Thursday, 2014-03-20

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scroisetpafuent: Hi, it's used to "tag" the aggregate with a tenant : hosts in this aggregate/lease can be used only by this tenant12:41
scroisetcf climate/plugins/oshosts/ L118 and novafilter12:41
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pafuentbauzas: Hi. Regarding the use of trusts in PR plugin, I'm analyzing if I need to keep the climate admin user to create/handle/manage the freepool.13:32
pafuentbauzas: Another option is to use the trusts of users to handle the freepool.13:32
pafuentbauzas: My concern with this option is that the creation of the freepool should be deferred until the first user request something.13:32
bauzaspafuent: there was a recent patch removing the creation of the freepool, plz check13:33
pafuentbauzas: Ok, I'll check it13:33
pafuentbauzas: What about the use of the user trust to add/remove compute host from the freepool?13:34
bauzasthat's something we need to do13:34
pafuentbauzas: Ok, I'll do in that way13:35
pafuentbauzas: BTW, Did you have time to check the alembic patch? Sorry to bother you with this, but that BP is a dependency of a casanch1 BP.13:39
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pafuentDinaBelova: scroiset: Regarding to my patch for use trusts in PR, I think it's ok to implement over
pafuentDinaBelova: scroiset: But I need 76830 patch in master in order to get another change that I need, the creation of the freepool by devstack14:20
pafuentDinaBelova: scroiset: ^^14:42
pafuentDinaBelova: scroiset: ^^15:13
DinaBelovapafuentб щл15:56
DinaBelovait was " pafuent, ok"15:56
DinaBelovaI was afk for ~2 hours15:56
DinaBelovaI'll take a look15:56
DinaBelovathanks for your hard work and investigating!15:56
DinaBelovapafuent, I don't remember if I told it you15:58
DinaBelovabut this week was full with Mirantis internal meetings, and so on15:58
DinaBelovathat's why I was, well, not so available as usually15:58
DinaBelovabut anyway, ping me any time you need15:58
DinaBelovaI'm reading all the logs, etc.15:58
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pafuentDinaBelova: No problem16:05
pafuentDinaBelova: BTW, I wrote a comment in
DinaBelovaI've seen it, will answer16:14
pafuentDinaBelova: Did you had time to check
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