelovait's good for testing14:49
bauzasyou didn't fixed the issue with ClimateException14:50
bauzas  File "/home/bauzas/climate/climate/manager/", line 352, in _basic_action14:50
bauzas    except exceptions.ClimateException:14:50
bauzasshould be common_ex.ClimateException14:50
bauzasbut still14:50
DinaBelovasorry, missed it14:51
bauzasno pb14:51
DinaBelovawill fix now14:51
bauzaswe still have an issue even with the fix14:51
bauzasstill the climate.conf14:51
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DinaBelovaI fixed cong example?14:51
bauzasbut mine not :p14:51
bauzasanyway, you still need to fix the ClimateException14:52
DinaBelovai suppose that might be another cr :?14:52
DinaBelovawill you be ok with having it in this one?14:52
bauzas2014-01-24 15:52:41.866 30242 CRITICAL climate [-] Plugin Configuration error : You have provided several plugins for one resource type in configuration file. Please set one plugin per resource type.14:52
DinaBelovaset one please14:53
bauzasthis f*** dummy_vm plugin is making me crazy14:53
DinaBelovai'll add this change to current VM change14:55
DinaBelovaok with that?14:55
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bauzasDinaBelova: sorry, can't get it14:56
bauzaswhat do you want ?14:56
DinaBelovasorry, i'm about exceptions exceptions->common_ex14:56
bauzasgot it14:56
DinaBelovaFile "/home/bauzas/climate/climate/manager/", line 352, in _basic_action14:56
bauzasbut what do you want about it ?14:56
DinaBelovathis one problem14:56
bauzasyep please, another patchset14:57
bauzasbut hold on14:57
DinaBelovaanother change? or patch set?14:57
bauzaswtf ?14:58
bauzasI would prefer another patchset for the common_ex thing14:59
bauzaspretty crazy14:59
bauzasabout the unshelve thing14:59
DinaBelovai'm quite shocked14:59
bauzasI'll pdf14:59
bauzasI'll pdb14:59
bauzasgive me a min14:59
DinaBelovayou have one till our meeting :)15:00
DinaBelovago to meeting :)15:01
bauzasdammit, introspecting the nova objecty15:03
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bauzas(Pdb) nova_client.servers.shelve15:10
bauzas*** AttributeError: 'ServerManager' object has no attribute 'shelve'15:10
bauzas(Pdb) nova_client.servers.suspend15:10
bauzas<bound method ServerManager.suspend of <novaclient.v1_1.servers.ServerManager object at 0x2627450>>15:10
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DinaBelovaNikolay_St, please help bauzas to fix all this moment15:43
bauzaswell, there is not much to do now15:43
bauzasI shelved the instance because I was not on my venv but devstack15:43
bauzason my venv, I don't have the action15:43
bauzasthe main frustrating point is that we just discover the issue now15:44
bauzasso we're running out of time and depending on a new release15:44
bauzaswhich can last 1 week or 215:44
bauzasbecause we also need to update the oslo requirements...15:44
bauzashere is the problem :15:45
bauzaseither we wait for 2.16 which can arrive in more than one week15:45
bauzasor, we ask for master in the requirements15:45
DinaBelovabauzas, last is not a working variant15:46
DinaBelovathat will ruin our gate15:46
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, write letter right now please15:46
DinaBelovainclude there novaclient ptl15:46
bauzasthat said, are you sure the requirements check would fail ?15:46
DinaBelovabauzas, yep, pretty sure15:47
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, am I right?15:47
SergeyLukjanovI'm here15:47
SergeyLukjanovwhich question?15:47
DinaBelovawe've got problem15:47
DinaBelovawe need new novaclient release to be done :)15:48
bauzasis also the Nova extension patch potentially having the same issue ?15:48
DinaBelovato have working Climate code15:48
SergeyLukjanovthat's a problem15:48
bauzasthat's a big one indeed15:48
DinaBelovabauzas, not really... it uses only nova extension mechanism15:48
DinaBelovait should work ok15:48
bauzasok, I'll test it anyway15:49
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, last novaclient release is Sep 201315:49
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: how can we make sure the reqs are followed if by using devstack ?15:49
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: that's a terrible error-prone thing15:49
SergeyLukjanovyou could try to ping Russel directly15:49
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov we have this problem because of devstack testing lab :(15:50
DinaBelovareqs are missing there15:50
DinaBelovabecause of masters15:50
