Tuesday, 2014-02-04

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bauzasDinaBelova: ping ?08:14
bauzasDinaBelova: ping ? (again :D)08:18
DinaBelovapong :)08:18
bauzaswow, got a ACK !08:18
DinaBelovasorry, was writing installation guide (without devstack) :)08:18
bauzaswell, it was actually more likely a SYN/ACK08:18
bauzasno pb08:19
bauzasI bet you'll need my help for the client commands08:19
bauzasI was planning to write a blogpost entry08:19
DinaBelovawhy not :)08:19
bauzasonce Climate would be release08:19
DinaBelovaI'm plannihg to do it today08:20
bauzasabout the blogpost? cool08:20
DinaBelovacause everything seems nice08:20
DinaBelovanah, about release08:20
bauzasoh ok08:20
DinaBelovaor are we speaking about different things?08:20
bauzasindeed :D08:20
bauzasok for the release :)08:20
DinaBelovaok, my today plans are please+docs :)08:20
bauzasI'll write the blogpost entry by today then :)08:21
DinaBelovaok, good08:21
bauzaswhere are you putting the docs ? readthedocs ?08:21
bauzasor on the wikipage?08:21
bauzaswikipage is good enough08:21
DinaBelovacause we have naming problem almost everywhere08:22
DinaBelovaPyPi, readthedocs08:22
DinaBelovaso now it'll be better to do that on wiki :)08:22
bauzasthat's something we need to discuss08:22
bauzasI would love changing the name08:22
bauzasbut if we change the name, we loose all the work we did about visibility08:22
DinaBelovaI set with topic for today's meeting08:22
DinaBelovasometimes we need that :(08:23
bauzaswell, maybe we should consider to announce + incubate before changing name08:23
DinaBelovaalso we may write quite long time smth like bla-bla (ex Climate) or smth08:23
bauzaswell, maybe08:23
DinaBelovabauzas, the problem is about pypi08:24
bauzasmaybe the pypi package is a patent troll ? :D08:24
DinaBelovanah, it's some cli utils08:24
DinaBelovaquite long time08:24
bauzastoo bad we didn't noticed this before08:24
DinaBelovaand on rtfd - there is other climate08:24
bauzasok, let's discuss it during the next meeting today08:25
bauzashow will you release ? openstack-climate ?08:25
DinaBelovaon rtfd it was old one thing08:25
DinaBelovaon pypi it's nes08:26
bauzasI fear that anne gentle and other people would shoot us08:26
DinaBelovaI will release as climate but will put tarball only on launchpad08:26
DinaBelovano pypi08:26
bauzasoh ok08:26
DinaBelovabecause now that's quite impossible08:26
bauzasbtw, have you seen Anne Gentle's thread ?08:26
DinaBelovawe need new name08:26
bauzaswith Barbican ?08:26
DinaBelovait was quick look08:27
bauzasthey're using #openstack-barbican as room name08:27
DinaBelovaI missed smth there?08:27
DinaBelovathat's also one more reason08:27
bauzasand anne replied them they can't use openstack as trademark for the room08:27
bauzasbut look above this text on the name of our room :D08:27
DinaBelovacause #climate was also on freenode :)08:27
bauzasthat's jd__ and ppetit who did the creating08:28
DinaBelovaclimate is really bad name, cause it's used almost everywhere08:28
bauzascreated #climate08:28
DinaBelovaI know that08:28
bauzasok, let's vote during the meeting08:28
DinaBelovaas I remember08:29
DinaBelovawhen I took a look on #climate08:29
DinaBelovait was created in 200508:29
DinaBelovaalthough now I simple do not see it at all08:30
DinaBelovain list of freenode chanels08:30
bauzasnah, you're rtight08:31
bauzas(09:30:54) ChanServ: (notice) Registered : May 15 00:12:25 2008 (5 years, 38 weeks, 0 days, 08:18:28 ago)08:31
bauzas(09:30:54) ChanServ: (notice) Last used  : May 25 22:41:57 2008 (5 years, 36 weeks, 3 days, 09:48:56 ago)08:31
bauzasI have one other thing to discuss, about incubation08:31
DinaBelovaok, what one?08:31
bauzas** Project APIs should be reasonably stable08:31
DinaBelovanice wish :)08:32
bauzasI think it's mandatory to move to Pecan before asking for incubation :)08:32
DinaBelovaalso we need devstack ;)08:32
bauzasthat was another point08:32
DinaBelovabauzas, at lease support two APIs08:32
DinaBelovaas you're doing now08:32
bauzasanyway, the new API controller is nearly done08:33
bauzasI'm just facing issues with errors managemetn08:33
bauzascause I need to implement a middleware app08:33
bauzasthat's done, but under troubleshoot08:33
bauzasWSME serializes any Exception08:34
bauzasreturned by the Manager08:34
bauzasthat's by design08:34
DinaBelovanice :)08:34
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bauzasso I need to handle and deserialize it08:34
