Thursday, 2014-03-06

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DinaBelovabauzas1, you there?08:57
DinaBelovaSylvain, is that possible to name get methods in controllers like 'get' and 'list' instead of 'get_one' and 'get_all' in your v2 api change? Or it's pecan+wsme stuff?09:00
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bauzas1DinaBelova: I can't09:30
bauzas1DinaBelova: it's inheriting from rest.RestController09:30
DinaBelovabauzas1, ok, so that's restcontroller stuff09:31
DinaBelovaok, gotcha09:31
bauzas1DinaBelova: I can define extra methods tho09:31
DinaBelovanah, not needed09:31
DinaBelovaI just prefer get and list, but I'm ok with inherited methods09:31
bauzas1I have a new patchset to provide today09:38
bauzas1because the docs gate is failing because of path change for lease and hosts09:39
DinaBelovayes, saw it already09:42
bauzas1anyway, I'll patch the Pecan main patch09:43
bauzas1for adding unittests09:43
bauzas1and I need to strenghthen the context hook09:43
bauzas1because when loading extensions using stevedore, if no extensions, the after() call is made without a before() call for context09:44
bauzas1I definitely need to get some status about if a stack is empty or not09:44
bauzas1cf. the discussion I had with YorikSar :)09:44
DinaBelovayes, I got it yesterday09:45
DinaBelovagood idea you discussed it09:45
bauzas1well, I fixed one race condition09:45
bauzas1by removing an on_error() call09:45
bauzas1but I got a 2nd one...09:45
bauzas1if no extensions are loaded, Pecan is still loading after() hooks09:46
bauzas1that's horrible09:46
DinaBelovawell, I suppose you may try to catch Yuriy one more time today - but if no other solution, I'm ok with that hack with understanding is stack is empty09:46
bauzas1I can amend the patch, and he'll review it09:54
bauzas1he likes doing reviews on my patches :D09:54
DinaBelovahe loves just *reviews*09:57
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pcargnelHi, someone has successfuly debugged the module using pycharm? I'm able to get pydev connected but pycharm don't allow me to actually debug the code. It's just paused in the IDE :s11:51
DinaBelovaM-m, I'm using pdb, dunno..11:58
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, do you know smth?11:58
DinaBelovabauzas1, do you have fresh env with climate?12:10
DinaBelovaI've got some problems, hm :(12:10
DinaBelovaAnd I want to understand if they are my local or not12:11
* SergeyLukjanov using pdb too12:23
bauzas1DinaBelova: which problems ?12:26
* bauzas1 is also using import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fancy stuff12:27
DinaBelovaheh, I have env with climate12:27
DinaBelovaand oslo update patch12:27
bauzas1yup ?12:27
DinaBelovaand i was testing it - it seems oslo is working ok12:27
bauzas1yeah ?12:27
DinaBelovabut when CLimate is trying to use trusts to auth in keystone12:27
DinaBelovathere is anauthorized error12:27
DinaBelovalike "you should pass trust or password or token"12:28
DinaBelovaas trust was passed12:28
bauzas1I don't get it12:28
DinaBelovai'm a little surprized12:28
DinaBelovawhen Climate is trying to unshelve vm12:28
bauzas1I currently have an issue when recreating a venv using tox12:28
DinaBelovait uses trust12:28
DinaBelovaand fails12:28
bauzas1ImportError: cannot import name Feature12:29
bauzas1do you get it N12:29
DinaBelovawow, smth new :)12:29
DinaBelovathat's smth new for me12:29
DinaBelovaI'm using devstack env, so i did not get it12:29
DinaBelovaalthough I did not have it without devstack too12:30
bauzas1    from setuptools import setup, Extension, Feature12:30
bauzas1ImportError: cannot import name Feature12:30
bauzas1quite strangr12:30
DinaBelovayes - it seems definitely some local env stuff12:33
bauzas1seems my issue disappeared as I rebuilt my venv by hand12:41
bauzas1DinaBelova: do you want me to test your patch ?12:42
DinaBelovabauzas1, please work on your issue13:04
DinaBelovaI'll try to understand what's going on13:04
DinaBelovayou have important thing to do :)13:04
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bauzas1I really don't understand why the docs venv is failing13:20
DinaBelovafor the 1st change?13:20
DinaBelovaapi v2&13:20
DinaBelovaAs I see there is smth weird with wsme param13:22
DinaBelovawhile docs generating13:22
bauzas1I'm on it13:23
bauzas1this is a validation error13:23
DinaBelovaoh, ok13:23
bauzas1but I need to test before changing13:23
bauzas1so, I ran the tox -edocs13:23
bauzas1but I'm getting this weird issue13:23
bauzas1the most strange thing is that pip installs correctly within the venv if by hand13:24
bauzas1only when running tox, it does fail13:24
bauzas1so, I'll run the docs generation by hand13:24
bauzas1create the venv, install the reqs and run the sphinx build13:24
casanch1hello guys, good morning (for me)13:25
bauzas1hi casanch113:25
casanch1do you know what could be going on with this?
