Tuesday, 2014-03-11

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bauzasDinaBelova: you there ?09:49
bauzasDinaBelova: YorikSar: I was writing the unittests for Pecan and I thought about something related to conductors09:52
bauzasDinaBelova: YorikSar: as I need to mockpatch all the rpc calls, it should be definitely easier if we would be using conductors instead of the manager for placing calls to the DB09:53
bauzasDinaBelova: YorikSar: for CRUD lease/host I mean09:53
bauzasDinaBelova: YorikSar: and as conductors have a local mode (not RPC) we could be having real functional tests without needing Rabbitmq09:54
bauzasDinaBelova: YorikSar: and that would ease a lot the writing for unittests09:54
YorikSarbauzas: Hi09:56
YorikSarbauzas: I don't think that introducing whole conductor just for testing is a good way.09:57
bauzasYorikSar: of course, I'm just saying that's another pro for it09:58
YorikSarbauzas: If you need some shortcut for testing, you can just mock call() and cast() methods...09:58
YorikSarbauzas: Oh, look, there's a fake driver for oslo.messaging. You can use that for testing.09:59
bauzasfor sure09:59
bauzasok, let me think about it09:59
bauzasbecause that's quite ugly to monkeypatch09:59
YorikSarbauzas: I think, it'd be great if you investigate how it's going to look to use it for testing.10:00
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bauzasYorikSar: the main conceptual issue I'm currently dealing with is that Pecan provides a way to perform *functional* tests10:06
bauzasend-to-end I mean10:06
YorikSarbauzas: How is that an issue? Sounds like a feature to me :)10:07
bauzasYorikSar: so, at the moment, I dealt with patching remote objects instead10:07
bauzasYorikSar: well, anyway, I'll provide a patchset for it, feel free to review it and comment :)10:08
YorikSarbauzas: Ok :)10:08
YorikSarbauzas: btw, I didn't have a chance to look at your new patchset fro Pecan migration.10:11
YorikSarbauzas: I'll try to find some time today.10:11
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bauzasYorikSar: no pb10:35
bauzasYorikSar: I took most of your comments10:35
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bauzasYorikSar: still there ?11:08
bauzasDinaBelova: you too ?11:08
YorikSarbauzas: yep11:09
bauzasYorikSar: so I tested out the fake driver for oslo.messaging11:10
bauzasYorikSar: quite cool11:10
bauzasYorikSar: but that requires to load a Manager11:10
YorikSarbauzas: Just like conductor would require.11:10
bauzasYorikSar: so, I think I'll make use of mock objects per need11:10
bauzasYorikSar: indeed11:11
bauzasYorikSar: at the difference this is not a separate thread11:11
bauzasYorikSar: even a process11:11
bauzasYorikSar: anyway, thanks for providing me pointer around it, will still make use of mock object for direct calls11:12
bauzasYorikSar: as Tempest testsuite is going to be implemented soon11:12
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix REST API docs  https://review.openstack.org/7649311:30
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix work with new keystoneclient master  https://review.openstack.org/7896511:35
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pcargnelDina: About https://review.openstack.org/#/c/79452/, your proposal is to add a max number of retries to the current proposal or to replace the timeout with retries?14:27
DinaBelovaI was about also adding number of retries14:28
DinaBelovalike wait timeout -> try 1 -> try 2 -> try 3 ... -> try n14:28
DinaBelovaor that process will be endless :(14:28
DinaBelovaif there is smth with keystone14:29
DinaBelovaI'm ok with your proposal, but please add max number of retries14:29
pcargnelClear, but the timeout function will cancel the execution after 5 seconds right? Am I missing something?14:32
DinaBelovait looks like I was stupid :)14:33
DinaBelovayou're right :)14:34
DinaBelovaso please just remove tab and it's ok14:34
pcargnelGreat, I will. Thanks for the feedback!14:35
DinaBelovathe only moment - maybe, it's better to set 10 secs for timeout14:37
DinaBelovaI guess 5 is more than needed, but to have some buffer14:37
DinaBelovaof time in case of some difficulties with keystone14:38
pcargnelGreat. I will fix that one too.14:38
openstackgerritPablo Fernando Cargnelutti proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Wait for keystone Service to start  https://review.openstack.org/7945214:56
DinaBelovapcargnel, you here?15:12
DinaBelovaI just understood15:12
DinaBelovathat your change won't be needed if there will be lazy nova client usage in physical host plugin15:13
DinaBelovaso it seems that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76830/ will fix this devstack error too15:13
DinaBelovamay you check if rejoin is working with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76830/ without any devstack changes?15:14
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bauzasDinaBelova: the NovaClient is not lazy15:38
DinaBelovanot novaclient15:38
bauzasDinaBelova: or the review should use the LazyProxy here15:38
DinaBelovaSwann wrote self.nova that is property15:38
DinaBelovaso it will go to keystone only when there will be first request15:39
DinaBelovanot while __init__15:39
DinaBelovaas it is now15:39
DinaBelovaso I believe Swann's change will fix this moment too15:39
pcargnelI'm checking rejoin with the changed that you suggested15:40
DinaBelovapcargnel, thanks15:40
DinaBelovaif it'll work, please add Closes-Bug: #1282534 to Swann's commit and abandon your one15:41
pcargnelNo problem. Ok.15:41
DinaBelovaI'm sorry I did not get this idea before - you spent your time on it :(15:42
bauzasDinaBelova: indeed you're right15:47
bauzasDinaBelova: sorry, I just jumped from the Gantt meeting :D15:47
DinaBelovaonly you and n0ano? :)15:49
bauzasnah, more people there15:49
bauzasDinaBelova: someone had the great idea to propose Gantt for GSoC15:50
bauzasDinaBelova: that's not the most famous idea I know of15:50
DinaBelovawell, as I remember there were some ideas about it in ML too15:50
DinaBelovasome of these letters were really fres15:50
bauzasDinaBelova: yey, but the project itself is not a good opportunity for students starting in May15:51
DinaBelovathat's also true))15:53
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/7964915:56
pcargnelI'm getting an AttributeError during the stack. The same that in the devstack gate job: http://logs.openstack.org/30/76830/3/check/gate-climate-devstack-dsvm/804c35c/logs/screen-climate-m.txt.gz16:00
pcargnelShouldn't that job be in red? :)16:00
casanch1DinaBelova today it is the TC meeting?16:18
bauzascasanch1: yup16:34
bauzascasanch1: I don't think your presence is needed btw., but you can attend anyway16:34
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Use nova client mixin in all plugins modules  https://review.openstack.org/7683016:41
DinaBelovapcargnel, job now is only running, not checking16:51
DinaBelovawe'll do that next16:51
DinaBelovapcargnel, as for error, Swann should fix it - now his change seems not working :(16:52
DinaBelovapcargnel, scroiset has uploaded new patch set, we'll look on it16:53
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Change API v1 path to explicit module  https://review.openstack.org/7813517:09
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add extensions for API v2 controllers  https://review.openstack.org/7830917:09
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Port to Pecan/WSME for API v2  https://review.openstack.org/7101117:09
bauzassay hello to the first unittests for Pecan :)17:10
DinaBelovanice :)17:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/7964917:20
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/7970017:37
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pcargnelDina, I also checked and I'm still having the same issue.18:25
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DinaBelovaYes, that's because there is need to fix smth else to Swann's change19:06
DinaBelovaI hope it'll be done tomorrow19:06
DinaBelovahave left comments to his change, I think he'll look on them)19:07
pcargnelGreat, I will check it tomorrow.19:07
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