bauzasin order to keep compatibility with our previous code08:34
bauzasit will also require unittests08:35
bauzasbut I think that won't be a huge thing08:35
DinaBelovaat least you may publish draft08:35
bauzasI don't have too many new classes08:35
DinaBelovaor just 1st ps08:35
bauzassure, was planning to do it08:35
DinaBelovaso I may start looking on it08:35
DinaBelovaok, thanks08:35
bauzasbut I really need to fix the middleware stuff08:35
bauzasPEP333 is my friend :)08:36
bauzasok, will fix it by today, and begin writing a blogpost for PRs08:36
DinaBelovaok, nice, that will be great08:36
bauzasDinaBelova: I just remember, I spoke with Thierry09:24
bauzasabout Climate and other stuff09:24
bauzasDinaBelova: so I got his feeling about the possible incubation request09:25
DinaBelovabauzas, and? ^)09:47
DinaBelovaplease, give me some more facts :)09:47
bauzasDinaBelova: ahah, I like spoiling :p09:47
DinaBelovaplease, give me some more facts :)09:47
bauzasDinaBelova: so, the good news is that Thierry knows us09:47
bauzasDinaBelova: and appreciate our work09:48
DinaBelovaare there bad news?09:48
bauzasDinaBelova: he also think we won't have any difficulties in terms of technical support09:48
bauzasDinaBelova: he only fears that Climate would maybe the yet-another-one project asking to be incubated09:49
DinaBelovabauzas, that's why we'll work carefully on mission09:49
bauzasDinaBelova: there are discussions with the Board and TC about if Openstack needs to pause09:49
bauzasin terms of what is Openstack and blah blah blah09:49
DinaBelovacause all other things we have...09:49
DinaBelovayep, i know that09:49
bauzasDinaBelova: yep, that's maybe why we have to be flexible09:50
DinaBelovathey've lots of such discussions now09:50
DinaBelovabauzas, u mean?09:50
bauzasDinaBelova: I care about the project, but the problem is about the Program09:50
DinaBelovaI was looking at current ones09:51
DinaBelovait seems like we have to define new09:51
bauzasDinaBelova: you know, we currently only have computation resources in place09:51
bauzasDinaBelova: yep, think so too09:51
DinaBelovayep, but that's only beginning09:51
DinaBelovaprogram + mission + roadmap09:51
bauzasDinaBelova: but Thierry also thinks about the possibility to ask for incubating the project under the Compute wing09:51
DinaBelovadid you explain that it's computation only for 0.1?09:52
DinaBelovaand he?09:52
bauzaswell, he said OK, but he's not the only guy deciding :)09:52
bauzasso, here is what I think :09:52
bauzas1. we ask for Project + Program09:53
bauzas2. depending on the dicussions, it can lead to 2 options :09:53
bauzasa. they think we are too early for a Program standing by its own09:53
bauzasb. they say ok09:54
DinaBelovayep, correct09:54
bauzasand if they say a.09:54
bauzasyet another 2 options :09:54
bauzasa.a. : they say to us "come back later"09:54
DinaBelovaa.b go to Compute09:55
bauzasa.b. : they or we propose the compute wing until we finish either Cinder or Neutron resources reservations09:55
bauzasand then we ask for a Program request09:55
DinaBelovaI think that's nice09:56
bauzasthat would be bad that the project would get refused because of a Program problem09:56
bauzasProjects != programs09:56
DinaBelova'cause we do not really have choice here09:56
bauzasand Barbican is really an example to us09:56
bauzasthey only manage keys09:56
bauzasso that's definitely a project without a Program09:57
bauzasunder the Identity umbrella09:57
DinaBelovapure Barbican, they are example for lots of young projects..09:57
bauzasGantt is a counter-example :D09:57
bauzaslots of politics here :D09:57
bauzasI'm really upset about the project and how they bypassed most of the process09:58
bauzasie. they put it into the openstack namespace09:58
bauzascreated and claimed their own project09:58
bauzasand no real discussion happened09:59
bauzasas goes Solum09:59
DinaBelovathat's quite strange (i mean Solum)09:59
bauzasthere was a French guy called Montesquieu09:59
bauzasthat said something like09:59
DinaBelovalots of people are cores, but they do not really take any part :(09:59
bauzaslet me translate it09:59
bauzasoops, it was Jean de la Fontaine :)10:00
bauzasmy bad10:00
bauzasSelon que vous serez puissant ou misérable Les jugements de cour vous rendront blanc ou noir.10:01
bauzasDepending on whether you are powerful or not, the decision of the court rules whether you are innocent or not10:02