casanch1yesterday I rebased, regenerated the sample config file13:25
casanch1but pep8 still fails13:26
casanch1because of the configuration differences13:26
DinaBelovacasanch1, I've left comments13:26
bauzas1what's telling you a local tox -r -epep8 ?13:26
DinaBelovait's because of big unmerged oslo patch13:27
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DinaBelova - it'll fix it13:27
DinaBelovait's because new oslo.messaging release13:27
DinaBelovaand new oslo-incubator files13:27
DinaBelovaonly after will be megred we'll have working gate13:27
DinaBelovabtw, I was testing it13:28
DinaBelovaand it seems ok to me13:28
bauzas1DinaBelova: the log error doesn't show it13:28
bauzas1DinaBelova: I guess he still has to perform a local conf update13:28
DinaBelovaone moment13:28
DinaBelovano, I'm right13:29
DinaBelovait's because of  merged to oslo.messaging13:29
DinaBelovait's released now13:29
DinaBelovaand there was change to incubator
DinaBelovathat fixed that mismatch13:29
casanch1I have done the local update13:29
casanch1let me do it once more13:30
DinaBelovabut now climate oslo is not updated, while messaging is13:30
DinaBelovaso there is error13:30
bauzas1DinaBelova: ok13:30
bauzas1well, the top prio is to validate the oslo-incubator update within Climate then13:30
casanch1yes, please :)13:31
DinaBelovayes, as I said in all changes :D13:31
DinaBelovaI was testing it, and it looks ok to me13:31
bauzas1DinaBelova: sorry, that's still Winter, I'm still sleeping as a bear :)13:31
DinaBelovaI can understand that :D13:31
bauzas1ok, the risk is less important than the benefit, I'll give +2 on it13:31
bauzas1I prefer to have all patches validated13:32
DinaBelovawe'll merge it now :D13:32
bauzas1go for it13:32
bauzas1+2/A given13:32
DinaBelovaI was testing some ops like lease get/list/update/etc.13:32
DinaBelovaso it seems ok for the first sight13:32
bauzas1DinaBelova: I prefer to have regression on code13:32
casanch1after it's merged I will update again the notification bp patch set13:32
casanch1thank you bauzas1 DinaBelova13:33
bauzas1we all have to run a new Jenkins check :)13:33
DinaBelovathank u :)13:33
bauzas1sorry for the delay13:33
bauzas1this kind of top prio bug must be handled13:33
bauzas1DinaBelova: I found why my validation fails13:34
bauzas1DinaBelova: lemme share you some bits of my WSME loving world :)13:34
bauzas1because '2' is str13:34
bauzas1and u'2' is unicode13:35
bauzas1and for the love of dear, six.text_type checks only unicodes13:35
bauzas1and wsme.types.text as well13:35
DinaBelovaI love that you're doing that, not me :D I would become much crazier much earlier13:35
bauzas1well, that's cool, because the docs check raised me a bug13:36
bauzas1I shall accept also raw strings13:36
bauzas1I still have to doublecheck with py33 support tho13:36
DinaBelovaok, cool13:37
bauzas1well, it will work anyway13:37
bauzas1because str(x) in Py3 will return an unicode13:37
bauzas1anyway, you see my loving world13:37
bauzas1DinaBelova: still there ?15:12
bauzas1I think I got same problem as you15:12
bauzas1you won, problem reproduced :)15:12
DinaBelovaI cannot say I'm happy :D15:13
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, as I remember you said there was smth strange with heat too?15:13
DinaBelovathe same problem with keystoneclient?15:13
bauzas1is it the same for you ?15:14
DinaBelovawell, it looks so15:14
bauzas1that's happening on the authenticate() method15:15
bauzas1really strange15:15
DinaBelovaalthough I've seen somewhere some message15:15
DinaBelovayes, I got this error from uthenticate too15:15
bauzas1wtf ?15:15
casanch1hey guys, this failes again for the configuration file. Will have to rebase master I think15:15
bauzas1casanch1: I guess so15:15
DinaBelovabauzas1, here is mine
DinaBelovathere is a little bit more info15:17
bauzas1well, that log is a logentry15:18
bauzas1I mean mine15:18
DinaBelovaI mean this phrase - AuthorizationFailure: Authorization failed: Expecting to find project, domain, or OS-TRUST:trust in scope. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400)15:18
bauzas1from the API15:18
DinaBelovamine from manager15:18
DinaBelovayou have error while lease creation?15:18
DinaBelovayes, you do15:19
DinaBelovaI have on_start15:19
DinaBelovawe have different situations15:19
DinaBelovamy lease is created ok15:19
DinaBelovabut it cannon start in proper way15:19
bauzas1really really strange15:21
bauzas1I can't request for a trust15:21
DinaBelovawhat does your keystone log say?15:22
bauzas1well, I have to see15:26
bauzas1I don't have so much info15:29
SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, you should talk with Alex Ignatov about it, I'm not aware about which issues are in savanna15:45
SergeyLukjanovwith Heat15:45
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openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Update openstack.common with latest oslo-incubator
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openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Sends notifications at lease events
openstackgerritCristian A Sanchez proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Update openstack.common with latest oslo-incubator
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add extensions for API v2 controllers
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Port to Pecan/WSME for API v2
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