bauzasreqs are not missing15:50
bauzasthey are followed15:50
bauzasmaster is > 2.15.0 :)15:50
DinaBelovabauzas, I used wrong word, sorry15:50
bauzasluckly I am to be using a venv15:50
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, you here?15:51
bauzasI think the lib/climate stuff would be installing climate on a venv15:51
SergeyLukjanovwhich kind of problem you have with client?15:51
SergeyLukjanovnova client*15:51
SergeyLukjanovlack of features?15:51
bauzasthat's potentially the only option I see15:51
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: yup15:51
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov surrent version cannot shelve/unshelve15:51
SergeyLukjanovthe easiest option is too backport it to your code15:51
SergeyLukjanovand use15:51
DinaBelovaI see Nick has written letter15:51
SergeyLukjanovI think it's something like 20-50 lines of code15:52
SergeyLukjanovI've do the same in savanna15:52
bauzasgood idea15:52
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, forward this letter directly to Russel please15:52
Nikolay_StSergeyLukjanov: really not bad15:52
bauzasDinaBelova: I think SergeyLukjanov's idea is brilliant15:52
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: I'm working on it15:52
SergeyLukjanovwe find the lack of features in nova client, I've implemented it in savanna and then contributed it to the nova client15:52
bauzasDinaBelova: because we already override the nova client15:52
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov I'm proud of my nice fiance :)15:53
bauzaswe only need to backport the shelve/unshelve stuff15:53
SergeyLukjanovlet me find the code in savanna15:53
bauzaswe already have the __getattr_ stuff15:53
SergeyLukjanovhere is how we're doing it15:54
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, we even do not need this - we have to write only two methods15:54
bauzaswe only need to create a shelve method15:55
SergeyLukjanovthe best approach is to inherit from the manager and add methods you need15:55
bauzassorry, an unshelve method15:55
SergeyLukjanovpersonally I dislike __getattr__ approach due to the tricky behavior of this devil feature15:56
bauzasabout inheritance ?15:56
bauzasthat's something manageable IMHO15:56
DinaBelovaok, we'll do it somehow - way does not really matter how now :D15:57
DinaBelovaI'll add this15:57
SergeyLukjanovanyway, you have several workarounds for the problem you've faced15:57
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: I'll try to fix it on weekend, or early Monday16:00
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: I think it'll be okay16:00
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, I'll do it now16:00
DinaBelovait will be quicker16:00
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: as you wish16:01
bauzasand test it :)16:01
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
DinaBelovabauzas, I've proposed change16:27
DinaBelovait need to be tested16:27
DinaBelovaif you still have your venv16:28
DinaBelovayou may try :D16:28
bauzasyour patch sounds good to me16:29
bauzasI'm running out of time, but I'm testing it16:29
bauzasI'll have to go in 10 mins16:29
bauzasdaughter etc.16:29
DinaBelovabauzas, sure :)16:30
bauzasmaybe one remark about the import16:30
bauzasfrom novaclient.v1_1 import servers16:30
bauzasI'm good with it16:30
bauzasprovided it's only a quick and dirty backport that we don't keep16:31
DinaBelovabauzas, I also though about it16:31
DinaBelovaas soon 2.16 will be release16:31
DinaBelovaI'll just drop all these lines16:31
bauzasthat was what I thought16:31
bauzasjust the create_image stuff needs to be managed too16:32
bauzasbecause that one won't be part of 2.16.016:32
DinaBelovaI'll leave ServerManager and will replace resource type by usual one16:32
DinaBelovaand it'll look nice I think16:32
DinaBelovaonly moment I'm not sure now16:33
DinaBelovawithout testing16:33
DinaBelovaI'm not sure ClimateServer will understand what manager to use16:33
DinaBelovastill it has to16:33
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bauzasdammit, the common_ex stuff16:37
bauzasI have to go16:38
DinaBelovai'll provide new change request for it16:38
DinaBelovanot new PS, but CR16:39
DinaBelovaand will put VM staff on it16:39
DinaBelovanew PS16:39
DinaBelovait will be better16:39
DinaBelovawill see)))16:39
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Updated from global requirements

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