DinaBelovaI still have that PERFECT Chinese tea I bought in HK ^_^10:03
DinaBelovaas I love tea so much, I'm still REALLY impressed by its quality10:04
bauzasoh, it reminds me we only have 10 days left for submitting a talk10:04
DinaBelovayep, I know that10:04
DinaBelovaI suppose I may submit talk about Climate itself, and (for both u and me to present it)10:05
DinaBelovaand I know about your wish about 2 more talks10:05
DinaBelovamore connected with PR10:05
DinaBelovai think that's good10:05
bauzaswell, here is what I propose10:05
bauzas1. one global talk for Climate10:06
bauzas2. one talk about PRs10:06
bauzas(but open enough for discussing about VRs in case the first one wouldn't get elected)10:06
bauzasthe idea of 2. is to be more likely a hands-on session10:07
bauzasthe third one would be the next steps for Climate10:07
bauzaswhat do you think about it ?10:07
bauzas1. pure explanation talk10:07
bauzas2. hands-on session10:07
bauzas3. next steps10:08
bauzas3 chances to get a winning ticket :)10:08
DinaBelovaI think that's nice10:08
bauzasI guess 1. will be hard10:08
bauzasI have to look at the different sessions10:08
bauzasI know some are easier to get in10:09
bauzaslemme look10:09
DinaBelovaI seems to me that it's a chance we'll win more than one position there10:09
DinaBelovaI mean I even have doubts about that one talk10:09
DinaBelovaso it might be a chance we'll have to discuss all these things on one talk10:10
bauzaswell, we are only proposing abstracts :)10:10
DinaBelovasure ;)10:10
bauzasRelated OSS Projects : can have one talk10:10
bauzasHands-On Workshops (90 minutes)  : can have one talk10:11
bauzasEcosystem, Products & Services  : can have one talk10:11
bauzasCompute : can have one talk10:11
bauzaswe can even try a 5th one :10:11
bauzasOperations : one talk10:12
DinaBelovaIt seems to me that we should ask SergeyLukjanov and jd__ to give us some advice :)10:12
DinaBelovajust because they are quite experienced here10:12
DinaBelovajd__, we are thinking about summit talks10:13
DinaBelovalike how much and in what tracks :)10:13
bauzasdirect IRC pings is magic10:13
jd__I think it depends on what you want to present10:13
jd__you can try to propose one deep dive into the tech session10:13
DinaBelova[14:07:53]  <bauzas> 1. pure explanation talk10:13
DinaBelova[14:07:58]  <bauzas> 2. hands-on session10:13
DinaBelova[14:08:02]  <bauzas> 3. next steps10:13
jd__and one on the scenario you're addressing from a business/high level point in any other track10:14
bauzasjd__: when proposing a talk, we can select more than one track10:14
bauzasjd__: does that mean it will duplicate the talk ?10:14
jd__no, I think if you propose several they will pick one for you10:15
bauzasjd__: makes sense :)10:15
jd__also probably according to the space available10:15
bauzasjd__: yep10:15
DinaBelovanice, that might help us10:15
jd__and they do ask for that question10:15
jd__"If you selected more than one topic, which would you consider your primary topic?"10:16
bauzasjd__: gotcha10:16
jd__you could also propose a hands-on session, but I think it'd be hard to do10:16
DinaBelovacause really we have two talks - 'Climate now and future steps' - that's quite general, and more technical talk10:16
bauzasjd__: I was thinking of it10:16
jd__keeping people busy and interested for 90 minutes on a young project  like that, it's going to be challenging10:17
DinaBelovajd__, +110:17
DinaBelovawe need much more interested people10:17
DinaBelovato hold there attention 90 mins10:17
bauzasjd__: but could it be a talk about the code itself ?10:17
jd__bauzas: not that deep, I don't think anybody would be interested10:18
bauzasjd__: ie. could we have both an hands-on about how to use Climate for managing VMs and hosts, and then a deep dive into contributing to it ?10:18
jd__but you can do a presentation on what it does and how it works10:18
jd__bauzas: in one session?10:18
bauzasjd__: well, dunno :)10:18
jd__I would do that in one session yeah, installing it and hacking on it10:19
jd__you can propose that and a talk, anyway, people will vote in the end for what they want to see in Atlanta10:19
DinaBelovaanyway, 90 mins is too much for CLimate10:19
jd__90 mins is long yeah10:19
DinaBelovait seems like best tracks for our wishes are Operations and Related OSS Projects / Ecosystem, Products & Services10:20
bauzasI have to look at the previous sessions of the track in HK10:20
bauzasDinaBelova: +110:20
DinaBelovame too :D10:20
DinaBelovaanyway, we've got 10 days to decide :)10:20
bauzasand write sexiest enough abstracts :D10:21
DinaBelovaI think end of this week / starting of next one is a goood time for submitting10:21
DinaBelovaI may know some man :) Who writes the sexiest abstracts I've ever seen10:21
DinaBelovaI think he'll help us10:22
bauzasany help is welcome :)10:22
bauzaswell, seems like this Hands-On sessions of 90 mins is new10:24
DinaBelovait seems I need to go soon afk10:24
DinaBelovaSergey finally arrives to Saratov :)10:24
bauzasthe previous workshop sessions lasted 40 misn10:24
bauzasoh oh10:24
bauzastoo bad I had no chance to meet him :(10:24
bauzasgive him a warm welcome :D10:25
DinaBelovasure :D10:25
DinaBelovaalso our wedding rings finally arrived to jewellery shop too ^_^10:25
DinaBelovaso we'll have quite busy day :D10:25
bauzasWorkshops are the equivalent to Atlanta's hands-on sessions10:27
bauzaslasting 90 mins10:28
DinaBelovayep, see that10:28
jd__Sergey as at FOSDEM, right?10:28
bauzasjd__: yep10:28
bauzasjd__: well, he was at ttx's sprint10:29
jd__that's what I thought, but I didn't run into him :)10:29
bauzasjd__: me too10:29
DinaBelovasometimes it happens :)10:29
DinaBelovathere were BIG problems with getting visa to Belgium :(10:29
jd__I heard about that from ttx10:30
DinaBelovaso they were only on Friday on  sprint10:30
bauzasDinaBelova: well, I have a story about that10:31
bauzasDinaBelova: I have a good friend who works for Y! in Germany as Security manager10:32
bauzasDinaBelova: and any times he goes to the US for talks, he's having hard times10:32
DinaBelovayes, US visa is hard too))10:33
bauzasa Russian working in EU for an US company on security concerns raise so much flags for visas...10:33
bauzasthey become paranoid10:33
DinaBelovaalthough I got it first time I tried10:33
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DinaBelovafolks, I think for our todays meeting we'll go to #openstack-meeting-314:57
DinaBelovait'll be free there14:57
DinaBelovabauzas, ok with that?14:58
bauzasstill beating with my loving PEP33314:59
DinaBelovagood luck :D15:00
bauzasnah, I will win15:00
bauzasseems like the room is taken15:00
DinaBelovareally strange15:00
bauzasprobably the PTL missed the #endmeeting15:00
DinaBelovaHorizon guys have meeting at 16 utc, not 15 utc15:00
bauzasf_rossigneux: you there ?15:03
DinaBelovaf_rossigneux, if you see that go to #openstack-meeting-315:04
DinaBelovawe have climate meeting today there15:04
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm currently stuck with the error management15:35
bauzasI created a topic on the ML with WSME15:35
bauzasDinaBelova: I would really appreciate your ideas15:36
bauzasI'll publish the draft now so you'll be able to take a look15:36
bauzasDinaBelova: please consider it as a draft yet :)15:36
DinaBelovaok, sure :)15:39
bauzasthe draft is publishing15:39
bauzas... :)15:39
DinaBelovaI need to go afk on 30-40 mins :)15:39
bauzasshould be done in 1 min :D15:39
DinaBelovawill return then15:39
bauzasthat's enough15:39
bauzasah ok15:39
bauzasno pb15:39
DinaBelovaI mean for, not on >_<15:39
bauzaslet's discuss it tomorrow then15:39
DinaBelovasmth wrong with my english :)15:39
DinaBelovaok, thanks :)15:40
bauzasdon't worry, the patch is big, but that's basically renaming stuff15:41
bauzasall the new magic comes in api.v215:41
bauzasI just patched cmd.api15:41
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7104818:15
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7104918:15
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7105018:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7105018:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate-nova: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7104918:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Fix setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/7104818:39
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107219:14
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107319:14
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107419:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107419:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate-nova: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107319:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Add LICENSE and MANIFEST.in files  https://review.openstack.org/7107219:27
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